Chapter 32: A Dim Light in the Dark

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You waited alone in the dark. No matter how hard you tried to adjust to the light level, you saw nothing. There was no noise other than your own breathing and heartbeat. You didn't know how long you had been there. Was it an hour? A day? A week? A month? You had no way of telling the time, so all you could do was guess.

Most of the time, you would cry into your knees. You wouldn't even sleep. In all honesty, you were too scared to. You had no clue what might have been lurking in the dark, and that was what scared you. To add to it, you probably looked like crap right now. Your hair would be a mess, there would be dark circles under your eyes, and you had probably thinned at least a little bit.

Throughout your entire time there, you hadn't gotten to eat or drink anything. The burning starvation and aching thirst drove you insane. At this point, anything above a whisper was hell. You had given up on trying the door. Deep down, you knew that there was no escape. If Kirishima didn't come back soon, you knew you'd be dead.

Just as you were about to give up hope completely, a soft click came from the door. You shied away, worried about who it might be. The door swung open, blinding you. Quickly, you covered your eyes in an attempt to protect them. After a few seconds, you moved your hands. Your eyes had adjusted. In the doorway stood Kirishima with a slight smile on his face.

Instantly, you ran over to him, burying your face in his chest and hugging onto him. He pet your hair, hugging you back. "There, there. It's okay, darling." He comforted, looking down at you. Hesitantly, you looked up at him. Tear tracks stained your cheeks and the dark circles were easy to see. "Why don't you take a shower?" He offered, leading you over to one of the bathrooms of the house.

Your face lit up. Kirishima handed you a towel, allowing you to step inside. "I'll wait for you out here." He said, closing the door behind you. Placing the towel on the floor, you turned the water on. You held your hand under the stream, waiting for it to be the right temperature. Once it was, you entered.

Instantly, your worries melted away. The water trickled down your body, easing your mind. For a moment, you just stood there, enjoying the tranquility of the moment. Alas, things must move on. So, you massaged shampoo into your (H/C) hair, enjoying the feeling of finally being clean. The soap ran down your skin along with the water, pooling by the drain. 

After finishing, you were tempted to stay in the shower for longer. Unfortunately, you knew that it was time to get out. So, you turned the water off and stepped onto the mat, grabbing your towel. You dried your hair to the best of your ability and wrapped your towel around your body, looking for something to change into.

Luckily, Kirishima had been thoughtful enough to leave an outfit for you. A (F/C) sweater was hung up on the towel rack. Next to it was a pair of black sweatpants. You sighed gratefully, drying off the rest of your body and putting on the clothes. After spotting a hairbrush by the sink, you gave your hair a quick brush-through and took a glance in the mirror.

You opened the door to the bathroom, but Kirishima wasn't in sight. That was when you recognized a certain smell; food. You followed this smell to the kitchen, where you found Kirishima. "Oh, (Y/N)! There you are. I thought you might be hungry, so I got you some (F/F)." He said, handing you a plate. Instead of exercising caution, as you should have, you ate it almost immediately, happy to have food.

"Before I forget, here's a glass of water, too. You must be thirsty." Kirishima mentioned, handing you a glass. You gently took it and drank almost all of it, before looking down at the ground sheepishly. Putting both of the items down on the counter, you looked back up at the red-haired boy. He noticed your gaze almost immediately. "Is something wrong, darling?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

You shifted your gaze, rubbing your arm with your hand. "H-How long was I i-in there?" You inquired fearfully, looking down at the floor. Kirishima thought for a moment, almost like he was trying to remember. "A week." He answered. Your eyes widened in shock. You had been locked in that basement for a week. Trapped and alone for seven whole days.

"But, now that's over! I promise I won't do that to you ever again... unless you disobey me." Kirishima said, his gaze turning cold before returning to normal again. You brushed it off, figuring that he was just trying to intimidate you. "Why don't we go cuddle and watch TV? I missed you a lot, you know." He offered, holding out his hand. Carefully, you took it and followed him.

Kirishima led you into his living room, laying down on the couch and gesturing for you to do the same. Hesitantly, you laid down next to him. In an instant, the red-haired boy wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him, nuzzling his face into your neck. A deep blush covered your features. These next weeks were definitely going to be something.


"N-No luck yet?"

"Nope, not yet. I think that we're getting closer, though! I mean, there are only three other places that she could be!"

"There's more t-than that..."

"... True. Regardless, I can tell that we're close! She'll be ours soon enough!"

"Y-Yeah... ours."

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