Chapter 12: A Really Horrible Idea

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You slowly woke up, your eyes fluttering open. Most of the girls of class 1-A stood directly above you, waiting for you to finally get up. You resisted the urge to yell, flinching. "Sorry, (Y/N), we were just too excited!" Ochako said, rubbing the back of her neck. You took a deep breath, to calm yourself. "It's fine." You replied, sitting up and waking up fully. It was going to be a morning of hell.

The girls dragged you to Momo's bathroom, brushing through your hair. After messing with it for a few minutes, they were finally satisfied. Ochako and Momo did your makeup, doing their best to keep it mostly natural. Hakagure brought in your uniform, or, you thought it was your uniform. After putting it on, you realized that it was ever-so-slightly too tight. Your face flushed with embarrassment. "Are you sure about this?" You asked, trying to tug the skirt down slightly. 

"Of course! You'll be irresistible if you go to school like this!" Mina answered, touching up your blush. You looked away shyly, rubbing the back of your neck. "But... don't you think that this is a bit much?" You asked, gesturing to your outfit. You felt uncomfortable in something so small. Kyoka nodded. "I agree. The uniform is a bit much."

Mina pouted. "Oh come on! Don't be a party pooper." She said, crossing her arms. You sighed, taking one last look at yourself. "Fine..." You trailed off, deciding that nothing could go wrong. Oh, how wrong you were.


As you walked into the classroom, you noticed that most of the boys had started staring at you. You couldn't exactly say that you were surprised, though. After what the girls did, you wouldn't be surprised if they had started drooling over you. The lesson progressed as usual, for the most part. The only different thing was the feeling that you were being watched. Throughout the class, you shifted uncomfortably. 


When lunch started, you went to go sit with Tamaki, Mirio, and Nejire, as per usual. However, you were stopped before you could get there. Mina had grabbed you by the arm and spun you around, causing you to faceplant into her chest. You quickly recovered, looking up at her. "What was that for?" You asked, slightly annoyed. She rolled her eyes. "Did you forget? We have to make them as jealous as possible!" She said, dragging you over to a table with the rest of the girls.

The girls of class 1-A pretended to fawn over you, complimenting your hair, body figure, face, etc. At first, you weren't sure if it was working. You found it to be kind of stupid, but you didn't say anything. You went along with it, thanking them for the compliments. Soon enough, your face flushed. You weren't used to getting so much recognition. 

After a few minutes, Jiro grabbed your hand and dragged you to a hallway. You were about to question it, but you decided not to. "God, I'm going to regret this." She muttered to herself, rubbing her temple. She took a deep breath, taking a glance toward the cafeteria. "(Y/N)?" She asked, rubbing the back of her neck shyly.

"Yes, Jiro? Did you need something?" You questioned, going along with whatever dumb idea this was. Jiro's face flushed and she looked away, feigning being flustered. "I- uh... I wanted to tell you that I... I like you..." She trailed off. Your face flushed to dark pink. "Jiro, that's so sweet! I... I like you too." You replied, looking up at her. 

Both of you resisted the urge to laugh. Jiro leaned over to your ear. "Holy fuck. If they actually buy this, I'm going to die." She whispered, snickering lightly. The two of you faked a kiss, doing your best not to break character. After that, you and Jiro walked out of the hallway. She walked back over to the table with the rest of the girls, but you had frozen.

Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Midoriya, Shinso, Mirio, and Tamaki were all staring in your direction. You tried to hide your face in your hands as you walked back over to the table. "So, did it work?!" Mina asked excitedly. Ochako glanced over at the boys before looking back to the group. "I'd say it did... they're all staring at us." She mentioned, subtly pointing it out. 

Your face flushed from pink to red. Their staring made you uncomfortable as you shifted awkwardly in your seat. The rest of the lunch went like this. As class started up again, you couldn't shake the sense that something bad was about to happen.


As school came to its end, you walked out of the classroom alone. You tried not to get pushed around in the hallways as you made your way out. Unfortunately, someone pushed you over. You fell onto the floor chest first, almost hitting your face on the tile. Your face flushed red in embarrassment as you realized that your skirt had flipped upwards, showing your undergarments.

You tried to get up but failed. That was until someone picked you up from behind and helped you off the floor. Turning around, you noticed that it was Kirishima. Mirio stood not too far behind him, glaring at the red-haired boy. "Are you okay? I saw you fall." Kirishima said, concern in his eyes. You smiled shyly, blush still prominent on your face. "Yeah... I-I'm okay..." You trailed off, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.

Kirishima smiled, walking beside you. "That's good! I was worried that you hurt yourself!" He exclaimed as the two of you walked together. You laughed nervously. "A little scrape wouldn't have hurt anyway, I'm stronger than that." You replied jokingly. Kirishima laughed. "I know... but I worry about you." He said, shrugging. 

The red-haired boy had walked you home, sharing a joyful conversation with you the whole way there. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Kiri!" You said, waving goodbye. He smiled as he left. "Bye, (Y/N)! Love you!" He called, before turning a bright shade of red. "P-Platonically, of course!" 


"We have to do it now."

"What?! I thought you said that-"

"It doesn't matter. After that stunt she pulled today, everyone's likely to be more restless. If we don't act fast, they'll take her from us."

"I wouldn't let them."

"You act like you're that strong. This is no time to be joking around!"

"I could take them! I'm not the best for nothing!" 

"Just shut up already. We have to do this as fast as possible."

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