Chapter 31: A Villainous Saviour

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You held onto Kirishima for dear life, afraid that either Shinso or Kaminari were going to wake up. His face flushed slightly, but you didn't notice. Burying your face into his chest, you shook slightly. "Hey, hey. It's okay. I've got you." He comforted, rubbing your back. Eventually, you eased yourself into unconsciousness, since you hadn't gotten decent sleep in a while.


When you woke up, Kirishima stood directly in front of you. It looked like he had been watching you for a while. "(Y/N)! You're awake now. That's good..." He trailed off, his red eyes filled with a foreign look. You were confused. Hadn't he just saved you? "Yeah. What happened, exactly?" You asked, wanting answers.

Kirishima took a moment to answer, glancing over at every exit of the room. "You fell asleep in my arms, so I took you back to my place. I know that your parents won't be back for at least a few more weeks, so I thought I'd take care of you." He explained, shrugging. You thought that he was just being generous. "That's really nice of you, Kiri, but I want to stay at my house. Plus, our classmates are probably worried about me." You said, standing up and walking toward the door.

The red-haired boy stopped you, blocking your exit. "I don't think so, cutie. I saved you, so you're mine." He stated with a dangerous glint in his eyes. You backed up, looking up at him fearfully. He took a few teasing steps toward you, causing you to back up more. Before you knew it, your back hit the wall.

"What? Don't I get a kiss for saving the damsel in distress?" Kirishima asked, pinning you to the wall and touching his forehead to yours. You blushed slightly and tried to push him off of you. Unfortunately, he didn't budge. "That all you got, sweetheart?" He teased, pressing his lips to yours. They were surprisingly soft, considering his quirk. 

Kirishima broke away not too long after, smirking at your flustered state. You averted your gaze in embarrassment, shaking slightly. "Don't get shy now, darling~ I've only just started with you." He said, staring down at you. Gulping nervously, you tried to ignore his remark. He rocked hard with laughter, moving back slightly. "Relax, (Y/N)! I was only joking... mostly." He added the last part under his breath, his eyes watching you hungrily. 

You looked past him, trying to figure out some way of escape. Even if you did get out of the door, Kirishima would probably catch you. The best thing to do for now would be to go along with it. Eventually, you could get out of here and find solace in someone. "R-Right... joking." You muttered, trying to steady your racing heartbeat. 

Kirishima's gaze changed. It seemed gentle and caring. "Hey, hey. Look, I'm not going to hurt you. Come here." He eased, embracing you. Regardless of what he had done, the feeling of his arms around you was calming. You didn't understand it, but you didn't want to. For now, it was best if no questions were asked. One of his hands pet you comfortingly, making you melt in his grasp.

"See? Everything's going to be okay. You have nothing to worry about." Kirishima whispered, smiling as your heart rate went back down. He wanted nothing more than to protect you. Unfortunately, his obsession was getting in the way of that. You buried your face in his chest, trying to devise a plan. There had to be some way to get out of here.

After a minute or so of thinking, a plan came to mind. It wasn't a very good plan, but it was the best you had. Mustering all of the courage and strength you had, you punched the poor red-haired boy in 'the' spot, pushing him away from you. He froze in pain and shock for a few seconds, backing up. 

You made a break for the door, just barely able to grip the handle. As you turned the knob to open the door, Kirishima's hand grabbed your wrist. "Not so fast, darling. Don't think that you could beat me that easily." He said, pulling you into his chest again. You pushed against him, trying to escape his tight grip.

A few tears of frustration and fear fell down your cheeks. You looked up, meeting Kirishima's eyes. They were cruel and unforgiving. He still had his grip on one of your wrists, his nails digging into your skin. He wasn't letting go. "Because of your little 'stunt', you're going to be punished." The red-haired boy growled lowly, staring down at you. 

Kirishima began leading you to another area of the house. You pushed against him, trying desperately to escape. "No! L-Let go of me!" You yelled, trying to pry his fingers off of your wrist. He glanced back at you for a split second before his eyes looked forward again, practically ignoring you. "You're insane! Leave me alone!" 

The last sentence seemed to spark Kirishima's interest. He smirked as the two of you reached the location that he had been walking to. His basement. "'Leave you alone'? As you wish." He said, letting go of you and shoving you inside. An evil glint sparked in his eyes as he locked you inside. 

As his footsteps began walking away, you banged on the door. "Wait! N-No! Please!" You begged, trying to open the door. After a few minutes of trying, you gave up. It was pitch black. You had been left alone in pure darkness. Subconsciously, you began crying. Tears slipped down your cheeks as you began to shake, fearing what might happen to you.

Because of what you had done, you were trapped. Alone. It was cold. It was so dark that you couldn't even see your hands in front of you. You didn't even have the sound of a ticking clock to keep you sane. It was so quiet. So dark. So cold. It was enough to drive you insane. You screamed, putting your hands on either side of your head. There wasn't even an echo.


"I d-don't like this."

"I know. Neither do I. It's just not fair."

"The t-teachers say that she's been gone for weeks. But they can't file her as 'missing' because no one's tried to c-contact her yet."

"I guess that makes things easier, though!"

"W-Why do you always have to look on the bright side?"

"Because if I don't, I know that neither of us will. Regardless, we just have to find out who has her."

"That s-should be easy e-enough."

"Right. We can start looking today."

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