Chapter 17: An Event That Would Scar

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You made it to the classroom without any further interruptions, much to your relief. Once you entered, you noticed Todoroki. He was looking out of the window with a bitter expression. "Shoto?" You asked, getting his attention. The icy-hot male seemed relieved to see you. "(Y/N), where have you been?" He replied, standing up and walking over to you. 

You were going to tell him, but you remembered what Midoriya had said to you. "I just... had family business to deal with." You lied, rubbing the back of your neck shyly. Todoroki's eyes narrowed briefly. He could tell that you were lying. "Oh. I understand. I'm sorry for assuming things." He apologized, going to sit back down. His gaze went to the window again as he began to space out.

Eventually, people began trickling into the classroom in groups of two or three. A few other people questioned you about where you had been, but they were sympathetic. Iida, however, was a different case. "(L/N)? Where have you been?! The whole class was worried about you!" He yelled, gaining a few student's attention. During this, Midoriya slipped into the classroom, unnoticed.

"I-I'm really sorry, Iida. I had family business to attend to and-" You were cut off by the tall blue-haired boy, who seemed almost furious. His hands made various chopping motions as he spoke. "That's no excuse! You should at least tell a teacher before you go out like that! It was very foolish of you!" He continued. You shrank back, afraid that he might hit you. It was a natural reflex, but that's not what it had looked like.

After a long lecture from Iida, he pushed up his glasses and left you to your devices. You sat down in your seat, still shaken up by what had happened. Not even two minutes later, the class had begun. Aizawa had also questioned your absence, but he was kinder about it then Iida. "I understand. But, please, next time, warn us. Everyone was deeply worried about you." He explained.

You nodded in understanding. "Of course. Sorry, sensei." You answered, ignoring the glances that you got from other students. If only you had known what was going to happen later that day.


"Hey, Deku! Are you coming with us?" Uraraka asked as everyone began leaving for lunch. The green-haired boy in question smiled. "I'll be right there, I just need to grab something." He answered. The bouncy brown-haired girl left without a second thought. This meant that the little devil was now all alone in the classroom.

Midoriya made his way over to Iida's desk, noticing that the tall boy had left his water bottle. A dangerous smirk spread across his face. The act he was about to commit would change everyone's lives forever. If only someone had been there to stop him...


A tired-looking purple-haired boy made his way across the halls, looking for a certain blonde. Luckily, it didn't take long to find him. "You. You're Neito Monoma, are you not?" He asked, catching the boy's attention. He smiled. "Of course I am! The best of class 1-B-" He was cut off as his mind went blank. 

Shinso smirked. "Good. Now, why don't you be an obedient little douchebag and jump off of the roof?" He teased, watching as Monoma blankly walked toward the stairs. A malicious smile grew across his features. Nobody messed with his (Y/N). Nobody.


As per usual, you sat with your group of third years. "(Y/N), I heard that you were absent for a few days. What happened?" Nejire asked in her usual tone. You smiled nervously. "I... just had family stuff, that's all." You explained. Everyone went with it, assuming that your answer was true. A normal conversation was upheld for the most part. Until finally, an event occurred that would change the school forever.

Iida had been walking into the cafeteria like he normally would, his water bottle in one of his hands. However, he suddenly collapsed. Uraraka and Midoriya were quick to rush to the scene, as were you. "Iida! What's wrong?" You asked, dropping to your knees. He coughed, gripping his stomach tightly. 

"It... hurts. Everything... hurts." The tall boy said though it was slightly slurred. You turned to the crowd. "Someone get Recovery Girl!" You yelled, desperately trying to help. A few students nodded, running off to go get the nurse. Iida was hunched over on the floor, breathing heavily. One of his hands gripped his stomach, but the other was keeping him steady. 

As you tried to figure out what was wrong, the tall male began vomiting blood. The bright red liquid covered the floor. The metallic smell was overpowering. He struggled to breathe, his supporting arm shaking violently. You began to panic, trying to help him in any way you could. His glasses were a few feet off, cracked from the impact of hitting the floor. 

Uraraka, who was next to you, was crying. She held onto him tightly, afraid of losing him. Tears slipped down Iida's cheeks as he continued to vomit uncontrollably. His blood pooled on the floor, a sight too gruesome for quite a few of the students. "H-Help..." He managed to mutter, almost collapsing. Midoriya had his hand on Iida's shoulder, a sympathetic look on his face.

"It's okay, Iida. Hang in there." The green-haired devil said, a comforting look on his face "You can get through this." The blue-haired boy managed to weakly smile, before violently retching again. He cried out in pain, claiming that he had a piercing headache. You began hyperventilating, trying to figure out what you could do to help your classmate. 

It had been several minutes, and still, Recovery Girl was nowhere to be seen. Iida's eyelids began to slowly droop as he started to lose consciousness. "No, no! Iida, stay with me! Come on, please!" You exclaimed frantically, the panic evident in your voice. Uraraka was not too far behind on that notion, claiming that he had so much to live for. "Please, Tenya! Don't leave me!" She yelled, crying into his uniform. 

Iida managed to look up at her and he smiled, cupping her cheek. Blood trailed from the side of his mouth as he resisted the urge to vomit again. Uraraka's tears dripped down his arm as she grabbed his hand. The tall boy suddenly gripped his stomach again, vomiting onto the floor. The metallic smell of blood filled your mind. Your classmate was dying, and there was nothing you could do.

"Someone, please! Get a teacher or something!" You yelled, watching your unfortunate classmate. A few students ran off, trying desperately to find a teacher. Iida began coughing, likely choking on the blood rising in his throat. "Iida!" You exclaimed, watching helplessly. He continued to struggle to get oxygen, his heart rate dropping. "Come on, please! No, no! This can't be happening!" Uraraka frantically said, watching her dear friend die right in front of her.

"Ochako, I... I love you." Iida managed to say in between gasps and coughs, finally falling into a pool of his own blood. His heart had stopped. He was dead. "Tenya!" The brown-haired girl cried, screaming. It echoed through the halls. It was a sound that nobody would forget. As this tragedy occurred, someone pointed out of the window. "Look!" They yelled.

Almost everybody turned to look out the window. You recognized Monoma, who was falling to his death from the top of the U.A. building. His limbs flailed uselessly in the air as he tried to stop his fall, letting out a bloodcurdling scream as his body collided with concrete. You covered your mouth with your hands, tears falling from your cheeks. Two deaths in one day... 

It was at this moment, everyone knew. U.A. would never be the same.


"W-What the hell?! What's wrong with you?! He did nothing!"

"Nothing that you saw, dunce."

"S-Still! He didn't deserve to die!"

"You don't know what he said, you can't be the judge of that."


(A/N: Oh my... I had too much fun writing that. I'm really sorry about all of that. I just had too many ideas and I needed to put it all into one chapter so... yeah...)

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