Chapter 28: A Brainwashing Bitch

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Shinso's turn seemed to last forever. The image of his purple hair and tired eyes burned into your memory, haunting you every time you closed your eyes. Sure, maybe the two weren't as bad as they seemed, but the thought of them made you tremble in fear. Currently, you were left alone with your hands bound behind your back. Escape seemed impossible.

Your eyes scanned the room, looking for any possible way. Unfortunately, there was none. Shinso had made sure of that. It was easy to tell that he was the one in control. The way he ordered Kaminari around and seemed to be the one organized everything suggested that much. His overall nature just screamed 'in charge'. 

Since it was a school day, or so you assumed, neither were present. At least, that's what you first thought. You had heard both of them exit the house, so you had figured that both were still gone. Unfortunately, you were wrong. Footsteps echoed toward the room you were in, deeply unsettling you. They were too heavy to be Kaminari's. That could only mean one thing. You were stuck with Shinso.

Just as you had thought that, the purple-haired boy stepped into the room. His tired eyes glanced at your defeated-looking form with slight pride. "Morning, kitty." He said, sitting down across from you. You shivered uncomfortably. "Not even going to say anything back? How rude." He rolled his eyes sarcastically and laughed under his breath. Your eyes followed every move he made, wary that he might try something.

Shinso didn't do anything, instead just staring at you. "You're probably wondering why I'm here. It's simple. I decided that someone needed to watch you, so I took a few sick days. Kaminari will be watching after you soon enough." He explained, shrugging and taking a quick survey of the room. 

A shiver ran down your spine at the thought of it. Constant surveillance. The two seemed to be taking no chances. They were wary and careful, but so were you. Shinso's unwavering gaze pierced through you, his purple eyes boring into your (E/C) ones. The expression on his face was almost impossible to read. Confidence, amusement, and slight annoyance. He seemed deep in thought.

The more you tried to understand the two, the less they made sense. The roles they played got more and more confusing as you tried to wrap your head around it. A deep chuckle escaped Shinso's lips. "Trying to figure things out, huh? How cute." He teased, a smirk adorning his features. You glared at him, pulling at your restraints. 

Suddenly, Shinso got closer to you, his face a mere inch from yours. His eyes trailed up and down your form, a hungry yet faraway look in his eyes. A bright blush dusted your cheeks as your heart rate quickened. You glared to the best of your ability, trying to keep up a tough persona. 

"Your eyes tell a story," Shinso noted, the tip of his nose gently touching yours. "But your blush tells a different one." His lips connected with yours as one of his hands runs itself through your hair. A squeak of embarrassment escapes you as you try to pull away, before finally melting into it. Once he breaks away, a he laughs psychotically. "See? You melt when it comes down to it, kitty." His breath tickled your sensitive nerves, making you shake helplessly.

Weakly, you tried to protest. Shinso cut you off with another kiss, gently grasping your chin and forcing your head to stay in place. You resisted the urge to spit in his face, looking at him with a fearful yet fierce stare. His normal apathetic expression remained on his face, almost like he didn't care at all.

"You try to act like you and I are so different. If you look at it, we're the same. We were both bullied for our quirks, we were ostracized from normal society. Because of our power, nobody would so much as give us a second glance. But you, you were special. You were nice. You understood. You knew what it felt like..." Shinso trailed off, looking down at his hands.

"The two of us are so similar. Like two pieces of the same puzzle. Two halves of one whole. We could be misunderstood together, just you and me. We wouldn't need anyone else. Just us. Together. No matter what." Shinso ranted, his hands shaking slightly. He almost looked like he was cracking.

You were terrified. "I'm not like you at all! You're a criminal! You hurt people!" You shot back, trying to move away from Shinso. That seemed to break something inside of him. "For you! I hurt people for you! I killed someone for you! Why can't you see that?! Everything that I have done has been for you! Because I love you. I love you more than anyone else! Why can't you understand?!" He lashed out, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt.

You shrank back, flinching. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. "You're meant to be mine! You were made for me! Everyone else keeps trying to take you away, but I won't let them. Not anymore! I'm sick of playing nice!" Shinso yelled, breathing heavily. His eyes were filled with anger and obsession. "S-Shinso..." You muttered, your petrified eyes looking into his.

Shinso suddenly dropped you, walking to the other side of the room. His hands dug themselves into his purple and unkempt hair as he yelled in frustration. "Why?! Why can't you just fucking see it from my perspective?! You are my everything! Without you, I'm nothing! You make my life worth living! You are the reason that I get up every morning. And this is how you fucking repay me?!" His hands balled into fists as his anger rose. You gulped nervously. There was no turning back now.


"Poor thing... I have to do something, soon."

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