Chapter 23: A Terrifying Side of Him

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You woke up the next day alone. This never usually happened. Normally when you woke up, Todoroki would be by your side, petting your hair or something. Being suspicious, you stood up and looked around. Originally, you couldn't find him anywhere. No matter where you looked, he was nowhere to be seen. 

After several minutes, you could hear his voice from behind a door. It was the door to his bedroom. You leaned over to the door, trying to hear what was going on. 

"That won't work. I need a few more weeks. Can't you stay with Natsuo for just a little while longer?"

There were a few moments of silence. You did your best to keep silent, knowing that Todoroki'd be mad if he found out. Even your heartbeat seemed loud. You were wondering what was going on. Nothing made sense to you.

"Look, I get it. A few more weeks. That's all, okay? I know that this is a big favor, but I promise I can repay you for it later. I need this."

Todoroki hangs up, placing his phone on his dresser. A deep sigh escapes his lips as he runs a hand through his hair. He was stressed enough as is. After a few moments, he decided that he'd go check on you. His soft footsteps slowly made their way toward the door. You panicked, speedwalking into the living room and acting like you hadn't heard anything.

"There you are, princess," Todoroki said, taking a deep breath. Perhaps he had been wrong. Maybe you hadn't heard him. "U-Uh, yeah!" You replied, looking down at your hands. He seemed concerned. "Is something wrong?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. You quickly shook your head. "Nope! Nothing's wrong here!" You answered nervously.

Todoroki's eyes narrowed, but his expression quickly returned to normal. "If you say so..." He muttered, taking a glance at the clock. A slight look of fear entered his gaze. "Anyway, I'll see you later, butterfly. I have work to attend to." He explained, leaving. You smiled and watched as he left. As soon as he was out of sight, you went to follow him. You knew that he was up to something.

You followed the sound of his footsteps, trying to figure out what 'work' he had been talking about. Not long after, you came across one of the only places that you weren't allowed to go. Hesitantly, you opened the door. It was just enough for you to peek through. Todoroki was pacing the floor, talking to himself.

"I want this to work... no. I need this to work. I only have a few more weeks until Fuyumi comes back. If I don't have her by then, I'm screwed. Come on, think! All I need to do is make her love me... Have I not been caring enough? I was sure that it was perfect..." Todoroki ranted to himself, nervously playing with his hair. 

"God damn it! I have so little time... what am I supposed to do?! I can't just leave things as they are, she'll think that I'm crazy! That... That I'm obsessed! I'm not obsessed. I just want what's best for her. And I'm what's best for her. Everyone else would just use her. I can't have that. She's mine! She belongs to me. She still wears the ring... so she really is mine. No matter what anyone else says."

Your eyes widened in shock. He really was crazy. You stepped back from the door, your hands shaking in fear. Suddenly, the door was thrown open. Todoroki stood on the other side, breathing heavily. His eyes showed insanity. "You shouldn't be here." He said, his voice dangerously low. Your body involuntarily shook as you looked at him with pure fear. It was almost alluring to him.

"I was so nice to you. I only gave you one rule." Todoroki noted, his harsh gaze seeming to look right through you. Your back hit the wall. "I-I'm sorry, I-" You were interrupted as Todoroki grabbed your wrist with his right hand. You looked up at him, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. "One. Rule. And what do you do, princess? You break it. For that, I have to punish you." He growls, his grip tightening.

You cried out in pain, trying to get Todoroki to let go of you. He glared and intensified his grip, pinning you to the wall. His left hand looked like he was prepared to hit you. "S-Shoto, p-please, stop!" You desperately said, putting your other arm up in defense and squeezing your eyes shut. Suddenly, he stopped. His grip on you was released. Hesitantly, you opened your eyes. 

Todoroki looked conflicted. Tears slipped down his cheeks. "B-Butterfly I-" He cut himself off, looking down at the floor. "I'm so sorry." His voice was shaky as he fell to his knees. You were going to place a hand on his shoulder, but you decided not to. "I was so blinded by my frustration that I broke my own promise. I'll never lay a hand on you again, I swear."

The tall male looked up at you with a broken expression. Your fear was still present in your gaze as you looked back. "I understand if you need your distance... I- ... I'll see you tomorrow." He suddenly said, standing up and walking to his room. You tried to catch up to him, reaching out to grab his hand.

"Shoto, wait-"

But it was no use. Todoroki shut the door behind him, locking it. You figured that he needed his space. So, you wandered back into the living room. That was when you noticed his phone on the coffee table. Slowly, you picked it up. You turned it on, wanting to take a look at it. Unfortunately, it was password protected. After a failed attempt, it gave you a hint.

'My whole world.' An idea sprung to your mind. You typed in your name, waiting to see if it worked. Luckily, it did. He had a ton of missed messages from his sister, Fuyumi. Most of them were casual things, but there were a few that stood out.

'Why do you need me to stay with Natsuo for so long?'
'I get that you need your space after what happened with dad, but still.'
'Is there something that you're hiding from me?'

You read the rest of the conversation, figuring out that Todoroki had told Fuyumi to stay with Natsuo after Endeavor mysteriously 'disappeared'. He decided that he'd stay to watch the house. Judging by what information was shown, Fuyumi wouldn't be back for at least three more weeks. That was all that you had to do. Survive three more weeks. Then, finally, you'd be free.


"They haven't made a move yet, so can we-"

"No. Give it a few more days. They're either planning or biding their time. I know them better than you do."

"But, I'm in the same class as them!"

"I know that. Unfortunately, you don't pay as much attention as I do. Nor do you have the same hacking ability."

"That doesn't mean that I'm below you!"

"Of course not. That only means that I have a plan."

"You do?!"

"Yes, you idiot."

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