Chapter 37: A Cheery Captor

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Eventually, Tamaki left. You assumed it was because he had some stuff to take care of. Before he exited the door, he glared at Mirio and said two words. "Watch her." Since then, the two of you had been sitting in awkward silence. Instead of being his usual excited and cheery self, he seemed like he was in deep thought.

"Sunshine?" Mirio suddenly asked, gaining your attention. You looked over in his direction. "You aren't... too mad, are you?" He glanced at you with what almost seemed like puppy-dog eyes. Your eyes widened. It surprised you that he actually cared how you felt. "No. I'm not mad." You lied, looking away.

Mirio's demeanor suddenly changed again. His usual bright smile adorned his face as he cheered up. "That's good! I was worried that you'd hate us, but I guess that's not the case!" He said, his mood seeming to get better by the second. The slightly insecure mood he had before was completely gone.

"I'm so happy that I could kiss you!" Mirio exclaimed, surprising you. His gaze trailed to the floor, then back up. "Can I?" Your face turned bright red. At first, you were tempted to say no. Then you remembered what kind of mess you were in. Even if you had tried to deny him, it likely wouldn't have worked. Hesitantly, you nodded.

The tall blonde wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours. It was surprisingly soft and passionate as one of Mirio's hands ran itself through your hair. He broke away, blushing up a storm. "Sorry! I just... I really needed that." He admitted, embarrassed. Your blush darkened. He seemed so innocent. 

"You know, I do feel bad about all of this. I was just so jealous, I didn't know what to do with myself!" Mirio slightly ranted, one of his hands clenching into a fist. You watched his movements carefully, not wanting to have to bear witness to another snap. "It's fine, I get it." You replied, even though you had no clue what kind of torture the boy was going through.

Mirio glanced back up at you. He seemed surprised. "You... just forgave me? That easily?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. You scanned the room for a brief moment. "Of course." You answered, weakly smiling. He smiled in return, his blue eyes staring into your (E/C) ones. It was a nice moment.

That was until your smile turned into a devious smirk. Mirio was confused at first, raising an eyebrow and stepping back slightly. You activated your quirk, watching his eyes widen as tears dripped down his face. "N-No... sunshine..." He muttered as his hands began to shake. You would have felt bad if he hadn't kidnapped you. 

The tall blonde fell to his knees, his arms moving to hug himself. You watched with a mostly stoic expression, your eyes scanning over his form. As this happened, you tugged at your restraints. You were getting out, no matter what. After a few minutes, Mirio stood up. He was still shaking, but he had stopped crying. "Sunshine, why?" He asked, his distant eyes still showing fear. 

You were surprised. Mirio was overcoming your quirk. He was overcoming his fear. "I-I..." You stuttered, trying to think of an excuse. Unfortunately, none came to mind. In self-defense, you stared into his eyes again, worsening the effects of your power. He froze, his hands moving to cover his ears.

The restraints were getting looser. You smiled, knowing it was only a matter of time before you escaped. Mirio's loud scream snapped you out of your thoughts. A pang of guilt hit you. The psychological torment that he must have been going through made you want to stop. However, you knew better. If you stopped, nothing good would come out of it. You wouldn't escape.

You knew that if you wanted to get out, you would need to worsen the effects of your quirk once more. The only issue was it would harm you as well. You would be forced to see Mirio's pain, but at the same time, you would be freed. Taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself. "Sorry about this." You muttered, staring into the blonde's eyes one last time.


"Sunshine, I-" Mirio started, reaching for your hand. You jerked away, looking at him in fear with tears streaming down your face. "No! I don't want to hear it! You're a sick bastard! You're a psychopath!" You shot back, cutting him off. He fell to his knees, looking up at you. "Just let me explain! I swear it's not what it looks like!" He pleaded. You looked at him with betrayal in your eyes.

"You killed everyone I loved. Why should I listen to you?" You asked coldly, staring down at Mirio. He seemed taken aback. "W-What?! That wasn't me!" He answered. "That was Tamaki! He- He snapped!" You glanced away at the exit. Bodies surrounded the two of you. They were so beaten that they became unrecognizable. "You say that when I saw you kill them." You spat, moving for the exit. "Goodbye, Togata."


You snapped back to reality, your restraints had finally broken. A smile came to your face. You were free! Your eyes trailed over to Mirio, who was having a panic attack. A sad expression came to your face. But deep down, you knew that it had to be done. You stood up, making your way toward the door.

At first, you fumbled with the door handle. Your shaky hands struggled to get the door opened. Once you did, you ran up the stairs and searched for the front door. After what felt like forever, you found it. You twisted the handle and swung the door open, running face-first into someone's chest.

"T-Tamaki?!" You exclaimed, backing up. A terrified expression came to your face. The indigo-haired boy in question gently grabbed your wrist as you tried to run away. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." He said, the look in his eyes changing from shock to seriousness. "I can't let you leave." You fought against his grip, trying to push him off. Tamaki only sighed, lightly leading you back to where you had begun. 


"I still don't trust this guy!"

"I know, but we have to work with him if we want to get her out."

"I'm... right here."

"Shut up, Ic-"

"What did I say about the fighting?!"

"Well, you're not the boss of me!"

"What was that?"

"... N-Nothing."

"That's what I thought."

"I hope we can all start getting along soon. I'd hate to see us have to break apart. That would mean I'd have to save her myself."

"Don't act so high and mighty, you damn asshole!"

"I was only stating facts. Besides, I've been the best to her so far. What was it you two did again? Chained her up in your basement?"

"Shut it!"

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