Through Sun and Rain {MiriTama Ending}

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"So, (Y/N), who do you choose?"

Your gaze went to the ground. It was a heavy decision. Making the wrong choice could ruin your life. "I c-choose Mirio and Tamaki." You said, blushing. They looked at each other, then to you. They didn't mind working together. They were best friends, after all. They almost couldn't believe their luck. You had chosen them, out of everyone else. 


Mirio was definitely the more energetic one. He loved taking you out to all sorts of places. Even if it were just something simple, he made the most of it. Any time spent with you was extremely important to him. Even when you two were doing nothing. All that mattered to him was that he had you there.

Tamaki preferred staying in. Going out meant seeing people, and he didn't like people. He liked having low-energy quiet nights with you. Books, cuddles, maybe tea. Those times were extra special to him. Not that other times weren't. He loved every second he had with you. After all, you were his everything.

The three of you were wrapped up in a blanket, snuggling. It was still early, so none of you were fully awake yet. Tamaki had buried himself in your chest, whereas Mirio clung to your side. You enjoyed their warmth, trying to fall asleep again. "I love you, sunshine," Mirio muttered, half asleep. You smiled, feeling like you truly had made the right choice. "I love you, too."

I Love You, Eternally~ {Yandere!BNHA x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now