Chapter 2: A Battle That Caused Infatuation

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As the battle began, Todoroki shot an ice attack your way, attempting to freeze you to the floor. You jumped upward, avoiding the icy blast. When this happened, Todoroki's eyes widened in shock. Taking this as your opportunity, you looked into his eyes. It was too late for him to react. After you had activated his quirk, he began shaking. His eyes were filled with fear as he began crying.

(I seem to have forgotten to mention that if you so choose, you can see whatever they're going through. However, it will cause you to feel their pain.)

It seemed to mess with Todoroki so much that he was on the verge of having a full-on panic attack. Being the curious person you are, you decided to look into what he was seeing. That was a mistake. You were thrown into a vivid vision of his mother burning his face with a tea kettle. After that, it flashed to him getting abused by his father.

Once you realized it was too much for you, you stopped using your quirk completely. You had a few tears falling down your cheeks, but it was nothing compared to Todoroki. He was on the floor, shaking and muttering "No, not again," over and over. You snapped him out of it. "Todoroki, are you okay?" You asked, looking him in the eyes. They were clouded with sadness and regret.

Todoroki sniffled slightly, nodding. "I'm f-fine." He replied, his face gaining a slight blush. Bakugo had seen this from afar, and he was starting to wonder just how powerful you actually were. He stared in confusion and slight worry. There was something else in that stare as well, but nobody could tell what it was.


During lunch, you walked over to Todoroki, who was currently sitting with Midoriya. "Hey, um... Todoroki? C-Can I talk to you for a second, a-alone?" You asked, feeling bad for taking him away from his friends. He seemed surprised but nodded. "Yeah, sure." He replied, getting up. You lead him over to the hallway, wanting to talk with him about earlier.

"A-About earlier, I'm r-really sorry and-" You tried to apologize, but he cut you off. "It's fine, don't worry about it." He said, keeping his same stoic face. If you had paid enough attention, you would've noticed the slight hint of blush on his face. Too bad that you're so oblivious. "And, um, about your parents-" He cut you off again, seeing as it was a sensitive subject.

"Listen, let's just not talk about it, okay? I don't like to talk about them." Todoroki replied although it wasn't in the usual cold monotone. There seemed to be a small hint of emotion in his voice. "Oh! Yeah, sorry! You can go back to your friends now..." You trailed off, letting him leave. After you stepped out of the hallway, Kirishima came up to you. "(L/N), there you are! I was wondering where you went! Anyway, c'mon! Come sit with Bakugo and me!" He said, leading you over to where Bakugo was sitting.

Bakugo stared at you coldly, although everyone else greeted you happily. He was unnervingly quiet, but you tried to ignore it. A new boy you met named Denki Kaminari seemed pretty friendly, so you just talked to him and Kirishima instead. "Hey, you wanna go out sometime?" Kaminari asked, smiling like an idiot. 

You giggled, humoring the Pikachu-like boy. "Sure, why not?" You replied, smiling back. Kaminari seemed slightly surprised, it was almost as if he'd never actually been accepted before. "Cool! After school, then?" He asked. After considering for a moment, you nodded. "Yeah!" You answered. From the corner of your eye, you could see Bakugo death glaring Kaminari. He seemed angrier than usual.


After school, you waited for Kaminari by the gate. However, instead of seeing the familiar blonde meme, you were met face-to-face with Bakugo. "Oi, (L/N), come with me." He demanded, grabbing your wrist. You pulled back, looking at him slightly confused. "But, I'm supposed to meet up with Kaminari-" He cut you off, growling slightly. "Who cares about Dunce Face? Come on." He demanded again, starting to drag you again.

As you tried to pull back, he glared at you. Taking this as your chance to get away from him, you activated your quirk. This made him let go of your wrist, his eyes widening. You ran back into the school gates, where you ran into a purple-haired boy. You looked up at him and apologized profusely. He slowed you down, taking in your slightly frightened state. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. You steadied yourself, nodding. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine." You replied, looking down at the floor. The tired-looking boy looked at you with a face that seemed to say, 'Yeah, sure.' He shrugged it off and held out his hand. "I'm Hitoshi Shinso." He introduced. You took his hand, shaking it. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." You replied.

Shinso seemed intrigued. "So you're the transfer that everyone's talking about, huh?" He remarked, smirking slightly. Your eyes widened in shock. "People have been talking about me?" You asked, confused as to why anyone would do such a thing. Shinso nodded, placing his hands in his pockets. "Fear manipulation, right?" He inquired.

You nodded. "Yeah, why?" You replied. Shinso shrugged. "I've got mind control. I was just wondering if you had the same problem." He said, a slight sadness clouding his eyes. You were confused at first, but you understood what he meant. "People thinking I'd be better off as a villain? I get it all the time." You explained, smiling with slight melancholy. He seemed surprised, but he shrugged it off. "Anyway, I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, starting to walk off. "Oh. Bye!" You called after him, beginning to walk home as well.

~With Todoroki~

Todoroki followed behind you slightly as you walked home. He didn't know why he had decided to do this, but he just figured that it was because he wanted to make sure you were safe. But deep down, he knew that wasn't it. He watched as your (H/C) hair swayed with each step you took. The rhythmic tapping of your footsteps was like music to him.

As you walked, Todoroki's heartbeat quickened. His cheeks grew warm as he romanticized about you and him. All of the astonishing times the two of you could share. He was snapped out of this once you had walked inside. After a couple of seconds of debating with himself, he decided that he would only watch for a few minutes more, just to make sure that you were safe.

(Welcome to the end of Chapter 2! I know things are moving quickly, but that's only because I'm not too good at fluff or stalling. I do much better with fast-paced action-packed chapters where a lot of stuff happens. Soon, I can actually get to the more interesting parts of the story, but I have to build up an actual story first.)

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