Chapter 11: A Game Of Jealousy

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"What are you reading, anyway?" You asked, trying to catch a glimpse of the book Shinso had been looking at prior to you showing up. Shinso placed the book in his bag. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." He answered, placing his hands in his pockets. You shrugged it off, turning to look at the books on the shelves. Most of them were some type of philosophical thing, the type of books that make you question your existence. Getting curious, you picked up one of them and read the back of it.

'Everybody thinks that this is the ultimate reality, that what we are living in is the truth. But is that really it? Plenty of crazy things happen in certain people's lives. Some may call it coincidence, but I think not. What if the truth is that we're all just living in a story?'

You stopped reading, unable to continue. Shinso scanned over the back of the book briefly before turning to look at you. "(Y/N), are you okay? You look paler than usual." He noted, seeming genuinely concerned. You shook it off, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm fine." You replied, placing the book back on the shelf. 

"You should probably go home, I wouldn't want you getting hurt," Shinso said, smiling slightly. You looked over to the clock. "You're right! Thanks for reminding me!" You answered, smiling back and leaving the book store. As soon as you left, Shinso grabbed the book from the shelf and bought it along with the other book he had been looking at.


At some point during the lesson, Aizawa had asked you to run some papers to one of the third-year teachers for some unknown reason. So, you took the papers and went off to find the classroom he had been talking about. You searched around for the class until you finally found it. Hesitantly, you knocked lightly on the door before stepping inside. 

Everyone in the class turned to look at you since you had interrupted the lesson. You noticed Tamaki, Nejire, and Mirio among the students in the room. Quickly placing the papers on the teacher's desk and quickly left. You rubbed your arm shyly as you walked back to your class. "(L/N), did you deliver the papers?" Aizawa asked, looking up from his spot on the floor. "Yes, sir." You answered, taking your seat.


As lunch started, you walked over to your newfound friends. Mirio and Nejire smiled warmly, but Tamaki was too shy to look at you. "(Y/N), you're in class 1-A, right?" Nejire asked, raising an eyebrow. You nodded, taking a seat next to Mirio and across from Tamaki. "Yeah, why do you ask?" You replied, cocking your head to the side slightly.

Nejire pointed behind you awkwardly. "Well..." She trailed off. Turning around, you saw a few of your classmates glaring jealously at the third-years. Once they saw you turn around, they looked away quickly. "Sorry about them." You said, rubbing the back of your neck shyly. "They can be really... possessive." 

"I can see why," Tamaki muttered to himself, keeping his eyes on the floor. You hadn't heard what he said, so you went on as if nothing had happened. You spent the rest of lunch with Tamaki, Mirio, and Nejire, joking around like old friends. When the bell rang, you stood up and smiled. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!" You said, waving and heading to class.


"Wait, (Y/N)!" Someone called, causing you to turn around. Mina stood behind you along with the rest of the girls in class 1-A. "What is it?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. They hadn't really made an effort to communicate with you thus far, so you were fairly confused. "We were all going to hang out at Momo's house and we were wondering if you wanted to go with us..." Ochako trailed off, looking down at her hands. 

You smiled, happy to be included. "Of course! It sounds like fun!" You answered, excited to finally hang out with the girls in your class. After that, all of you headed to Momo's house eagerly. When you finally got there, many of you gawked at how large her house was. "This place is like, 200 times bigger than my house!" Ochako exclaimed in wonder, looking around in awe. 

"Really? I find it to be rather small," Momo remarked, leading the group to her bedroom. Most of you ignored her comment, preferring to look at the seemingly endless halls. The black-haired girl allowed the group inside her bedroom. "Please, make yourself at home." She said, smiling. You took a seat on the floor since you found it comfier than a chair. 

Most of the hangout was just gossip. Who liked who, etc. That was until the subject of you came up. "Yeah, (Y/N) seems to be quite popular with the guys..." Mina noted, shrugging. Tsu nodded. "She even caught the eyes of some third years!" Ochako remarked, proving Mina's statement. You were confused. "What? You've got it all wrong. They're all just good friends, that's all." You said, re-adjusting your sitting position. 

"Well, that's not what they think," Hakagure replied, scaring the living bejeesus out of you. The girls nodded. "Have you not seen the way they look at you? They are so into you!" Mina exclaimed, leaning forward in her seat. That was when she got a bright idea. "Oh my god. I just had the best idea! Why don't we see how jealous we could make them?" She said excitedly. 

You rubbed the back of your neck. "I don't know..." You trailed off, not liking the idea. Mina took all of the girls (except you) into a huddle and explained her plan, getting everyone else in on it. "This is going to be so fun!" Ochako exclaimed, causing everyone to shush her and go back to discussing things. You still sat on the floor, both worried and curious about what would come next.

After a few minutes, they explained part of their plan to you. You were skeptical. "Guys, I'm not so sure that this is a good idea." You said, nervous as to how the guys would react. Mina and Ochako looked at you with puppy-dog eyes. "Please!" They begged in unison. Kyoka sighed from the corner of the room, face-palming. "Fine..." You finally agreed, feeling a looming sense of dread.


"We're so close!"

"Don't get too excited, there's still a lot to do."

"I know, I know. It's just that I can't help it! I can't wait much longer to finally-"

"That's enough."

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