Chapter 46: A New Kind of Torture

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Earlier, Todoroki had taken you from the basement and put you back in your room. There weren't any chains on you, but the window and door were securely locked. It was definitely better, in your opinion. The basement was cold, dark, and uncomfortable. At least here you could walk around and do things. 

Any sharp objects from the room were taken (i.e. pencils, scissors, etc.). That part kinda sucked, but you'd have to make do. It honestly wasn't all that bad, at least not yet. You sat on the edge of your bed, kicking your legs back and forth boredly. Footsteps in the hallway made you stop. You listened closer, trying to identify who it might be. They were light and almost sounded like the person was skipping. Midoriya.

You still had some time before he got there, so you went into the closet. There was a small shelf on the top that you could climb onto. So, using the little amount of strength you had, you jumped and lifted yourself onto the small shelf. You backed up as close to the wall as you could, moving the various clutter that was up there in front of you. 

It wasn't exactly a good hiding spot, but it was the best you had. Midoriya unlocked the door and stepped inside. When he didn't see you, he smiled. "Deciding to play hide and seek, are we doll?" He asked, taking a quick scan of the room. You started shaking, scared of what might happen if he found you.

Midoriya stood there for a moment. "Oh no. Where could you possibly be?" He questioned sarcastically. He walked towards the bed, toying with his knife. "Could you be under the bed~?" The green-haired devil quizzed, leaning down to look. When he saw that you weren't there, you saw his mood dampen. 

You watched, your heart rate increasing. Midoriya walked over to the desk. "Under the desk~?" He asked, looking there. His smile dropped completely. The short boy looked annoyed. "In the closet?" He inquired, opening the closet doors all the way. You froze, praying that he didn't see you. Luckily, he didn't.

Midoriya went back to the middle of the room. "You know, this game is fun when I can actually find you, doll. Now you're just pissing me off." He spoke with venom, tracing his blade with his finger. Your heart was pounding so much that you felt like it was impossible that he didn't hear it. You were terrified. 

Surprisingly, Midoriya stayed put. "That's fine. I can wait here. You have to come out eventually." He chuckled, smirking evilly. You whimpered quietly, but you weren't going to give in. There was no way you were getting down. To be fair, you didn't know if you could. So, the waiting game began.

After what felt like hours, Midoriya sighed. He left, but you could tell it wasn't going to be for long. You tried to calm your racing heart and fast breathing before he came back. But as you heard him coming back, something was different. He had someone else with him. You froze, scared.

Midoriya walked back inside. This time, he had Todoroki with him. "Now, since you're being so difficult, I had to go and get Todoroki. Just hope that I find you before he does. Because trust me, doll, if he finds you, there won't be any mercy." The green-haired boy threatened. After he said that, the two started looking.

You knew that it wouldn't be long before one of them found you. After all, your hiding spot wasn't even that good. You closed your eyes, hoping that it would ease you. It did, at first. "Found you~" Todoroki's deep voice purred, causing your eyes to shoot open in panic. There he stood, a sadistic smile on his face. 

You nearly screamed, pressing yourself up against the wall and hoping that he wouldn't be able to reach you. This was not the case. Todoroki grabbed you with ease, holding onto you tightly. You fought against his grip, squirming and hitting his chest. Once Midoriya saw this, he smiled. "So, you found them." He remarked, smiling. 

Todoroki put you down, and immediately you backed up against the wall. This just so happened to be what they wanted. The taller male froze your legs to the wall, making you cry out from the intense cold. He only smiled, grabbing your arms and freezing them as well. You started crying, shaking from the cold. 

Midoriya twirled his knife in his hand, lifting your shirt up to expose your stomach. "Look at this cute little tummy of yours~" He cooed, his sadistic smile growing. You squirmed from embarrassment and fear, trying to escape the ice. "Why don't we carve our names into it? Show everyone who this cutie really belongs to?" He proposed, looking over to the icy hot male. 

Todoroki looked at you with cruel and unforgiving eyes. "Good idea, Midoriya." He replied, watching you become even more terrified. Tears streamed down your cheeks. "W-Wait, no. Please, don't. I-I'll be good! I won't do it again, I s-swear!" You pleaded, looking at the two. The green-haired devil smirked.

"Naughty dolls have to get punished. Sorry, sweetheart." Midoriya taunted, his knife dangerously close to your skin. You shied away to the best of your ability. "Now, princess. You're going to want to stop moving. It's only going to hurt more." Todoroki said, his sadistic smile still prominent. 

You cried out in pain as Midoriya's knife cut through your skin like nothing. "Shh. It's okay. You're okay." He soothed, even though he was the one cutting you. This didn't stop you from screaming. Now annoyed, the green-haired devil gave Todoroki a look. The taller boy seemed to know what this meant. He froze your mouth shut.

As Midoriya kept cutting, the door was thrown open. Bakugo had heard you screaming and came to see what happened. He looked furious. "Deku! Icyhot! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He snarled, pushing the smaller boy away from you. Todoroki looked at Midoriya with a face that seemed to ask 'can I freeze him, too?' 

"Well, Kacchan, if you really have to know, doll here was hiding from us. So, we had to take some, well, extreme measures." Midoriya explained, shrugging. His knife still had your blood on it. "You're gonna fucking pay for this." Bakugo spat, glaring at both Todoroki and Midoriya. A shiver ran down your spine.


"Look, I know. But, you're the only people I could go to for this."

"So, they have your teammates?"

"Yes. I want your help to get them back."

"A-And why should we trust you?"

"Yeah. Why should we?"

"Look, I get it- one of my teammates, well, wasn't the greatest. But if we do this, we can get (Y/N) back."

"... f-fine. We'll help."

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