Chapter 50: A Choice

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Tamaki and Shinso had sent Mirio to retrieve Kirishima and Kaminari. They waited by Baku's unconscious body, vigilant for either Todoroki or Midoriya. Almost by magic, Midoriya stood behind Shinso. "Got you~" He teased, slightly cutting the purple-haired boy's neck before he could react.

Shinso grabbed Midoriya's arm, twisting it and making the green-haired devil drop the knife. "Do you now?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. The small boy knew not to respond. Tamaki went to help his purple-haired partner but found himself unable to move. His feet were frozen to the floor. 

Midoriya broke out of Shinso's grip, quickly grabbing his knife off of the ground. He threw a punch to the purple-haired boy's face. It hit his nose with a sickening crack. The two continued their hand-to-hand combat almost relentlessly. Tamaki used his newfound quirk (Creation, which he stole from Momo) to break out of the ice.

"So, you've got a new quirk? Impressive." Todoroki noted, but Tamaki couldn't tell where he had said it from. The tall boy was nowhere to be seen. The indigo-haired boy narrowed his eyes. "S-Stop playing games, Todoroki." He demanded. His opponent only chuckled. "All of this is a game, Amajiki. In the end, it's just about who wins." He taunted, his voice still seeming to come from both everywhere and nowhere. 

Meanwhile, Mirio had found the basement. Kirishima and Kaminari were a little bit bloodied, but they didn't look too bad. "M-Mirio? What the hell are you doing here?" The red-haired boy asked, obviously not expecting to see him. The tall blonde went over and started getting the two out of their restraints. "That's not important. Shinso and Tamaki are upstairs fighting Todoroki and Midoriya, and they're going to need help." He explained.

Kaminari was the first to get out, rubbing his wrists slightly. "What about (Y/N)?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Mirio continued undoing Kirishima's restraints. "We don't know where she is yet. I'm going to try and find her. Once I do, we can get out of here." He answered. The red-haired boy nodded in understanding as he got out.

 All the while, you stayed in your room. You could slightly hear the commotion downstairs, which made you uneasy. Getting bored, you walked over to the window. It wasn't locked anymore. It swung open, the cool night air welcoming you. A deep sigh escaped your lips as you stared out, longing to finally be free. 

That was when you heard the footsteps. They weren't ones you recognized. You lifted yourself onto the windowsill. If you reached just far enough, you could grab onto a tree branch. It seemed sturdy enough. You prayed that it was. Basically taking a leap of faith, you sprung yourself from the windowsill.

You nearly fell. You held onto the branch for dear life, pulling yourself up onto it. It took you a moment to comprehend what you'd just done. When you did, it hit you like a bus. You were free. Carefully, you started to get yourself down from the tree. A smile spread across your face. You had done it.

Downstairs, the four were still fighting. Kirishima and Kaminari had just shown up, now joining them. "What the hell took you so long?" Shinso asked, dodging a blow from Midoriya. Kaminari managed to kick the green-haired devil, pushing him away. "We got lost." He replied, standing back-to-back with the purple-haired boy.

Shinso sighed. "You're really that fucking stupid?" He inquired. Kaminari huffed, nearly getting hit. "It's not our fault! This place is hard to navigate..." He trailed off. Tamaki and Kirishima were busy dodging ice attacks from Todoroki, who had now shown himself. "Will you t-two stop bickering?! We don't have time for this!" The indigo-haired boy snapped, getting hit in the shoulder.

Kirishima blocked a hit, looking over. "I hate to say it, but I agree with him. Not very manly, you two!" He called, trying to land a hit on Todoroki. Midoriya giggled, throwing one of his knives at Kaminari and Shinso. "You two may have us outnumbered, but we have you outskilled~!" He taunted, feeling overly confident.

A harsh blow from Todoroki knocked Kirishima to the ground. Blood fell from his lip. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that." He growled, pouncing onto the taller boy. He attempted to hit the male he had pinned beneath him, but he caught it with ease. "Not so fast, Kirishima. I can't let you win that easy." He froze the red-haired boy's arm, shoving him off.

Kaminari hit Midoriya in the gut with a satisfied smile. The green-haired boy doubled over, but his pain didn't last long. He swept the pikachu-like male's legs out from under him, watching him fall. Smiling, he threw a knife into the boy's shoulder. The yellow-haired boy let out an ear-piercing cry, now pinned to the ground. "Nice try, Kaminari." The green-haired devil said.

You had gotten down from the tree and were currently trying to work out where exactly you were. It looked like it could be Bakugo's neighborhood. U.A. couldn't be too far away. At least, you hoped it wasn't. So, you started walking, practically begging that it was the right direction. You felt unexplainably tired. Maybe it was because you'd been trapped so long.

That was when you felt arms wrap around your waist from behind. "Sorry, sunshine. I can't let you escape that easily." The all-too-familiar voice of Mirio said, sending a shiver down your spine. You tried to push yourself off, fighting against him. He slowly started leading you back towards the house. "No! Let go of me!" You yelled desperately but to no avail. 

Mirio seemed almost sympathetic as he took you inside. "Tamaki, it's time to go." He called, holding onto you tightly. Everyone looked over, tensing up when they saw you. Todoroki instantly froze everyone to the floor. "I'm not letting you take her." He growled. Tamaki, Kirishima, and Midoriya managed to break out of Todoroki's ice.

Bakugo burst in from the other room. "What the hell do you extras think you're doing?!" He yelled, glancing around and quickly taking in the scene. You were shaking, trying to get out of Todoroki's ice. "So, we have two options," Midoriya spoke, causing everyone to turn to him. He seemed almost deathly intimidating.

"We all continue to fight like animals, or we let her make the choice." Midoriya proposed, glancing at you. A shiver ran down your spine. A few of them looked at each other. He had a point. "Fine! We let her choose." Bakugo spoke. No one went against it. Todoroki unfroze everyone reluctantly with an almost annoyed expression.

"So, (Y/N), who do you choose?"

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