Chapter 27: A Surprisingly Not-So-Bad Night

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After Shinso left, there were a few moments of silence. That was until Kaminari finally spoke. "You know, I've been waiting for this for a long time. Shinso and I did such careful planning... and now, I get to make you mine! You will be mine, won't you?" He ranted, leaning closer to you. The obsession in his gaze was easy to see. You looked at him with both fierce and fearful eyes, trying to resist him.

The small spark of electricity from Kaminari's hands almost hit you a couple of times, giving you a light shock. "Sorry! I know that I'm over excited, but I just can't help it! You were just so perfect, so amazing!" He said, blushing. You were unsure whether to be disgusted, flattered, or terrified. 

Kaminari cupped your cheek with his hand, his insane eyes looking into yours. His gaze destroyed your confidence and fighting spirit, making you shrink back. "I always thought that you were so beautiful, maybe that you were my other half. My missing piece. With you, I feel whole! You're my spark, you're what I've been missing!" He claimed, drooling slightly. 

"Are you insane?! Let go of me!" You yelled, pulling back. Kaminari sent a small shock through your body. It wasn't enough to hurt you, though. It was more of a warning than a punishment. "You can't say that! You and I, we were meant to be together! We'd be so perfect, so incredible! You were made to be mine and mine alone. Can't you see?" His hands twitched as he tried to keep composure.

"Can't you see how my hand fits perfectly in yours? How our lips seem like two pieces of a puzzle?" Kaminari asked, pressing his lips on to yours. You struggled against his grip, trying to break away. Once he finally did, you noticed the victorious look on his face. "I've been wanting to do that for so long, sweetheart." He said softly, his forehead touching yours. You bit your tongue, keeping yourself quiet.

Your body quivered underneath Kaminari's gaze, an ever-so-slight blush coming to your face. He nuzzled his nose to yours wholesomely, giggling. His arms wrapped around you in a tight hug. "I love you so much!" He exclaimed, cuddling closer. You tried to steady yourself. He took in a deep breath, inhaling your scent. The pikachu-like boy did his best not to drool on you. 

Kaminari's heart rate increased rapidly. You could feel it practically pounding out of his chest. He laughed softly, sending vibrations on your sensitive skin. Your body tensed up in response. "You're so cute, you know that? So innocent..." He trailed off, one of his hands gracing the ends of your hair. You looked away from him, not wanting to meet his gaze. 

A content sigh escaped Kaminari's lips as he nuzzled his face into your neck, giving it a soft kiss. You blushed, continuing to avert your gaze. "Are you getting shy on me? How adorable!" He remarked, his face flushing to a dark shade of red. "That expression... it's almost too much for me." His electric gaze piercing you. Your blush darkened as you attempted to hide it. This was going to be a long night.


After a few more hours, Shinso entered the room. "Time's up, Kaminari. It's time for my shift." He said, his tired eyes just barely glancing over the two of you. Kaminari pouted but left without a fight. You noticed that the two of them got along way better than Midoriya and Bakugo. The purple-haired boy sat down across from you soundlessly, not even bothering to talk to you.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room for several minutes as Shinso stared at you without a word. You shifted slightly, not meeting his eyes. "Is something wrong, kitty?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Being wary of him, you didn't answer. He sighed. "I won't use my quirk on you. I was only asking out of common courtesy. If you don't want to answer, that's fine. But I would like you to know just one thing. If you don't," Shinso mentioned, standing up and moving closer to you, his teasing gaze making you blush. "I'll have to punish you."

Shinso pressed his lips against yours, gently moving your chin with his hand. Your blush worsened as he moved away, smirking at your flustered state. You managed to glare at him, but it wasn't too convincing. "Just admit it, kitten. You've fallen for at least one of us." He said, whispering in your ear and sending a shiver down your spine. You looked away, defeated. It didn't matter if you had or not, in your mind. They were still kidnappers and criminals.

A deep chuckle left Shinso's lips. "So I was right. You have fallen for one of us." He noted victoriously. You sent a harsh look his way, hiding venom in your stare. The purple-haired boy seemed disappointed. "Come on, kitten. You can do better than that." He said, looking at you with his intimidating gaze. You shrank back, unable to handle his unwavering blank stare. You didn't understand why, but the look in his eyes unsettled you to your core. It seemed to take all of the fighting spirit out of you. It was almost like magic.

Your body trembled as you looked back up at the tired boy, barely mustering the courage. He looked so confident, so sure of what he was doing. There was no hint of insecurity what so ever. Even if you tried to use your quirk, it wouldn't change a thing. He wasn't invulnerable to its effects, nobody was. It puzzled you immensely. Perhaps it was a mystery that you would solve someday. But for now, you had other things to worry about.


"I'll save you from that prison. Your knight in shining armor will be there soon, my love."

I Love You, Eternally~ {Yandere!BNHA x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now