Chapter 14: A Study Date

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You walked with Todoroki to his house, rubbing your arm shyly. "Is something wrong, (Y/N)?" Todoroki asked, concerned. You jumped slightly, blushing like an idiot. "N-No, n-not at all!" You quickly answered, looking away from the icy-hot male. He interlaced his fingers with yours, rubbing the back of your hand comfortingly. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine." He said calmly.

Your blush worsened as the two of you neared Todoroki's house. He wouldn't say it out loud, but you looked adorable. The icy-hot male smiled gently as he leads you into his room, making sure to close the door behind the two of you. He took both of your bags and placed them on the floor, allowing you to relax for a moment. "So, what exactly did you need help with?" He asked, preparing to pull out a few textbooks. 

"Oh, well... I guess it's physics. I get most of it, but it's really hard to understand..." You trailed off, rubbing the back of your neck shyly. Todoroki smiles ever-so-slightly and pulls out a physics textbook, placing it on his desk. He pulls out a chair for you, allowing you to sit down. Sitting down next to you, he begins to explain everything in more detail.

"Is there anything specific you wanted to learn about?" Todoroki inquires, turning to look at you. After thinking for a moment, you'd finally decided on a specific thing. "Well, I've been wanting to learn about the many-worlds interpretation." You answered, shrugging. The icy-hot male nods in understanding. 

"Let's start with the basics," Todoroki says, closing the textbook and placing it back in his bag. "To make this easier, let's use a relatable example. So, every morning, you have the choice of getting up early, on time, or late, right?" He asks rhetorically, trying to keep things simple. You nod, listening intently. "Well, even if you got up on time this morning, there's a version of you somewhere else who got up late." 

"There's even one of you who got up early, all at the same time. But, depending on the choices you make, you create one of those options. For example, there's a version of you that didn't come to this study session." Todoroki explains, pausing for a moment. It made sense to you, but you still had a few questions. "What about other universes?" You asked.

Todoroki thought for a moment. "They're just different timelines, different strings of events. Like one of the examples that I made earlier. For each choice you make, there's another version of you who made a different choice." He answers, folding his hands in his lap. You had a sort of eureka moment as you understood the concept. "Oh! I get it! So, if I kiss you, there's another version of me who didn't or visa versa?" You inquired, cocking your head to the side.

The icy-hot male blushes, slightly surprised that you used something like that as an example. "T-Technically, yes." He replies, his once light blush becoming a darker shade. He clears his throat, composing himself. "Is there anything else you wanted to know?" He asked shyly, trying to hide his obvious blush. You smiled. "Actually, there is!" You said excitedly. 

"I want to know how flustered I can make you~" You flirted, moving your face closer to Todoroki's. He looked away, his face turning a darker shade of red. He wouldn't say it, but he was loving every second of this. "Is something wrong, Shoto~? Are you flustered~?" You teased, sticking your tongue out at him. His heart skipped a beat when you called him by his first name.

Todoroki almost lost it right then and there. He was almost unable to hold back. After looking at you again, he found that he had lost control. It only took one look into your (E/C) eyes, and he was already lost. He pressed his lips onto yours, causing your eyes to widen in shock. You melted into his warm touch, wrapping your arms around his neck. After what seemed like forever, he broke away from you.

The icy-hot male's eyes widened. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry I-I just-" You cut him off with another quick kiss. You smiled at him kindly. "Don't worry about it, Todoroki." You answered, causing him to calm down. He smiled slightly, his heterochromic eyes looking into your (E/C) ones. Unfortunately, this just happened to be the moment that his sister walked in.

"Hey, Shoto. Dad says- Ooh~ Is that a girl~?" Fuyumi teases. Todoroki looks away like a tsundere. "We were having a study session, that's all." He says, about to cross his arms. Fuyumi chuckles. "I know, I was just teasing. Anyway, dad says that he wants you to train with him tomorrow. I'll see you later. Have fun with your girlfriend~!" She says, leaving. 

Todoroki blushes, slightly annoyed. "She's not my- oh, nevermind." He sighs, rolling his eyes. You snicker, smiling. "It's fine, Todoroki. She's just messing with you." You reply, placing a hand on his shoulder. He shakes his head. "I know." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a few more minutes, looking longingly into each other's eyes.

Both of you naturally gravitated toward each other, your lips getting closer to his. Todoroki closed the distance, pressing his lips to yours again. It was soft and passionate, holding love and hiding the obsession. The two of you broke away once you heard Endeavor yell for his son. Both of you internally freaked out. 

Todoroki gently took your hand, grabbing your bag, and leading you downstairs. He nearly froze when he caught sight of his father, but continued walking. "So, you're just going to ignore me like that?" Endeavor asked. He got no response. Todoroki gave you your bag, not even looking at his father. This seemed to enrage the older male as he grabbed his son by the back of his shirt. 

"Listen here, Shoto. When I talk to you, you listen and you answer me-" Endeavor was cut off by Todoroki, who was glaring at him. The young boy looked at his father with a glare that could kill. "Maybe I'd listen to you if you weren't an abusive son of a bitch who doesn't know how to treat people! You flaming sack of diseased dicks on it's way to douchebag city, listen to me! I don't care who the fuck you think you are-" Todoroki is cut off as his father harshly slaps him.

Tears threaten to fall from the younger Todoroki's eyes. "Don't you dare speak to me that way!" Endeavor yells, preparing to hit his son again. Being the heroic person you were, you couldn't just sit and watch this. You jumped in front of Todoroki, causing you to get hit by the severe blow. It stung a lot more than the average hit. "YOU BASTARD! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" The younger Todoroki yelled, losing control of himself. 

The icy-hot male's left side lit up instantly as his breathing became uneven. Ice quickly covered the floor around Endeavor's feet. "DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN!" Todoroki yells, completely out of control. His father glared at him. "Who are you to tell me what to do?!" He replied, preparing to fight his son. 

Suddenly, Todoroki seemed calm. His flames became smaller, the ice less intense. "I implore you to back the fuck up right now. If you don't... you're not going to like what happens next." He threatened, gently grabbing your hand protectively. Even though he seemed calm, his glare was relentless and terrifying. 

"Are you threatening me?" Endeavor asked, offended. Todoroki calmly sighed. "I warned you." He says, letting go of your hand. "(Y/N), I recommend you get out of here." You do as he says, slowly leaving the house and practically running home. Unfortunately, you weren't being careful enough.


"I can't hold back anymore!"

"I know that you're getting restless, I am too. But listen, we aren't ready yet-"

"I don't care! I can't take it! I can't stand not having her here..."

"Fine. We'll do it tonight."


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