Chapter 49: A Break-In?!

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Todoroki and Midoriya clung close to you. They were kinder than usual, and a lot more physical, too. The taller male had his head leaned on your shoulder while the green-haired boy laid in your lap. Bakugo hadn't moved, his hands twitching every once in a while. To be honest, you were slightly uncomfortable, but you didn't dare move. You knew that it would be a bad idea if you tried. 

"I hope you know that we love you, butterfly. We were only trying to protect you." Todoroki said softly, enjoying your touch. You wanted to yell at him, but you didn't. Instead, you nodded. "I know..." You trailed off, looking away. Midoriya contently stayed in your lap, looking up at you with innocence. It sickened you. Seeing someone who'd done such horrible things, staring up at you as if nothing had ever happened.

You wanted to shove both of them off so badly. The only thing that was stopping you was how scared you were. If you even tried, who knew what they'd do to you. They might lock you in the basement again. They held all the power here. "We mean it. You're our whole world, doll." Midoriya chimed in, his loving gaze sending a shiver down your spine. 

You managed to give Midoriya a weak smile, ignoring the lingering feeling of dread. He smiled back, seeming so sweet and innocent. You had to look away, trying to shake off your sense of unsease. It was only a matter of time until something went wrong. That was one thing that you were sure of. 

Bakugo suddenly perked up, looking around. The other two males ignored him, Midoriya was too focused with you and Todoroki just didn't seem to care. The ash-blonde left the room, still looking from side to side like he was looking for something. You would've followed him if you weren't occupied with the other two.

"Don't worry about Kacchan. Probably just thought he heard something." Midoriya explained, snuggling into your lap. You nodded but still felt uneasy. Todoroki sighed contently, happy that you weren't trying to run away from him. It was just like old times. You seemed to love him back then, so it shouldn't be too hard to get you to feel that way again. 

Midoriya was surprised that his sympathy tactic had worked as well as it had. Never in a million years did he think that he'd be able to just lay in your lap without any protest from you. It was like a dream come true. It was everything he'd ever wanted. You weren't trying to push him away, you didn't even look that uncomfortable. It was perfect.

Ten minutes passed. Twenty. Bakugo still hadn't come back. You were starting to get worried. The eery silence didn't help. Todoroki and Midoriya also noticed that the ash-blonde was strangely absent. It was unlike him. Very unlike him. The two boys looked at each other, seeming to communicate their suspicion with a single glance. 

Todoroki was the first to get up. He didn't say anything, he only nodded at Midoriya before leaving the room. His steps were cautious. It didn't take long for him to come back. "Midoriya. Take (Y/N) to her room. Now." He demanded, seeming frantic. The green-haired boy didn't even protest.

Midoriya got up, taking your hand. He started to take you to your room. You thought better than to resist him, following willingly. "I know you don't like it, doll, but this is for your safety. We wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't deathly serious." The green-haired boy convinced as the two of you reached the room.

You watched as Midoriya closed the door, locking it and leaving. The sound of his retreating footsteps made you release a breath you didn't know you were holding. For now, you were free of the two of them. But something wasn't right. That's what you were sure about. The concern in both of their faces meant that it had to be something really bad.

Midoriya made it back to the living room. "Do you mean it? Did they see you?" He asked. Todoroki's face looked grim. "They didn't see me, thankfully. I think that they're planning a surprise attack. Bakugo's tied up and knocked out. They got to him quickly." He explained, already on-edge. 

Both of them knew how dire this situation was. It wasn't something to joke about and definitely wasn't something to mess with. "It's Amajiki, Togata, and Shinso. But why they'd team up is something I just don't get..." Todoroki trailed off, running a hand through his hair. Midoriya looked off to the side. "Shinso must have been teamed with Kirishima and Kaminari. They're here to get them back." He rationalized.

Todoroki breathed a sigh of relief. "So they're not here for (Y/N). Thank god." He felt his worries partially wash away. Midoriya had his knife at the ready. "They could be around any corner. What do we do?" He asked, looking to Todoroki for a plan. The taller male thought for a moment. "They're still in the room with Katsuki. If we're quick, we can get to them before they even get the chance to spring at us." He said, pacing.

Midoriya was still nervous. "But if they got Bakugo so easily-" He was cut off. Todoroki stopped pacing. "We both know Bakugo is the weakest of the three of us. We just have to be careful about Shinso..." He trailed off, in deep thought. The green-haired devil knew he was right. "Alright. Why don't we let the real battle begin~?" He asked, glancing at his partner in crime. The taller boy smiled sadistically. "I thought you'd never ask."


"H-He's out cold."

"That's good. I thought that maybe he'd alert the others."

"Bakugo's too prideful for that. Besides, we don't have much time. This is a serious situation."

"You're right. B-But how do we beat them?"

"It'll be easy. We just need to be careful. One of us can go and get my teammates, the other two will hold off Midoriya and Todoroki."

"So, it's settled then?"

"Let the final battle begin."

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