Chapter 7: A 'Best Friend'

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On your way to school, you bumped into a familiar red-haired boy. "Kiri!" You exclaimed, smiling. He turned around with a cheerful expression on his face. "(Y/N)!" He replied, embracing you tightly. You hugged him back. While you couldn't see him, a devilish grin found it's way to the red-haired boy's face.

Since the two of you were going to the same place, you started walking together. "What've you been up to?" Kirishima asked, cocking his head to the side slightly. You had no reason to lie to him, but for some reason, you felt like telling him was a bad idea. "Not much. I'm just kinda figuring out who to hang out with." You answered, feeling bad that you hadn't told him what was actually happening.

Kirishima's smile faltered, but it didn't last long. "You could always hang out with me! You are my best friend, after all!" He said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You smiled again, leaning onto his shoulder slightly. A slight blush found its way to the red-haired boy's face, but he did his best to ignore it.

"Why don't we hang out after school? There was some stuff that I wanted to show you, but I haven't had the chance yet." Kirishima offered as the two of you neared the gates of the school. You nodded. "Yeah, that sounds great!" You replied, a sense of contentment helping to ease you.

The two of you entered the classroom together, smiling. Todoroki scowled, but you didn't notice. You and Kirishima happily chatted for a few more minutes, unaware of the pure jealousy that you were causing someone else. Your attention was turned to the door as soon as Bakugo walked inside. The two of your met eyes before looking away shyly.

"Did something happen between you and Bakugo?" Kirishima asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. You shook your head rapidly. "N-No, no! Nothing at all!" You obviously lied. The red-haired boy's eyes narrowed but quickly returned to normal. He smiled. "Whatever you say!" He replied, hiding his true intentions behind his slightly faltering grin.

Your conversation continued as if nothing had happened, the two of you laughed and joked like normal. You spared a few glances in Bakugo's direction, but it was never more than that. After yesterday, you weren't exactly able to look him in the eyes without getting embarrassed. This was easily noticed by Kirishima, who got more jealous by the second. Fortunately for you, class was about to begin. So, you sat down and finished up your conversation with the red-haired boy.


After school, you excitedly ran over to Kirishima. The red-haired boy turned around as soon as he heard you coming. "So, you ready to hang out?" He asked happily, walking backward. You nodded. "I'm always ready to hang out with my best friend!" You replied, making sure the enthusiastic boy didn't hit anything.

The two of you decided to go to your house since it was closer. You allowed Kirishima inside with a smile on your face. Both of you plopped onto the couch absentmindedly, enjoying a mindless conversation. The red-haired boy was cheerful like normal, but something didn't seem right. His smile would falter every so often, twitching as he tried to regain his composure. You noticed this but didn't say anything about it.

The conversation shifted quite a bit, somehow getting to the topic of your classmates. Kirishima seemed to change once the topic got to other people. His smile dropped. "Yeah, what about our classmates?" He asked, his once cheerful attitude disappearing. His sudden change scared you slightly, causing you to change what you were about to say.

"I was just going to mention how all of you seem so close. I think that it's really cool." You mentioned, hoping to get the red-haired boy's attitude to change again. Kirishima smiled again. "Oh, yeah! We've been pretty close since the villain attacks." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. You nodded in understanding, deciding it was best to change the subject again.

"So, what about you? I'm interested in hearing what your life was like before U.A." You mused, leaning forward slightly. Kirishima's attitude changed again. "Before U.A., huh? I hated my quirk. I hated feeling so powerless, so useless. I couldn't save anyone if I tried. Well, that's how I felt, at least. Once I figured out that I'd gotten in, I knew that things were going to change for me. And, I was right. For once, I was happy with who I was... I was happy with who I was going to become." He ranted.

You didn't know whether to smile or to cry. It was both a heartbreaking and heartwarming story. "Well, at least you're happy now, right?" You asked, trying to make the best of things. Kirishima smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Plus, now I have you!" He replied, going back to his usual cheerful self. This helped to ease your fears as you continued to hang out with the red-haired boy.

The two of you continued to talk to each other, not noticing as time passed by. Both of you only stopped once Kirishima got a text saying that he needed to head home. So, the two of you bid your farewells as you watched the red-haired boy leave. A few seconds later, he ran over and gave you one last hug before he continued on his trek home.

~Later That Night, With Todoroki~

Todoroki watched through your window as you slept. The rhythmic rising and falling of your chest seemed to help ease him. His gaze did not shift away from your unconscious body as the breeze blew past him. The longer he watched, the harder it became to control his urges. Soon enough, his longing got the better of him.

The icy-hot male slowly eased your window open, slipping inside soundlessly. He walked over to your bedside, brushing your hair out of your face. Once his hand made contact with your skin, he needed more. Unable to control himself, he laid down next to you. He inhaled deeply, taking in your scent. A soft blush covered his face as your unconscious body cuddled into his. He smiled, feeling content.

Todoroki couldn't control himself. He couldn't stop himself. The way you snuggled up to him warmed his heart. His heart rate increased as he ran one of his hands through your hair. His face flushed to a deep red as he held you close. The rush was almost too much for him. "I love you so much..." He trailed off, holding your head to his chest. A few minutes later, he stood back up. He didn't want to, but he knew he had to.

There was no way Todoroki would allow himself to be caught by you. You might think that he was a freak. You might hate him. That's why he couldn't allow it. He couldn't let you hate him. There was no way in hell that he would let that happen. You were going to love him, whether you liked it or not.


"You have one shot. If you somehow manage to mess this up, I'll be pretty surprised."

"Shut up! Like you're any better."

"Believe me, I'd be doing this for you if I could. Unfortunately, that won't work since I'm not in your class."

"That means I have an advantage!"

"Keep telling yourself that. As if they'd like a dunce like you."


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