Chapter 3: A Girl Who Caught The Eyes Of Many

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You felt bad about leaving Kaminari hanging, but it wasn't like you had much of a choice. After some consideration, you decided that you'd apologize to him the next time you saw him. When you started walking to school the next day, you couldn't help but feel as if you were being watched. Shrugging it off, you continued walking. 

As you walked through the gates of the school, a sense of security washed over you. In your mind, as long as you were in the confinement of U.A., you were safe. You smiled to yourself, walking to your classroom. Once you got inside, you noticed that only Midoriya was present. It seemed strange at first, but then you realized that it was still quite early.

"Midoriya!" You greeted, smiling sweetly. He jumped, snapping out of whatever trance he was in. "(L/N)! W-What are you doing here s-so early?" He asked, stuttering. You shrugged. "It doesn't hurt to be early." You replied. He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I g-guess that makes sense..." He trailed off, trying to keep his mind on the pure side. 

Seeing that you had no other options, you continued to talk to Midoriya until Kaminari showed up. "Kami! I'm so sorry about yesterday!" You apologized, cutting Midoriya off. The green-haired boy felt jealousy well up inside of him. He didn't know why it made him so mad that you were paying attention to someone else. Kaminari smiled. "It's okay! Sometimes we just have other things to do!" He lied. 

Although Kaminari said that everything was fine, he couldn't help but feel envious. Who else were you with? Why did you flake on him? You felt a wave of relief wash over you. "Thank goodness! I thought you'd get mad or something." You replied, smiling shyly. Kaminari laughed. "Me? Mad? Never! That's totally a Bakugo thing."

You shrugged in response. "I guess so!" You said. Just as you happened to say that, Bakugo walked into the room. "Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear," Kaminari muttered. Bakugo glared at the blonde boy, growling under his breath. You looked away from Bakugo, doing your best to ignore him. After yesterday, you didn't want to talk to him. Which was understandable, given the circumstance. 

Bakugo noticed this immediately and got slightly annoyed. "Hey, (L/N)." Bakugo harshly said, trying to get your attention. You ignored him, sitting down and looking away from his general direction. This only made him more pissed. He slammed his hands down on your desk. "Oi! Don't you ignore me!" He yelled, his eyes narrowing. Midoriya side-eyed him, glaring intensely. 

"Don't talk to her like that." Midoriya venomously muttered, his hands balling into fists. Bakugo looked over, not fully hearing what the green-haired boy had said. "What was that, Deku?" He angrily asked. Midoriya stood up. "I said don't talk to her like that." He repeated, looking up the ash-blonde. 

"Tch. What are you gonna do about it, Deku?" Bakugo taunted, smirking. Midoriya glared at the ash-blonde venomously. Kaminari looked between the two, carefully grabbing your wrist. "I think we should get out of here..." He muttered, gesturing toward the door. You nodded, agreeing. "Yeah..." You replied, following the blonde boy out of the room.

Once the two of you left, you noticed that Bakugo and Midoriya started yelling at each other. You turned back toward the door, concerned. "Maybe I should make sure they're okay-" Kaminari interrupted you, blocking the door. "It's best that we let them blow off some steam. They'll be fine!" He said, trying to keep your focus on him. 

You were hesitant at first, but you shrugged it off. You figured that this must have happened often because of how little Kaminari seemed to care. "We should go somewhere else! It'd be best not to be around when they stop fighting..." Kaminari trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. Thinking it was for the best, you nodded. "Where should we go?" You asked, still not knowing the school too well.

Kaminari thought for a moment, his gaze shifting to the side slightly. "Well, we could, uh... um... we could go and sit outside! The scenery is really nice!" He said nervously. You agreed, smiling sweetly. A soft blush found its way to Kaminari's face as he led the two of you outside. Both of you sat down in the grass, enjoying the moment.

Both you and Kaminari sat in comfortable silence, appreciating the scenery. You were snapped out of your daze when you heard someone else walking over. Instantly, your head turned in their direction. You breathed a sigh of relief when you realized that it was just Shinso. "Hey, Shinso!" You greeted, smiling.

Shinso smiled back, but only slightly. "(L/N), it's nice to see you again." He replied, sitting down in the grass next to you. Kaminari's eyes narrowed, but you didn't notice. This only seemed to make Shinso smugger. "Why don't you and I stop by a cafe after school? You know, get to know each other better?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Your face lit up excitedly. "Yeah! That sounds like fun!" You answered. Kaminari's glare worsened, but he played it off. "Mind if I come too?" He inquired, smiling sheepishly. You nodded. "Of course you could come! That way, we can all get to know each other!" You said cheerfully, not noticing how the two boys death-glared one another.


"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Believe me, the feeling's mutual."

"Whatever. Do we have a deal or not?"

"I'd say we have a deal."

"Fine then, we agree."

"This is going to be so much fun!"


Well, there's chapter 3! Sorry that it took so long, but as I've said before, I'm not too good at the more boring story chapters. I'm a lot better at the action-packed, make you hate me kind of chapters. Anyway, next one will be out whenever it's done. See you next time!

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