Chapter 36: A Way Out

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Mirio hugged you briefly, staring down at your small form. "(Y/N)! We were so worried about you! Where have you been?!" He exclaimed, looking concerned. Your gaze fell to the floor. "W-Well... it's a long story." You replied, feeling bad. For some reason, you felt like you shouldn't tell him. "Everyone's been looking for you. We should get you to Aizawa." He said, gently placing his hand on your shoulder.

You nodded in response, following Mirio as he started to walk off. For a few moments, the two of you walked in silence. The blonde boy caught sight of the bite on your neck. His eyes narrowed. There was a change of plans. "I just remembered, Aizawa isn't working today. I'll take you to his place." He lied, smiling gently. You clung onto his arm for dear life, scared for what might happen if one of the others showed up.

Mirio didn't want this moment to end. He loved the feeling of you hugging onto him for safety. That meant that you trusted him. He liked that. "We're almost there, don't worry." He said comfortingly, knowing what was waiting just around the corner. You only clung tighter, hiding your face in his arm. He rubbed your back, almost feeling bad for what was about to happen. 

As the two of you turned the corner, Mirio caught sight of who he was looking for. The tall male looked from Mirio to you in surprise. The blonde shrugged to the best of his ability, trying to figure out what to do. Tamaki sighed quietly, walking over to you. He gave Mirio a look that said 'you owe me one' as you felt his shadow loom over you.

Hesitantly, you looked up. Tamaki looked guilty as he pulled something from his pocket. "S-Sorry about this, bunny." He muttered, grabbing you around the shoulders and forcing a rag over your nose and mouth. You held your breath, not risking breathing in whatever might be on the cloth. No matter how hard you tried to struggle, you couldn't escape the tall male's tight grip. 

Eventually, you caved, taking a deep breath. Whatever it was smelled surprisingly sweet. You thrashed in Tamaki's grip, trying to pry his arms off of you. "Bunny, c-calm down. You're only m-making things w-worse for yourself." He said, feeling guilty. You felt the lull of sleep in the back of your mind. Getting even more frustrated, you ignored it.

Tamaki held onto you tightly, glaring at Mirio. He wished it didn't have to be like this. You slowly got weaker and weaker, trying to ignore the overpowering need for sleep. Your eyelids became heavy as you continued to fight. There was no way you were giving up that easily. After another minute or so, you went limp in the tall male's arms.

Tamaki instantly took the cloth off of your face, picking you up bridal style. "Y-You're lucky that nobody c-caught us." He mentioned, looking over to Mirio. He nodded. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just panicked." He explained, rubbing his arm. The slightly shorter male looked away, still slightly annoyed. "Your h-house or mine?" He asked, shifting you slightly in his grip.

"I, uh, didn't think about that..." Mirio admitted shyly. Tamaki nodded to himself, sighing. "M-My house it is." He replied, changing directions. The blonde followed behind him, feeling bad. Eventually, the two came up at the indigo-haired boy's house. Tamaki unlocked the front door and stepped inside, waiting for Mirio to follow. He made sure that the door was locked, placing you on the couch. "This is going to be interesting..."


You felt nauseous as you woke up. It took a few moments for your vision to focus. "What... happened...?" You muttered, trying to remember. It didn't take long for everything to come back to you. Mirio and Tamaki had betrayed you. They were some of the only people that you had trusted, and they had stabbed you in the back. 

"Sunshine, you woke up!" The sound of Mirio's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. He stood almost directly in front of you, smiling brightly. You gazed at him with fear. You didn't know if you should trust him. That was when both of you heard footsteps coming toward the door.

Tamaki stepped into the room, freezing when he noticed that both you and Mirio were staring at him. "Tamaki! There you are. I was about to go get you!" Mirio said, smiling at his good friend. The indigo-haired boy sent a less-than-friendly glance his way. "Yeah, s-sure you were." He spat with venom, narrowing his eyes. When he turned to you, however, his demeanor changed. "Are y-you okay, bunny? I-I was trying to be gentle..." He trailed off, his eyes showing vulnerability and empathy.

You were almost scared by Tamaki's sudden change. "Yeah... I'm okay. These bindings are a little tight, though." You admitted, sheepishly looking away. Mirio went to untie you, but Tamaki put up his hand, signaling for him not to do so. "I-I know. You must be really s-sick of this by now. I'm sorry, b-but we can't untie you." He replied sympathetically. "N-Not yet, at least." You looked down at the floor, trying to think of some way to get out.

"Hey, don't look so down, sunshine! At least you have us!" Mirio said, trying to cheer you up. Tamaki gently elbowed him in the side. "D-Don't be so insensitive." He grumbled, eyeing the cheerful boy. The indigo-haired male crouched down, looking up at you and cupping your cheek. 

"L-Look, I know this i-isn't ideal. Personally, I w-would've just led you to Aizawa. M-Mirio, unfortunately, panicked and b-brought you to me. Although I d-don't know what you've b-been through, I'll do my best t-to be good to you." Tamaki said, rubbing your cheek comfortingly. Your eyes met his as you smiled slightly. It was nice to have someone be empathetic for once. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.


"Why do we have to work with this bastard?!"

"Believe me, I don't find this ideal, either."

"Both of you, stop fighting."

"Tch. What are you going to do ab-"

"Stop. Fighting."

"I agree with the little devil, for once."

"Very funny. Look, we don't have a lot of time. And remember, we're only getting her out of there. After that..."

"I'm going to be your rival again. Is that correct?"


"What?! I never agreed to this bullshit!"

"You didn't have to. I'm the boss, remember?"

"Like hell you're the boss of me!"

"Watch your tone. We don't have time for all of this."

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