Chapter 15: A- Wait, What?!

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Your head hurt as you woke up. Unfortunately, you couldn't recall what had happened the day before. As your vision became clear, you scanned the room. Your breathing became uneven as you looked around. You were in a room you didn't recognize. The walls were made of concrete and there was a single door in the room.

Upon further inspection, you noticed that you were tied to a chair. Your heart rate increased as you struggled, trying to escape. You stopped as soon as you heard footsteps. They seemed decently far at first but began getting closer very quickly. Right before they opened the door, you went limp. You decided it was best if they thought you were still asleep.

You listened as they opened the door and stepped inside. That was when you noticed that there were two people. Two separate heartbeats, two separate breathing patterns. "She still hasn't woken up?!" You instantly recognized the voice. It was Bakugo. "Relax, Kacchan. It won't be much longer." Another voice replied. You recognized this voice as well. It was Midoriya.

You could hear Bakugo angrily sigh. "Are you sure that you didn't give her too much of that drug?" He asked. Midoriya seemed to be fiddling with a notebook of some sort. "Yes, I'm sure. My measurement was perfect for her." The green-haired boy answered, sounding slightly annoyed. You could practically hear the two glaring at each other.

It was too much for you to process. You had been kidnapped by your classmates? "Whatever. You and your stupid measurement bullcrap..." Bakugo muttered, audibly crossing his arms. Midoriya's footsteps made their way over to the ash-blonde. "What was that?" He asked intimidatingly. The hot-headed male backed off. "Nothing, damn nerd." He replied, likely rolling his eyes.

"That's what I thought," Midoriya said, his footsteps nearing you. One of his cold hands caressed your face, almost making you shudder. He sighs longingly, lifting your chin with his hand. "Wake up, princess~" He coos lovingly, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. You hesitantly open your eyes, surprised to see him so close to you. 

"Good morning, my love~" Midoriya flirts, smiling at you kindly. Bakugo perks up, suddenly paying attention. "So, you're finally awake." He says, his arms crossed. The green-haired boy glares at him for a split second, angry for stealing his spotlight. A few tears threatened to fall as your restraints rubbed against your wrists. "Shh, shh, shh. Don't cry, everything's going to be fine." He comforts, petting your hair reassuringly.

"Oi! Lay off of 'em, would you?" Bakugo snaps, pushing himself off of the wall. Midoriya frowns, stepping back. "Relax, Kacchan. It's not like I was going to do anything crazy." He replies, rolling his eyes. The ash-blonde gave his signature annoyed look at the green-haired boy, before turning to look at you. His crimson gaze was clouded by an unspoken desire. A desire that you could not quite place.

"W-What's going on?" You hesitantly ask, finally finding the courage to speak. The two look at each other, pondering how to answer your question. "Oh, sweetheart~ I thought you'd figured it out by now," Midoriya answered, smirking. His change of tone sent a shiver down your spine. Bakugo smirked, resisting the urge to laugh.

"Who knew that someone as intelligent as you could be so ignorant?" Bakugo taunted, laughing slightly. You shrank back, trembling slightly. Midoriya smirked. "Now now, Kacchan. Don't be so mean. Although I will admit, I thought it was rather obvious." He said, shrugging. Bakugo growled, crossing his arms.

Tension filled the room in the silence. Bakugo's violent aura was completely different from Midoriya's more sophisticated intimidation. You didn't understand why the two would together. From what you had seen, they were mortal enemies. The two obviously still didn't get along, but they seemed to have made a compromise. 

"Well, I guess I don't mind telling you." Midoriya suddenly said, smiling. As he was about to speak again, Bakugo cut him off. "No, I'll do it." He growled. The green-haired boy suddenly snapped, turning to look at the ash-blonde. "I said that I was going to do it, Kacchan." He spoke the boy's name with venom, making him step back slightly.

Bakugo backed off, looking away. "Whatever." He muttered. Midoriya glared at him, before turning back to you. "Kacchan and I both realized that we cared about you and couldn't bear to see you with anyone else, so we worked together to make sure we never have to feel that pain again." He answered your question, running one of his hands through your hair. From his spot not too far off, Bakugo growled. 

Midoriya moved closer to you, a sadistic smirk growing on his face. "What was that, Kacchan? Are you getting jealous?" He asked, his lips dangerously close to yours. Bakugo's face showed shock and anger. "Don't you dare, Deku! We agreed-" He cuts himself as the green-haired boy presses his lips to yours. It doesn't take long for him to break away and start laughing. "I'm just getting payback for that first date, remember?" He teased.

Your lips quivered, your face now a shade of light pink. Midoriya turned back to you. "I'm sorry, princess. I shouldn't have just kissed you out of nowhere. Only fools with no class would make that mistake." He says, taking a jab at a classmate who currently wasn't present. Your face flushed to a darker shade. This seemed to make him amused. 

"Or perhaps I was wrong. Maybe my princess likes a little bit of teasing?" Midoriya teased, lifting your chin with his finger. Bakugo snapped, shoving Midoriya off of you and throwing a punch at his face. This blow struck Midoriya right in the nose, causing him to bleed. The green-haired boy slowly wiped the blood off of his face, his eyes glowing a dangerous shade of green.

Without any warning, the green-haired devil threw a punch at the ash-blonde. Green electricity crackled around his fist. He hit Bakugo right in the gut, winding him and causing him to fall to the floor. His eyes were narrow as he glared at the taller male. He had snapped.

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