Chapter 13: A Strange Day

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After yesterday, you were kind of scared to go to school. Well, more so embarrassed. You weren't sure if you'd be able to face your classmates after what you pulled. Regardless, you grabbed your things as well as your pride and began heading to school. The walk seemed to take longer than usual, everything seemed so quiet. It was unnerving. The atmosphere seemed dark as you made your way to school.

The longer it took, the more uneasy you became. You began walking faster, feeling like you were being watched. Your footsteps were one of the only sounds you could hear. You squeezed your eyes shut in fear and began running to school, your uneasiness getting the better of you. It didn't help that you ran into someone. Your anxiety spiked instantly, making you fear to open your eyes. 

"Woah! Are you alright?!" A familiar voice asked, gently grabbing your shoulders. You looked up to see Mirio, who was looking down at you with a concerned look. "M-Mirio! Y-Yeah, I'm okay..." You trailed off, still embarrassed about yesterday. He smiled, seemingly relieved. "That's good! Do you want me to walk you to class? You seemed a little uneasy walking alone." He offered kindly. 

You smiled. "If you want to, but I don't want to cause you any trouble." You replied, rubbing the back of your neck shyly. Mirio's warm and friendly demeanor helped to ease you. "It wouldn't be any trouble, trust me." He said, giving you a warm and happy feeling. The two of you walked to your classroom hand in hand, enjoying a cheerful conversation.

Mirio led you into the classroom, smiling kindly. "Well, it was nice talking to you! I'll see you at lunch, Mirio!" You said, thanking him for walking you. He ignored the glares from your male classmates, keeping his friendly demeanor. "Of course, it was my pleasure! I'll see you later!" He replied cheerfully, hugging you before he left. 

Todoroki walked up to you as soon as Mirio left, starting up a conversation. He had an ever-so-slight smile on his face. "I noticed that you seemed slightly confused during the lesson yesterday. If you want, we could study at my house after school." He offered, smirking at Bakugo, who now looked more ticked off than normal. You smiled kindly. "That would be great! Thanks, Todoroki!" You answered, excited for the end of the school day.


"(Y/N)? I don't think I get this..." Kirishima trailed off, looking up at you shyly. You smiled encouragingly. "That's okay! I can help you and Kaminari at the same time." You replied, happy to be of some use to your classmates. So, the in-class tutoring session began. Technically, you were supposed to be working on your group project, but you didn't care.

So, you tutored both of the clueless boys until you were eventually interrupted. Tamaki had walked into your class and over to your desk. You had noticed this instantly, and you were slightly confused. "Tamaki? What are you-?" You're cut off as he gently grabs your shoulder, showing some urgency. He looks at you with both fear and... something else in his eyes. "(Y/N), we need to talk." He says seriously, sending a shiver down your spine. 

You follow the introverted boy outside, slightly worried about the conversation that was ahead of you. The two of you stopped outside of the door, right in the hallway. "What did you need to talk about?" You asked, raising your eyebrow. Tamaki looked down each side of the hall, making sure it was empty. 

"Look, I don't have much time to explain," The indigo-haired boy said with slight urgency. "I need to warn you before it's too late." Tamaki's eyes continue to shift from side to side as he talks, constantly scanning for people. The anxiety that you felt previously seemed to skyrocket. "The others, they're unstable. You need to be careful-" He cuts himself off as he sees someone enter the hall.

You were confused. "What do you mean?" You ask, pressing for more information. Tamaki shakes his head. "I can't tell you now. I'm afraid I'll have to explain another time..." He trails off, beginning to walk away. "Go back to class. I'll tell you as soon as I can." You watch the indigo-haired boy as he leaves, trying to shake off your sense of anxiety and fear.

You re-entered your classroom silently, taking a calming breath. "So? What did Amajiki want?" Kirishima asked, cocking his head to the side. You smiled nervously, figuring it was best if you didn't say anything. "Nothing, really. He just asked me to relay a message to Aizawa." You lied, sitting back down. 

Kaminari brushed it off, but Kirishima couldn't. He felt like something bad had happened while you were in the hall alone with Tamaki. Not wanting to press, he kept his mouth shut. The three of you worked on your group project after that, not talking any further about what just happened. You were eager for the lunch bell to ring so that you could escape, even if it were just for a little while.

As soon as it did, you practically ran out of the classroom. You made your way outside before anyone could catch you, wanting to be alone. The courtyard was always a section of the school that you found to be relaxing. It was a good place to collect your thoughts and make sense of your odd few weeks.

You rested your back on a tree, pulling out your phone and headphones. After a few seconds, you selected a playlist and closed your eyes. Subconsciously, you began singing along to the lyrics. It was simple and calming, allowing you to relieve the stress that you had felt previously. You felt at peace, unaware of what was happening not too far away from you... for the time being, at least.


Todoroki had gone outside to relax for a while. Little did he know the pleasant surprise waiting for him was just around the corner. He caught sight of you quickly, hearing your voice. To him, it was intoxicating. Just hearing it made his day, even if he was jealous about earlier. His cheeks flushed to a deep shade of red as he listened. He knew that he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer, and that was what scared him.


"I can't just sit and watch as she slips away from us! I can't take it!"

"Look, I don't like it either, but we can't go and do something flashy. That would just get everyone else's attention, and we don't want that."

"I know... but I can't wait much longer!"

"Believe me, neither can I. Just be patient, our time will come."

"It better be soon, I don't know how much longer I can hold back!"

"The feeling's mutual, Kacchan."

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