Chapter 41: A Very Unlikely Trio

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You clung onto Todoroki for dear life, not wanting to face the other two. The tall male only held you closer, rubbing it in the other boy's faces. "I told you that I'd save you, princess." He whispered, making you somehow feel safer. You could hear Bakugo grumbling angrily, but that was no surprise. 

"How come he gets to hold her?!" The ash-blonde asked sharply. Midoriya sighed as Todoroki only became smugger. "Kacchan, I already told you this a thousand times. Todoroki gets to carry her because he's the one who picked her up." The green-haired boy explained tiredly, rubbing his temple. 

Bakugo continued to grumble and growl like a brat, crossing his arms. Midoriya kept him in check, toying with his butterfly knife in one of his hands. You kept your face buried in Todoroki's chest, giving you a sense of security. This also helped him to keep at ease, feeling you clinging onto him so tightly. 

You weren't paying any attention to where the four of you were heading. In your mind, it didn't matter. Yet at the same time, you were trying to rationalize everything. Some things just didn't add up. There were some mysteries that you needed to solve. Unfortunately, those answers seemed so far away. For now, you were stuck. There was no escape. Even if you did, you knew deep down that one of them would find you again. They always did.

At some point, you must've fallen asleep. The next thing you knew, you were laying on someone's bed. It wasn't nice enough to be Todoroki's house, so you assumed it was either Midoriya or Bakugo's. As soon as you woke up, you noticed that the three seemed to be arguing. About what, you wouldn't know until you listened. 

"What if she tries to run away again?!" Bakugo asked, gesturing over to your supposedly asleep form. Todoroki only sighed, glancing off to the side. "That was the whole point of us teaming up, Kacchan. Constant surveillance." Midoriya answered, toying with the knife that he seemed to always have. The tallest male seemed confused. He glanced at the green-haired boy, raising an eyebrow.

"I thought that after this, you two would continue to rip at my throat like wild dogs," Todoroki mentioned with ever-so-slight venom. Midoriya giggled slightly. "Oh, don't be silly! Kacchan's the only wild dog here! Besides, our needs changed, so the deal changed." He said, shrugging. Bakugo growled lowly, only helping to prove the green-haired devil's point. "Is that so? Well then, what's our new deal, Midoriya?" The tallest male asked.

The boy in question seemed excited, yet also annoyed. "We'll team up for as long as necessary to keep her safe from the others. Hopefully, this deal is to your liking, because the alternative is rather messy." He explained, tracing his finger along the sharp blade of his knife. By the look of it, it could cut skin like it was paper. Todoroki seemed completely unfazed. "Understood. I suppose Bakuhoe over there doesn't oppose, either?" He jabbed, glancing over at the blonde boy.

Bakugo seemed highly offended as he grumbled. "Oh, shut up you damn Icythot!" He shot back. Midoriya rolled his eyes. "Enough name-calling, you two. Back to the matter at hand. We have to choose whether or not to restrain her." He said, bringing the other two away from their small fight. Todoroki smiled slightly. "Of course, I apologize." He replied. The ash-blonde seemed ticked off.

"I still say we restrain her! We can't have her running away!" Bakugo quickly argued. Todoroki cocked his head to the side. "That's funny. I didn't restrain her and I had no problems with her trying to escape." He noted, throwing shade at the methods of the other two boys. Midoriya twitched slightly, not appreciating the obvious jab.

The green-haired boy sighed. "Unfortunately, I have to say I agree with Todoroki. We want her to trust us, don't we?" Midoriya rhetorically asked, looking over to Bakugo. The ash-blonde rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He muttered, crossing his arms. Todoroki silently smirked, glancing at you once again. He sent a wink your way, signaling that he had known you were awake.

The other two didn't seem to notice Todoroki's action, still slightly arguing with each other. "Yes, Kacchan. I understand your concerns here. However, I'm sticking with what I said." Midoriya stated matter-of-factly. Bakugo's hands twitched in annoyance. "You saying my opinions don't matter?!" He raged.

The green-haired boy nodded. "That's exactly what I'm saying, Kacchan! You have no jurisdiction here!" He confirmed, smiling. Bakugo growled. "Fuck you." The ash-blonde spat, walking away and leaning on the wall. Todoroki seemed amused. He had always known that the relationship between Bakugo and Midoriya was a very unstable one and throwing him into the mix would only make things worse.

That was when Midoriya turned to you, now noticing that you were awake. He walked over to you, cupping your cheek with his hand. You trembled slightly, resisting the urge to shove him off of you. "I didn't think you'd be up so soon, doll." He mentioned, smiling in a surprisingly not creepy way.

Bakugo perked up at the mention of you being up. His crimson eyes moved directly to your figure as his breathing pattern changed. He took a few steps toward you, but Todoroki stopped him. The ash-blonde glared at him, before switching his gaze back to you. Midoriya kissed your forehead gently, staring into your eyes.

You looked away shyly, still trembling. Bakugo growled and tried to push past Todoroki, making you jump back in fear. Midoriya looked over his shoulder, meeting eyes with the ash-blonde. "Don't be so animalistic, Kacchan. You'll scare the poor girl." He lectured before turning back toward you. Immediately, his expression turned sadistic. "Actually, that scared face is quite adorable. Scare her all you like~" He purred, putting his face in the crook of your neck.

Your body froze as you continued to tremble. You looked over to Todoroki with pleading eyes. In your mind, he was the only sane one here. He smiled ever-so-slightly, but not in a sadistic or psychotic way. It was sincere. "Alright, that's enough. As I said before, you want her to like you, do you not? You have to treat her with kindness and class." He said, walking over and gently lifting your chin with two fingers. 

A deep blush covered your face. Midoriya removed himself from your neck, smiling. "Right! I just couldn't help myself. She's so adorable..." He trailed off, looking like he could go on. Todoroki briefly glared at him, hating the fact that he was forced to work with the green-haired devil. In your mind, one thing was clear. This was going to be hell.


"I still don't like you."

"Neither d-do I..."

"What? Not you too! Come on, I'm not that bad."


"Okay, maybe I am. Not the point! I can help."

"We don't want your help."

"I mean it! I can help you get her back!"

"Like he said, w-we don't want your help."

"I see how it is. Fine then. Just know you've made another enemy. And trust me, you don't want me as your enemy."

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