Chapter 35: An Escape

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You woke up facing Kirishima's chest. Once again, he held you in his death grip. A soft blush covered your features as you realized that he was shirtless. You wanted to escape him, but your body craved his warmth. In his sleep, he seemed so innocent. It was disorienting. How could someone who kidnapped and trapped you in his basement for a week have a look like that on his face?

As a sort of test, you pushed on Kirishima's chest, trying to escape him. He didn't stir. A smirk came to your face. Turning around, you wiggled yourself out of his arms. Quickly, you replaced your previous spot with a pillow. You didn't want to risk anything. After taking one last glance at the sleeping boy, you left the room.

You made your way to the hallway, looking for something that might be useful. Instantly, you found Kirishima's bedroom. Hesitantly, you crept inside. It seemed like a fairly normal room. Nothing was out of the ordinary. So, you snooped around a few drawers, looking for something that might spark your interest. 

Unfortunately, nothing caught your eye. You exited the room and went downstairs, searching for anything that might help you. Originally, you were planning on grabbing a knife in case Kirishima woke up. Directly after, you realized that his quirk would make even trying something like that useless. So, you left the knife idea behind and continued your search.

As you looked around the downstairs, you didn't really find anything that caught your interest. That was, until you saw blood. It wasn't a lot, maybe just a few drops, but it was definitely enough to catch your attention. Kirishima didn't seem injured in any way, so it couldn't have been his. You followed the subtle trail of blood to an all-too-familiar place. The basement.

Hesitantly, you opened the door. You were scared to step back inside. You didn't want to get locked in again. Regardless, you walked down the steps, into the darkness. Once you reached the bottom of the stairs, you nearly threw up. The sight you saw was one that you couldn't forget. There was Mina, bloodied, and broken. Dead. Her lifeless eyes stared endlessly forward.

Almost like you were in a trance, you walked over to the pink-skinned girl. You cupped her cheek, feeling her cold skin against yours. A few tears fell down your face as you took a step back, hugging yourself. Her death was your fault. That's how you felt, at least. Your eyes scanned over her form in remorse and empathy. You felt bad for the torture that she must have endured.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you found my little secret." A voice called from behind you. You froze, too terrified to even turn around. The shadow of Kirishima towered over your small body as you shook uncontrollably. Slowly, his footsteps echoed closer to you. "I know you're upset, but it had to be done. She tried to separate us." He said, putting his hand on your shoulder.

You could feel Kirishima's breath on your neck as he stood behind you. Your heartbeat sounded like a pounding drum, your pulse rushing in your ears. "Why don't we get out of here? You shouldn't be down here, anyway." Venom laced the last sentence as his grip tightened. Your body tensed up. 

Kirishima began to leave, his footsteps getting farther away. It didn't take long for him to stop. "Darling, I said, let's get out of here." He demanded, grabbing your wrist. You shoved him off of you, running for the door. "No!" You exclaimed, making a break for the basement door. He grabbed onto your arm, activating his quirk. His hand dug into your skin. "No?" He asked, his cruel eyes staring into yours.

You fought tirelessly against Kirishima's unbreakable grip. He pulled you closer to him, looking down at you. "Listen here, (Y/N). You are mine. I don't give a fuck if you want to be or not. I'm done playing nice." He growled, glaring at you. Your body froze. You stopped resisting. He was being deathly serious. 

Suddenly, Kirishima's attitude changed. He smiled softly, easing his grip. "See? Was that so hard? Come on, let's go." He said, gently taking you back upstairs. You didn't fight him. You were too terrified to. He closed the basement door behind the two of you, locking it with a key from his pocket. 

"Now, why don't we go upstairs so I can teach you a lesson?" Kirishima asked, starting to drag toward the staircase of the second floor. A sense of self-preservation overcame you. In a flash, you broke his grip and ran for the front door. You almost made it. Unfortunately, the red-haired boy was faster. He wrapped his arm around your chest and pulled you to him, restraining you from behind. 

Kirishima bit down on your neck, sinking his teeth into your flesh. You cried out in pain, trying to force him off. "G-Get off of me!" You exclaimed, starting to cry. He only growled and pulled you closer, biting you harder. After what seemed like forever, he released his fangs from your sensitive skin. He licked the blood from the wound he had created, chuckling slightly. "You never told me that you tasted so good~" He mentioned, whispering in your ear.

For you, that was the last straw. Mustering all the strength you had, you pushed Kirishima off of you. He seemed too surprised to move at first. You took this to your advantage, punching him in the stomach and kicking him in the dick. After flipping him off quickly, you ran for the door. Luckily, it wasn't locked. 

You bolted outside, looking for people. If there were people around, Kirishima wouldn't be able to do anything. A few seconds after you made it out, the red-haired boy exited frantically, looking for you. Unfortunately for him, you were sprinting away, trying to look for familiar places or people.

It didn't take long for you to bump face-first into someone's chest. You looked up fearfully, worried about who you had just rammed into. When you did, all of your anxiety melted away. Although, you were slightly surprised. They smiled down at you, obviously relieved to see you.


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