Chapter 40: An Intense Fight

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The two boys had 'disposed' of the body and were on their way home. Tamaki hid in a sweater, covering his bloodstained skin. Mirio kept his hands in his pockets, trying to ignore the tension in the air. It didn't take long for them to get home. Instantly, the indigo-haired boy went to shower, giving the blonde the order to go check on you.

As Mirio made his way downstairs, he noticed that you weren't making any noise. That worried him. So, he practically sprinted down the steps, only to find you asleep. He sighed and smiled, happy that you were safe. At least, for the time being. The blonde cupped your cheek with his hand, feeling your soft skin against him. 

Mirio simply enjoyed the moment for a little while longer, before Tamaki came in. The slightly smaller boy seemed on-edge as he glanced over to his blonde friend. However, he calmed as he looked over to you, feeling at ease. You slept peacefully, smiling slightly as you did. The two boys smiled in return.


"Alright. You two will go in from the front and keep them distracted. I'll slip past and grab her." The tallest of the males said, glancing at the other two. The shortest seemed conflicted about the idea but didn't protest. "Huh?! No way! You'll just take her for yourself!" The short-tempered boy growled, a few small explosions spilling from his palms. 

"Relax, Kacchan. He made a promise. And if he breaks it, well..." Midoriya trailed off, laughing slightly under his breath. Todoroki glanced between the two of them. "So, are we in agreement?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. As Bakugo was about to protest, the tiny devil covered his mouth. "Yes. Kacchan and I will go in through the front door. You'll go in through the kitchen window. Grab her and get out. We're not taking any chances." He answered.

Todoroki nodded in understanding, now looking at Bakugo. The ash-blonde sighed. "Fine! Just know I'm not happy about this." He grumbled, crossing his arms. Midoriya laughed. "I knew you'd see reason, Kacchan! Come on, let's go. We don't have time to waste." He said with slight excitement, grabbing his partner by the arm and beginning to drag him.

Bakugo didn't fight back, allowing Midoriya to drag him toward Tamaki's house. "So, this is it?" The ash-blonde asked, raising a brow. His green-haired associate nodded. "Yep!" He answered quickly, smiling. The slightly taller male smirked, manifesting one or two small explosions in his palms. "I say we burst right in! Take 'em by surprise." He suggested.

Midoriya smiled devilishly. "For once, I agree with you, Kacchan." He said, twirling a knife in his hand. Bakugo smirked in return, small explosions emanating from his palms. "So, do you want to kick the door down, burst through the window, or break a hole in the wall?" The green-haired devil asked, toying with his butterfly knife. His ash-blonde 'companion' eyed him for a moment, trying to decide.

"The door would be easier. Less collateral damage." Bakugo quickly answered, glancing back at the house. Midoriya nodded in agreement. "Alright then. Let the games begin." He laughed, his bright green eyes seeming to glisten with insanity. The two glanced at each other, before nodding. It was time to take you back. The only problem would be trusting Todoroki. He was unpredictable, and that was a problem.

Bakugo walked over to the door, his infamous smirk coming to his face. He used an explosion to burst the door down, alerting the two males downstairs. Midoriya followed the ash-blonde inside, laughing like a maniac. They waited for their upperclassmen to walk up the stairs with unhinged smiles on their faces. 

Tamaki and Mirio emerged from the stairwell, looking around for suspicious activity. The indigo-haired boy had his quirk at the ready. He wasn't taking chances. Suddenly, they felt a presence behind them. Midoriya suddenly had a knife at the shyer boy's throat using his other hand to cover his mouth. "Shh." The green-haired boy quietly said, smirking. 

Mirio continued up the steps, not hearing what issues his poor friend was having. Once he reached the top, he saw Bakugo waiting for him. The upperclassman stepped backward, but it was too late. The ash-blonde grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, letting off a few small explosions.


Whilst all of this was happening, Todoroki slipped in unnoticed. He made his way toward the basement, catching sight of the other four boys. His eyes narrowed as he made his way past them. In truth, the icy-hot male didn't care about his two associates at all. The only thing he wanted was you. 

Todoroki crept down the basement steps, doing his best to avoid the fighting of the other males. It didn't take him long to finally find you. "Todoroki?" You asked in disbelief. His expression softened. "(Y/N)." He said in return, going quickly to undo your restraints. He picked you up bridal style, making you squeak in surprise. 

"W-Wait, Todoroki. What are y-you doing?!" You exclaimed. Todoroki motioned for you to be quiet, making his way back toward the stairs. He made his way back up and somehow got all the way to the front door without anyone seeing him. "Gentlemen, gentlemen. Please. Won't you all just chill out?" He joked, freezing Tamaki and Mirio to the floor. 

Todoroki laughed under his breath. Midoriya laughed along with him. They were two very different sounds. The green-haired boy's laugh was a much higher, louder, and terrifying sound. The half and half male's laugh was more relaxed, yet cruel. "Well, I say we get out of here. Do you agree with me, boys?" He asked.

Bakugo grumbled. "Whatever, icyhot!" He shouted, slowly walking out. Midoriya twirled his knife once more. "Don't be like that, Kacchan." He replied, following the two. You gripped onto Todoroki, burying your face in his chest. A ghost of a smile was present on his features. "Well, until we meet again, you two." The icy-hot male said as the three made their way out.

You were in for one hell of a ride.


"This i-isn't fair!"

"I'd have to agree with you."

"What?! Who the hell are you?!"

"Awe, don't you recognize me?"


"You're the one that-"

"Yeah, yeah. I know you're mad. I was just marking what's mine."

"Why you little piece of-"

"Relax! I'm here to help you get her back. I hate them just as much as you."

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