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Jakes pov

T- Jake?

I turn around and face Taylor

J- what's up
T- can you...

I can barely hear her and I look back at her. Her face is bright red. I put my head near her ear

J- let's go upstairs for a sec I can't hear you

She grabs my hand and leads the way. I bump into lance and he quickly takes his phone out. I walk by him and Taylor leads us up the stairs. We stand near a bedroom

J- what's up

I gets a sharp pain in my right hand

T- there's guys from the private school and they are bothering some girls can you get ride of them
J- I'll try
T- thank you I owe you

She hugs me and then we walk downstairs. She points to them and I go over to them

Erikas pov
Jakes phone starts to light up and I grab it. I go in and go to snapchat. I open a couple snaps from the party and then I go to the stories. I go to lances and it's his private one called
lances vlogs🍆🥵. The video starts with a couple guys playing beer pong and then lance runs somewhere and Jake shows up. He's talking to some girl and then she grabs his hand. He let's go and he looks into the camera. I skip ahead and see Jake going up the stairs holding Taylor's hand. I turn his phone off and throw it beside me.

Jakes POV
I walk into erikas room at 8 In the morning and I see her at her vanity.

J- hey rik

I walk behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. I go down to kiss her but she turns to the side and I get her cheek

J- you're not that sick anymore you can kiss me
E- mhm
J- you okay
E- yup

I walk over to her bed and sit on the edge. I grab my phone and unplug it. I look through a couple things and then put it in my pocket with my wallet. I get up and stand beside Erika

J- I'll see you tomorrow, K?
E- maybe
J- do you want me to pick you up
E- nope
J- something's up tell me
E- what's up with you and Taylor
J- what are you talking about
E- she was holding your hand while going upstairs
J- how do you know
E- I was looking through lances stories
J- she just asked me to get rid of a couple guys
E- why was she holding your hand
J- there were so many people and she was scared

She nods her head

J- babe nothing happened between us
E- okay
J- we are okay then
E- nope
J- rik I wouldn't do that to you
E- who were the guys
J- some kids from private school
E- I'll see you later

She gets up and walks into her closet. I go after her and she changes right in front of me.

J- why do you have to be so difficult
E- I'm not being difficult. You expect me to be fine with what I saw
J- but nothing happened I wouldn't do that to you

She ignores me and leaves me standing there. I make my way to the door

J- I'll see you later erika

I leave and make my way downstairs. I head to my car and drive home. I get inside and I see my dad.

G- Jake I have the day off and I was wondering if you wanted to do something
J- yeah sure
G- great I got us tickets to Go see the Cleveland browns games
J- *smiles* those sell out so fast how did you get them
G- I've had them for a while. the game starts at one we should head out soon
J- let me change and then we can eat breakfast before we go

I go upstairs and but on some black tight jeans and a black hoodie. I throw some converse on and grab my jerseys. I put that on and pull the hood threw the top. I go downstairs and we head out to go eat breakfast first.

Back at home

We just got back home but we ended up losing by a bit.

G- I'm going to go grab a couple things from the store I'll be back.
J- yup

I go upstairs and change in to some sweats and a shirt. I sit on my bed and look down at my hand. I try to make a fist but I can't. You can't really see my pisiform bone. I don't really have the energy to deal with it so I lay down and look at the ceiling. Lance always has to post stuff on his story and I had to forget my phone. If I didn't forget my phone erika wouldn't have went in it and say lances private story. I'm just mad at Erika not because she went in my phone but that she won't believe me. I lay there and my phone rings. I grab it and Erika is FaceTiming me. I pick up

J- what's up

She hides her face in the blankets

E- *smiles* can I come over
J- *smiles* oh
E- please
J- do you want me to pick you up
E- no I'll be there soon
J- love you
E- love you too

She hangs up. This girl has so many mood swings I swear. I chill out for a bit then I go downstairs and go outside. I sit on the stairs as I wait for her. Soon her car pulls up and I stand up. She gets out and I walk over to her.

J-  *smiles* awe did you finally realize that I wouldn't do anything to you
E-  *smiles* shut up

I pull her into a hug and she digs her head into my chest

E- I'm sowy
J- don't say it like that because now I feel bad for being mad at you

I kiss her forehead and she grabs my right hand. I bit my lip

J- let's head inside

I shut her door and we head upstairs to my room. I run my hands threw my hair and plop down on my bed.

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