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Jakes POV
It's been a couple days since me and Erika have been back together. I walk over to her house at like 3am because I'm bored and can't sleep. I walk up her drive way and realized how I'm going to get in. I think for a while but I guess I'm just gonna have to call her. I pull my phone out and call her. I have to call her twice before she answers

E- are you okay? What happened?
J- *chuckles* nothing
E- so you're fine?
J- yeah now come get the door
E- what
J- come get the door before I loose my fingers

She hangs up and I see the hallway light turn on. The door opens

E- are you fucking nuts

She whisper yells

E- just get in

I get in and take my shoes off as she locks the door. She starts walking upstairs

J- why haven't I seen those shorts before
E- because you're a perv

She turns into her room and I get up the last steps. I get into her room and she walks out of her bathroom. She gets into her bed and pulls the covers over.

J- but-
E- just get in bed
J- that's the thing I can't sleep
E- just come lay down

I shut her door and light. I slide in bed beside her and she turns around to me she plays with my hair. After a bit my eyes get heavy


I get woken up by Erika drawing on my chest. I turn on my side and take erika in my arms

J- morning Bubs
E- morning
J- is it time to get up
E- yeah

Prom! It's like in a week and I haven't asked Erika

J- bubs?
E- mhm
J- I'm not feeling the best so I think I'm going to stay home
E- are you sure
J- yeah
E- let me get ready and then on my way I'll drop you off
J- okay

She gives me a kiss and gets up. I wait like 40 minutes in bed for Erika to get ready. Once she is we head to my house. We pull into my driveway and I reach over to grab her face I connect my lips to her cheek

J- I love you
E- I love you too

I get one more kiss before heading inside. I lay in bed and google "how to ask your girlfriend to prom" before reading an idea comes to mind. I grab paper and sit at my desk. I think I'm going to do like a scavenger hunt. So I start with this

Ha you remember that
Yeah me too but do you remember where I first called you that

Give me the day the month the number and the year
and I'll always be there
Remember that conversation, I think that was my favourite

I embarrass you a lot in front of a crowds or just us but where was the one spot YOU embarrassed me

And finally where is the place we have the most fun

I just do a couple and then I get changed. I go to the store and I grab flowers and some junk food. I put the junk food in my closet and I put the flowers on the dresser. As it gets close to erika coming home I go put the notes in the spots.

Erikas pov
I get home and head up to my room. I put my bag in my desk chair and I lay on my bed. When I lay there I see a note on my side table I pick it up and read it

Ha you remember that
Yeah me too but do you remember where I first called you that

what has he done now. I get up and head to my car. I drive to the drive in and I go to the exact spot that we were in. I pick it up and head back in the car

Give me the day the month the number and the year
and I'll always be there
Remember that conversation, I think that was my favourite

By the pond. I head to the park and go to the pond. I find the note near the tree by the pond. I don't read it till I get back in the car

I embarrass you a lot in front of a crowds or just us but where was the one spot YOU embarrassed me

The diner. I head to the diner and get the note from billy. I talk to him for a couple minutes then head to my car

And finally where is the place we have the most fun

He's so gross but so cute at the same time. I head to his house. Which I was going to come here in the first place but I thought it was going to ruin the whole thing. I open the front door and walk in

E- Jake?!

I walk upstairs and open his door. He stands there with flowers and a sign that says "PROM?" I walk over to him and hug him

J- so is it a yes or a no
E- it's a yes
J- *smiles* yes

I pull back and he gives me the flowers. He puts the sign on the bed

E- their really nice jake
J- yeah? I wasn't sure what ones to buy so I bought the ones I liked that I thought you would like.
E- *smiles*

I peck his lips

E- Jake you're literally the cutest
J- I try

I connect our lips and once we pull back our lips touch for as long as they can. His hands move lower on my body

E- Jake
J- fine

He moves his hands up just a bit

J- oh wait I got another surprise for you

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