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Jakes POV
I pull into Erika's driveway

E- can you come in for a couple minutes
J- yeah

We get out and I grab her bag. She opens the door and we step in. We walk in the kitchen where we hear angel and dani

E- hey guys
An- how was it
E- good
An- Jake How was the drive
J- good just very long

Then we hear footsteps behind us. I look behind and there's a man standing there. He reaches his hand out and I shake his hand

J- Jake
D- hi Erika
E- hi

I get confused for a second but then realize it's angel's boyfriend. It's been a month since erikas meet him and I've never been here when he is here too. I look to Erika and see that she's really tried

J- were going to head upstairs it was nice meeting you

I grab Erika's hand and we go upstairs.

J- do you want me to help you unpack
E- I'll do it later
J- you sure?
E- yeah

I put her bag down in the corner

J- I'll see you at school tomorrow
E- can we not bring up what happened on break
J- wasn't planning to
E- text me when you get home
J- I will

I pull her into a hug and I kiss her

J- I love you
E- I love you too

I leave her room and run downstairs. As I'm about to leave I hear my name. So I go into the kitchen

An- did everything go well up there
J- yeah why
An- because she didn't seem herself
J- we just had a couple late nights that's it
An- you sure
J- yeah I would never do anything to Erika. I don't know why you are asking though

Like where is this coming from

An- it's just my daughter never comes home like this

I hear footsteps and Erika appears beside me

J- K well I don't know what to tell you if she's tired she's tired
E- Jake just go
J- she thinks I did something to do
E- it's fine let's just go

She grabs my hand and brings me outside

J- what is she even talking about
E- it's David he's getting in her head
J- then he should leave-no you know what you should leave
E- Jake I'm not leaving everything is fine
J- see now he's in your head too
E- babe if something was wrong I would go to you immediately

I give her the really face

E- except the time I thought I was pregnant
J- if he does something to you, you are coming home with me
E- okay Jake

She pulls me into a hug

E- I love you
J- I love you too

I look to the door and see angel and David both looking

J- if they say anything to you I want to know

She starts to walk away

E- okay Jake just go home
J- I mean it
E- I mean it too

I get in my car and drive home. I grab my bag and head in

G- Jake?
J- yeah what's up

I head into the living room

G- how was everything up there
J- great it was really fun
G- I hope nothing bad happened
J- nothing everything went smooth
G- well why don't you head upstairs and get ready for school today
J- I will and thanks for everything
G- *smiles* no problem

I head upstairs and text Erika quickly before going in the shower. I get everything ready for tomorrow and I jump on my bed. It so weird not having Erika in my arms. Then I crash immediately.


I run into school and go to Erika's locker where I find her

J- hey bubs
E- hi

I pull her into a hug

J- you sleep good?
E- yeah but it was weird without you
J- I was feeling the same but sleeping in your own bed was good?
E- yeah
J- that's good...did your mom saying anything?
E- yeah but it was just what she asked you
J- you said everything was good, right?
E- of course I did I wasn't going to expose us

The bell rings and we go out different ways because of second semester. We have nothing together not even lunch which has been hard. Anyways I get in class and gone everything out as I stare at the ceiling

After school

I wait for erika by her car and soon I see her walking over. As she gets closer I open my arms and take her into a hug. I kiss her cheek multiple times before pulling back

J- how was your day
E- it was good
J- that's good

My phone rings and I pull it out of my pocket

J- give me a sec

I answer it

?- is this Jake speaking
J- yeah
?- this is Cali collage
J- oh hi how are you
C- good and you
J- good
C- we wanted to know if we could meet up with you
J- yeah totally
C- we have someone in Ohio that can come and meet up with you. How is Thursday
J- that's perfect
C- he will come to your house at 1 o'clock if that's alright
J- that's perfect thank you so much
C- no problem hope to see you soon
J- yeah you too

I hang up and get excited. I put my emotions away and turn around to Erika.

E- who was that
J- my dad...I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow
E- yeah ok-

I kiss her quickly and run to my car. I get in and drive home. I get in my driveway and run up it into my house

J- dad!
G- in the kitchen

I run in

J- Cali College called me
G- and?
J- someone is coming here on Thursday at one

I see him tear up and I go and hug him

G- I'm so proud of you Jake
J- thanks dad but we don't know if I got in
G- of course you did buddy

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