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Jakes POV
I walk into school tired as I didn't get to much sleep. I go to my locker and put my bag away. I shut it walk walk around for a bit. I go to erikas locker and wait for her. I pull my phone out and scroll threw Instagram. I put my phone down and see Erika coming. I open her locker and she comes over. She puts her bag in

E- what did you do yesterday when I was at school
J- I went home
E- what did you do when you got home
J- slept-why are you asking everything was fine yesterday night
E- maybe because everyone is saying that you and Taylor-
J- Erika don't believe them
E- what happens if I do
J- well it means that there's something wrong with our relationship if you're think this
E- who knows you coulda been with her when I'm not with you
J- but I wasn't
E- you buying me nice things was probably just a cover up
J- stop erika

She shuts her locker and walks away with her books in her hand. I watch her till I can't see her anymore. I get shoved back and forth by chance and Anthony

J- okay chill my wrist

They stop

An- where's erika the girls are in the cafe
J- She-she thinks I'm cheating on her with Taylor
An- did you
J- god no
C- why does she think this
J- she heard from other people
An- there are rumours going around that you too you know smashed
J- when did these start
An- couple days ago
J- why haven't I heard
An- why would people tell you
J- not even you guys
An- well
J- what I don't get is last night she came to my house perfectly fine last night
C- late last night people started posting about it and saying stuff
An- dude she probably didn't believe it in the beginning
J- yeah in the beginning

The bell rings and I head to class. I walk in right behind erika. She goes to sit somewhere else but I grab her waist with my casted arm

J- would you just listen to me for once
E- I listen to you all the time
J- well why don't you listen very hard this time

Everyone looks at us as we stand in the middle of the class as everyone else sits

J- you guys keep staring and I might have to do a trick

Everyone looks away and I push my body on erikas. I push us to our seats and she sits down. I sit facing her

J- why do you believe everyone
E- because it's been going on for about a week and you haven't said anything
J- well maybe if I knew about I would have
E- how don't you know about it. Everyone talks about it
J- well I never heard anything
E- I've been sitting next you and all you would hear is "she must be really dumb to still be with him" or "I wonder what she is still doing with him  after he fucked Taylor"
J- I don't listen to what people say
E- well maybe you should for once
Te- everyone shut up and listen

He tells us some random things that have to be due in a couple days

J- listen-
E- Jake I don't want to hear it
J- come on ba-

She gets up and leaves the room. I get up and go after her

J- Erika why are you believing what other people say
E- because it's not the first time
J- when I went upstairs with Taylor at the party I was helping her and you even believed me
E- you just don't understand
J- I understand
E- no you don't

She turns around

E- you don't know how it feels to have rumours spread about your own boyfriend cheating on you.

She goes to say something else but she walks out the door and I run after her

E- remember like at the beginning of last year when you told me you finally figured out how to make us last
J- yeah I do but what does that have to do with anything
E- you said that you would tell me everything, you would put me first before anyone else, you would make me the happiest girl on earth, you would protect me. Some of these thing you haven't done
J- don't lie Erika
E- I'm not Jake
J- you don't know anything that goes on
E- well there's one, you're supposed tell me everything
J- I don't tell you things to protect you. Lucas says some messed up shit about you. Would you like me to tell you all about that and make you feel like shit or would you like me to keep it to myself and not make you get hurt.
E- I would like to know
J- Last year he wanted to hurt you. He would call you fat, a slut, a hoe, a bitch would you like me to continue

Tears fall from her eyes

E- that's the past
J- oh so what he said doesn't matter
E- no
J- what he's said in the last couple months does that matter. When he says-

She starts walking away

J- he's says "the curves that Erika has are the sexiest thing and I just might have to bend her over a desk" or in the locker room " I got partnered up with Erika for a project and you know how hot and sexy she is I might just have to go for a quickie"
E- stop Jake
J- how do you think I hurt my wrist, I told you football but I guess I lied.

She starts to walk faster and we leave the school property

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