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Jakes POV
I get dressed for school and I grab my bag before leaving for school. I get out to my car and drive to school. Once I get there I walk inside and the warning bell goes. I get threw all the people and go to erikas locker. I place my hands on her hips and pull her back. I put my chin on her shoulder

J- did you have fun last night?
E- yeah you wanna know my favourite part?
J- *chuckles* sure
E- I made out with two guys
J- *smiles* woah nice bubba

I hear her laugh and she turns around and hugs me.

E- how are you

She looks up to me

J- just a little tired
E- did you sleep last night
J- kinda
E- wanna come over tonight
J- are you done your period
E- no
J- I'm okay

She just stares at me

J- I'm just kidding I'll come over
E- your so mean
J- but you just-I'm sorry

I grab the sides of her face and lightly kiss her. She take my casted hand away from her face and puts it on her lower back. The bell rings and I pull back but Erika pulls me back

E- wanna leave
J- we just got here

She Presses her body onto mine

J- you just got mad at me for wanted to have sex with you and now you want to leave

The people next to erikas locker look over. Then they all leave after I stare them down

E- we will came back soon
J- Erika you're on your period
E- we can make out
J- later I promise
E- when is later

She says in a cute baby voice

J- *smiles* that's not gonna help

I pull her in a hug

J- I'll come by a little later
E- fine

We soon head to class a bit late. We both sit down and Lucas stares us down. I pull my phone out as I get a notification.

L- she wasn't lying when she said that she made out with two guys

I look up to him and he shrugs his shoulders

J- are you like spying on us
L- nah I'm just trying to help you out


I get into Erika's room and find her laying on her bed. I put my bag down

J- hi bubs
E- hey

She turns around to look at me and she opens her arms. I put my knee on the bed and push off to get right into her arms. I push us down and roll onto my back. Erika props herself up beside me.

J- where's your mom and Dani haven't seen them in a while
E- dani has been at my dads because apparently my mom has a new boyfriend that she's been seeing after work
J- interesting
E- I haven't even met this guy and I don't like him

She puts her hand up my shirt

J- I'm sure he's a nice guy
E- that's what you said about the last guy
J- wow look at the time it's time to make out

I grab her thigh and flip us over in one quick motion. I connect my lips to her and she pushes me off

J- come on baby
E- no I don't want to
J- what do you want me to do
E- I don't know not turn every situation we have into a make out
J- I was just playing around
E- well I wasn't

I sit up

J- want me to leave you alone for a bit
E- no you just got here
J- well feels like I'm not welcomed
E- well if you didn't make everything into a joke then we would be fine
J- yup I'll see you later

I get up and grab my bag. I open her door and head down the stairs. I get into the drive once I hear her calling my name

E- Jake

I turn around and walk backwards to my car.

E- come back
J- I'm headed home

She walks out in shorts and a T-shirt in the freezing cold

E- Jake I was just mad at my mom please come in
J- you just need to be alone

I get to my car

E- I've been alone for the past 3 months

I go and open the door but she grabs my wrap

E- come back in I promise I'll love you
J- *chuckles*
E- please
J- *sighs* fine

I lock the door and follow behind her going inside. She grabs my hand as we get in

J- you better be nice
E- *smiles* I will

She kisses me and we head into her room.

E- what do you want to do

She turns to me and I stare at her eyes.

E- Bubba
J- huh
E- you weren't listening
J- I was looking at your pretty eyes

I pull her into my chest as she turns red

J- my favourite thing about you is that you take every compliment like it's the first one I've ever given you

We rock back and forth

J- you're really bipolar
E- hey
J- you were just mad at me and not you're hugging me
E- I'm just an emotional person
J- but I still love you

I pull her head up to mine and peck her lips.

E- you ready for prom
J- yes

I want one of you guys to help me write a book or even help with ideas. Tell me if you guys want to see this. Message me personally if you're down.

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