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After Surgery
Jakes POV
I look up to the ceiling but I hear the door open and I look

J- woah your my friends
An- just wake up?
J- mhm
G- hey Buddy how are you
J- great you see this thing it's black

I raised my hand in the air

C- why do I feel bad
An- as his best friend you should
J- I have three best friends chance Anthony and Erika. Erika where is she
D- sorry guys but just wanted to let you know everything went really good. We are gonna keep Jake here for two days
G- can we talk in the hallway for a sec
D- of course
J- where is she
C- you two broke up
J- oh
An- but it's okay you have us
J- yeah?
An- yeah

I reach my hand out and he daps me up.

J- is it time to go home
C- you have to stay her for two days
J- are you guys staying
C- no
J- awe come on
An- we will be back tomorrow after school

My head falls back and I my eyes shut

5 days later

I got home a couple hours ago and now I'm laying in bed. My whole arm is in so much pain as it travels from my wrist up. I get a text and I quickly grab it.

An- dude we are coming by want food
J- yeah just get whatever

I lay there staring at the ceiling till my door opens. The boys walk in and throw a bag at me.

J- thanks
C- how are you feeling
J- other than the pain I'm good
C- that's good
J- I'm just so bored laying here all day doing nothing
An- have you even gotten up
J- to take a shower but I just feel weak
An- do you want to go for a walk at least
J- maybe

We all eat our food and chill for a bit. We end up going for the walk

J- I asked my dad when I should talk to her he said a couple weeks but like we can tell his relationship with my mom didn't go well because of what he did
An- honestly you should wait for her to talk to you first
C- yeah because you don't know when she is ready
J- I-I could tell she was holding that in for along time
An- maybe she was and couldn't find the right time to tell you
J- I just don't get how we hurt each other so hard but then compromise at the end
C- you guys love each other and you both saw how you hurt each other
J- if we don't get back together...*sighs* I don't even know
An- how bout we talk about my problems
J- *chuckles* you have problems
An- well rocky told me that she loved me
C- and I'm guessing the idiot that you are you didn't say it back
An- I didn't I panicked
J- did you just stare at her
An- I don't even know. We were playing around and I was laying on top of her and we were just staring at each other and she said it after that I don't remember
J- have you talked to her
An- no we avoided each other today
J- looks like we all have girl problems
C- speak for yourself
J- chance you and Tessa are always off and on
C- K well right now we are on

We head back to my house and my dad forces me to take the pills and we head up to my room

J- what if I take this cast off
An- why would you do that
J- for some fun
An- did you take something
J- my medicine

The door opens

G- how are you bud
J- great
An- what do those pills do to him
G- oh he did this the yesterday. He told me that he hasn't been sleeping and the pills make you tired
C- so
G- he's not getting enough sleep which messes him up and causes him to hear voices or he's delusional and I get force him to go to sleep that's impossible
J- I can go to school tomorrow right
G- if you want
J- I can't lay here no more

I put my head back

G- I have a job for you guys
J- me too
G- during lunch you have to force him to take the pills and if he doesn't it messes the whole thing and then we have to restart. When that happens he has to be off of the pills for at least a day
An- why force him
G- did you see him downstairs
An- yeah but that wasn't bad
G- because you guys are here. He puts up a fight for an hour and is a baby about it
C- wait I saw him taking Tylenol perfectly fine
G- because there are pain killers and he thinks he is gonna get addicted
C- of course he does
J- I'm right here
G- shut your eyes and go to sleep
J- can't do that
G- Jake you're gonna get sick if you don't sleep. I need you to sleep
J- you come back tomorrow bye bye
An- *chuckles* there's something wrong with him
G- watch him
An- we will
J- hey I have an idea

I look at them

C- what's your idea
J- we play nba

We all play basketball ball together and that's all I can remember

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