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Jakes POV
I lay in MY bed, in MY sheets, in MY house, in MY room with MY girl. I wait for her to wake up so we can chill for the rest of the day. My door opens then shuts. After a bit longer I feel her starting to move. I run up and down her body but stop when she repositions herself

E- no keep going
J- *chuckles* okay

I continue and I end up going back to sleep


I wake up to no Erika in my arms and I sit up with my arm to my chest. I get up and hear the shower. I lay back down and wait. About 15 minutes later I see her walk out with a towel around her. I sit up and follow her into my closet.

E- what do you want

She falls back into my chest and looks up to me

J- I don't want anything
E- *smiles* then leave
J- it's my closet
E- I'm trying to get changed
J- I can help
E- Jake come on
J- ok ok

I leave and go downstairs.

G- here

He throws me my pills

J- still
G- yeah you have a week left
J- what if I don't take them
G- Jake we go threw this everyday. Erika can do it now so go back upstairs
J- are you leaving
G- yeah I'll be back later

I head back upstairs and into my room. I throw my pills onto the bed

E- what are these

She rolls onto her stomach and she grabs the bottle. I sit on her thighs and massage her butt.

E- when do you have to take these
J- now and near lunch
E- here

She passes it back

J- no
E- what do you mean
J- I don't like taking them

I lay beside her And she sits on my stomach. After Erika fighting with me to take them I finally do.

E- you're such a kid
J- I don't like them
E- well you have to take it

My door swings open

J- what the hell
An- oh shit see I was right
J- fuck off like actually
E- you guys really don't know how to mind your own business
C- I guess not
An- I guess we have to tell everyone to leave
J- what do you mean
An- a couple guys wanted to visit you
J- I saw you guys two days ago everyone knows I'm fine
C- okay chill out we will tell everyone to leave

I get up and follow them downstairs. Everyone leaves and I go grab a water bottle. I run back upstairs and I stand in the doorway.

E- go take a shower so we can go to the mall
J- why
E- because I need something
J- and what that be

I take a sip of my water

E- you will have to see when we get there

I walk in at put my water on the table.

J- I'll be a quick

I go into the the bathroom and I take my clothes off. I put a bag on my cast and get in the shower. I soon get out and get changed. We head out to the mall and Erika grabs my hand.

J- do you need anything in specific
E- no I just wanted to walk around with you
J- we could have done this in a more entertaining place
E- like where
J- the beach
E- it's like 4 degrees out
J- it's actually 9
E- oh sorry

I reach over and kiss her forehead. We walk in and out of stores while Erika just looks at things. I go to grab Erikas hand but realize my arm is in the sling so I go to the right of her and grab her hand with my left hand. We pass like a dress shop and I see a bunch of girls in there. Then I remember that proms in like 2 weeks. I don't get why it's in January but I don't get decide so I'll just keep my mouth shut. After a while of us walking around we head back to my house. I sit on my desk chair and Erika lays in my bed

J- can I just ask you something?
E- yeah what's up

She sits up on her forearms

J- like the first week of us not being together

She raises her eyebrows

J- you at Matthew we're together
E- I thought that you were gonna make me jealous by having Taylor all up on you. So I thought that it was a good idea to get someone to make you jealous and that's where Matthew comes in play. funny story right *nervously laughs*

A smile slowly grows in my face and I see that she's shocked

E- why are you smiling
J- because it's actually really smart
E- really
J- yeah

I get up and climb on top of her.

J- did you guys hang out, out of school
E- yeah a couple times
J- what did you guys do
E- we hung out
J- was it like a hang out hang out or a hang out
E- *smiles* a hang out hang out
J- oh so you guys did what we do
E- maybe
J- so he went

I unbutton her jeans and with my teeth I grab the zipper and pull it done. I look up to her and smile.

E- okay chill it was just a hang out
J- *chuckles*

I slide up and put my head in her neck

J- do you want to hang out
E- *sighs* yeah

If this chapter gets 37 votes by the time I got home from work at 10pm est time I'll post the first chapter for the sequel "what a baddie"

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