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Jakes POV
Erika tried to pull back but I hold her close to me.

J- when was prom?
E- like nine weeks ago we just talked about this
J- well I think our deal about not having sex till we're married isnt gonna last long
E- not happening
J- make out?

I pick her up and lay her on the bed.

J- I won't take it far
E- just come here

She grabs my shirt and pulls me down to her. Our lips connect and I hold her thigh as I wrap it around me. Things get sloppy but then

D- dinner is red-

I pull back and sit on my knees out of breath. I drop Erikas leg. Erika puts her hands in her face as she looks frustrated and embarrassed

J- K dude you gotta knock
D- no one knew you were going to be here
J- what happens if you walked in in her getting changed

I get off the bed and walk closer to him

D- her door is always locked so since it wasn't I decided to come in
J- that's fucked up
E- jake
D- you're actually not even supposed to be here
J- and you are?
D- yeah angel invited me to come over
J- so now we need invitations
D- Erika isn't allowed to go anywhere after five or have people over
J- was this your rule or angels
D- angels
E- Jake just let it go it's fine

I feel her grab the back of my pants and pull me back. He stands there for a couple seconds then he leaves.

J- how do you do it
E- I don't know let's just get back to what we were doing

I turn around and see a smile on her face. I pick her up and place her on the bed. I go down and connect my lips to hers.

Couple hours later

Me and Erika just fool around for a bit till it gets late. I lay my head on her stomach as she plays with my hair. I struggle to keep my eyes open till everything goes dark.


I wake up to the tv being the only light in the room. I bring my head up and look towards Erika. She's passed out and looks like she has for a while. I go to get up but my hand is connected to hers. I peel her fingers off of mine and I stand up. She starts to move around

E- Jake?
J- mhm?
E- where are you going
J- home
E- it's...

She checks the time

E- one. Don't go no one cares

I slide back in bed and she attaches herself to me. After I bit I can't fall asleep because all I can think of is Daniel walking in. I hear voices and then her door opens. The light from the hallway shines in

An- there not gonna do anything
D- how do you know
An- they've been together for five years they won't do anything
D- you were just worried two seconds ago
An- yeah but I trust erika

They leave and then I hear the front door open and close

After school

I told Erika to leave without me because I have to go talk to my coach. I knock on his door and he opens up.

Co- hey bud how was it yesterday
J- great

We both sit down

Co- so they have to know in the next three or four days. So what are you thinking
J- there are many pros and many cons
Co- how so
J- like what he was saying was everything I ever wanted like the football program, the players and everything about it all. It's also in California a place where I've been wanting to go to for a long time.
Co- and what are the cons
J- my dad and mostly Erika
Co- buddy it's great to have a relationship with a girl but you have to think about the future and where this path could leave you and your dad will support you, he wants you to go
J- I Know my dad will but it's Erika
Co- did you talk to her
J- a little
Co- you probably need to talk. If she loves you she would let you go
J- I know but wouldn't she still love me even if she won't let me go
Co- she will but if that love was strong enough she will let you go.
J- I guess
Co- how long have you guys been together?
J- five years
Co- wow okay I'm surprised you guys don't have kids
J- I control myself

We both laugh

Co- she will let you go
J- I hope
Co- but you're going to school to become a trainer if the football thing doesn't work out for four years. If and when you come back she could be waiting for you
J- maybe
Co- Erika is a smart girl and she can handle herself for a couple years till you come back
J- what if she moves on or what if she gets into Harvard and we lose contact
Co- what Universities did she apply to
J- Harvard, NJCU, some place in Toronto, UCLA and university of Cleveland
Co- you're screwed if she goes to Canada
J- thanks for making me feel better
Co- but UCLA is a very good place for Erika. She will be finding out in a couple days if she got into any where
J- I just hope she doesn't get mad
Co- don't be a dick about it though
J- I won't

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