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Jakes POV
She comes out and I grab her hand. I bring her to the full bday mirror and pull my phone out

E- no I look so gross
J- no you don't
E- this isn't gross

She looks up to me

J- it isn't you're beautiful

I see her blush and she puts her head in my chest. I grab her thighs and pick her up. Her legs go around my waist and my hand goes under her butt

E- are you gonna post this
J- no

Her arms wrap around my neck and her head rests in my neck. I take a picture and then put my phone in my pocket. Both of my hands go on her butt and i go and place her on the bed.

J- do you need anything
E- I'm okay

I keep forgetting about my right hand, it's my dominant hand so I use it for everything.

J- I forgot something in the car give me a sec

I walk out going to my car. I grab my football hoodie that was washed for Erika. I go back inside and head up to her room. I put it on her vanity

J- wear this for me tomorrow
E- don't you have to
J- I have four I'll wear one of those

I slide into bed and pull Erika into my chest I grab her chin and raise it up to me. I peck her soft lips

J- you can at least kiss back
E- I'm sick
J- it doesn't matter

I go down and kiss her again but she still doesn't kiss. I grab both of her cheeks and squeeze them together. Her lips lift up and I go down and give her a kiss.

E- *giggles* okay okay

She pulls my hand down and gives me a kiss. I keep seeing erikas phone light up every second. She puts her head in my chest and I reach over and grab her phone.

L- hey erika
L- I hope we can get together and work on the project
L- I have a couple ideas
L- I'll see you in history so we can talk a bit about it
L- or you can text me

This kid is so annoying. I turn her phone over on her bed and I grab the remote and turn it to football. Erika wraps her legs around mine and I look down and her eyes shut. I put the tv lower And run my fingers threw her hair.

Couple hours later

Erika rolls out of my chest and onto her back. Her face is bright red

J- you okay?
E- just hot
J- take the hoodie off
E- no
J- you have a bra on right
E- yeah
J- then?
E- I'm fine
J- it's just me I'm not going to do anything
E- I know you're not gonna do anything it's just...
J- you're not fat just letting you know
E- *sighs*

I put my hand up the hoodie into her stomach and I trace her abs. See I knew something was up. I get up and go into her closet and grab a tank top. I walk back out and put it in the bed. I leave her room to get a water and then I come back and she put it on. She sits on the edge of the bed and looks towards the ground. I sit beside her

J- if something's wrong you can tell me
E- nothing is wrong
J- I don't believe that
E- no I'm serious
J- fine

I get up and grab my wallet and phone. I head to the door

E- wait where are you going
J- chill I'll be back

I look back to her and she opens her mouth but shuts it. I leave and get into my car. I head to the store and I just pick up some pre workout and then I head back. I go up the stairs and into erikas room. She walks out of the bathroom and gives me a tight hug.

E- are you mad at me

I kiss the top of her head

J- no
E- good

We stand there for a bit just hugging. I love cuddling with her. I put my hands on her sides and rub up and down

J- too bad you are sick because no one is home and when no one is home we get to have some fun
E- can you pick me up
J- *chuckles* sure

She wraps her legs around my waist and I use more of my left hand then my right. Her head goes into my neck and I walk over to the bed. I place her down and then I get on. She rolls on top of me.

Next day

I tie my cleats and put my wrap in my hand then I  head out of the locker room. I run out into the field with a couple guys and head to our bench.

Co- Jake we want the ball if we win

I head to do the coin toss and we don't win so we have to kick off. I head back and tell them

Co- it's fine we still got this

After game

I lay down on my bed and face time erika. She picks up and she has the hood up and her eyes barely open. Her face squish's against the pillow I find it the cutest thing ever

J- *smiles* hi baby
E- *smiles* hi Bubba
J- how are you feeling
E- better
J- that's good...anyways we won
E- *smiles* yay. Any touchdowns
J- 2
E- nice bubs
J- thanks. You look tired why don't you go to sleep and I'll come see you tomorrow and we can spend the whole day together
E- okay
J- love you
E- love you too

I hang up and my door opens.

G- hey bud
J- hey dad
G- you guys win?
J- yea
G- when do playoffs start
J- next week
G- better win to get that scholarship
J- I'll try
G- I'm headed to work I'll see you later.
J- bye dad

I turn my tv on and watch the hockey game. As I watch Columbus lose my eyes shut.

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