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Jakes POV
Billy sets our food down And we start to eat. After we finish I call billy over

J- here's 30 keep the rest
B- I can't do that Jake
J- use it on your kid's we'll see you later

Me and Erika both get up and head back to school. We get inside and stand around at her locker

J- are you still mad at me
E- kinda

I kiss her a couple times

J- can I come over after school
E- I have homework and I have the project
J- I come first
E- school comes first
J- ouch

I put my hand on my heart

E- you remember last time where you took me out and I had a project due the next day
J- I don't want to remember
E- I didn't talk to you for a week because I didn't do good
J- and you didn't break

The bell rings and I grab my notebook from Erika's locker and we head to class. I sit on the desk next to erika as I wait for more people to come. Soon the class fills with more people and I go sit in my seat across the room

At home

I walk in the house and I see my dad in the living room

G- how was school
J- alright
G- I have to leave early today but I don't know when I'll be back
J- that's fine
G- make dinner or something
J- I will

I go upstairs and go take my math out. I finish 10 questions and that when my dad comes in

G- I'm leaving
J- bye

I start to do the review since I have a test tomorrow. I soon make myself dinner and take a shower then go back to work. I get stuck on this one part which is what the rest of the review is on. I pack my bag and head downstairs. I leave my house going to Erika's. I park on the road and knock on the door. I walk in and head upstairs. I open her door and Lucas sits beside Erika on the floor.

J- oh
E- jake
J- I'll um...

I shut the door and leave. I get in my car and drive back home. I go into my room and sit on my bed. Whatever, I get up and I go grab a water from downstairs. I was about to go back upstairs but the door bell rang. I go and answer it

J- what's up
E- why did you just leave like that
J- I wasn't expecting for him to be there
E- I told you before
J- it's cold come in

She gets in and I sit on the couch and then Erika sits on the other couch.

E- you know I wouldn't do anything like that to you
J- like what
E- like cheat or anything
J- oh I know I just went over to get help with math. I was expecting you to be laying in bed not him to be there. I just didn't think he was actually gonna be there

She gets up and sits on my lap

E- I'm sorry
J- just remind me next time
E- I will I promise

She comes down and kisses me softly. I put my hands on her lower back. After a bit Erika pulls back and we look each other in the eyes.

E- your lip is pretty bad what actually happened
J- football
E- the word gets around I know it wasn't football. Just tell me who it was
J- I'll tell you what but not who
E- okay
J- someone was talking about you
E- it was Lucas wasn't it
J- *sighs* yeah

We just sit there till I stand up with Erika. She drops her feet to the ground And I pop my bottom lip out

J- can you sleep over
E- I was planning on it

I pick her up and put my hands on her butt

E- *giggles* what are you doing

I bring her upstairs to my room and drop her on my bed.

J- can you help me with math
E- this is what you brought me up here for
J- after

I pull her up and I grab my bag. I pull my math out and set it down. I pull her on my lap and she helps me. About an hour later we finish and we both lay on the bed together. I look over to erika and her eyes are closed. I look at my phone and it's 11

J- are you going to bed now
E- yeah why do you think my eyes are shut
J- I wanted to...
E- make out
J- maybe

She rolls on top of me and she connects her lips with mine. I put my hands on her butt and she let's out a little moan when I squeeze. She goes down to my neck and I feel her sucking. She goes back to my lips and I flip us over. She giggles as I go to her neck doing the same she did to me. After about a minute of me at her neck and leaving hickeys she realizes what I was doing and push me off. She sits on my torso with my hands over my head

E- Jake
J- what, you did it to me

I look into her eyes and she seems a little bit mad

J- let me see

I try to pull my hands up but she keeps them down.

J- I just want to look

She let's go and I move her shirt out of the way.

J- there's only two you can barely see them

She gets off of me and lays to my side. I take my hoodie and shirt off. I throw them on the floor and cuddle near erika

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