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Jakes POV
Today is the day I leave which is really sad. My bedroom of 15 years, I'm leaving it behind. All I'm bringing on this car trip there is my clothes and my football gear. Me and my dad were able to fit everything in my car so once he comes home he will just have to take the plan just like the original plan

G- *sighs* hey bud you ready
J- not really
G- trust me everything will be fine
J- *sighs* I know

I sit up in my bed

G- your bed will be waiting for you
J- *chuckles* i'll miss it
G- we have like two hours till we leave you gonna go see erika
J- yeah
G- you tell her just because you're not here doesn't mean she can't see me
J- *smiles* I will
G- go now
J- yeah?
G- I have to be in the car with you for like four days

I was gonna spend time with him but he is right. I get up and go hug him before getting my keys and phone and leaving. I get in my car and drive to Erika's. I knock on the front door and Daniel answers

J- listen I don't want any bad blood between us. I'm gone for four years and it's not gonna be good if we still have it
D- I understand
J- so are we good
D- yeah

I shake his hand

J- now if you don't mind Can I go see erika

He moves out of the way and I head upstairs. I open her door and see her dressed for the day.

J- wow bubs trying to Impress someone
E- *giggles* maybe

We meet halfway and I pull her into a hug. I dig my head into her neck. After a couple minutes we pull away and I lay on her bed

J- gonna miss this bed
E- *chuckles* why
J- it's our sex bed
E- *smiles* don't even we have more sex on your bed than mine
J- yeah but it's different here
E- *smiles* you're so weird
J- that's not what you were saying last night

She looks at me with like a surprised really face

J- I'm kidding I'm kidding
E- you better be

I get up and grab her hand. We go into her closet and see a section of my clothes

J- stay here I can a couple things for you
E- I don't need anything or want anything
J- trust me you do

I go to my car and pull a box out that I made for erika. I get back in her room with the box in my hands

J- delivery for erika Paul
E- costell
J- costell

I mock her before dropping the box in the door way of her closet

J- these are some of my hoodies or just things that don't fit me. If you don't want them I could donate them I just thought you would like to wear some of my things that actually fit

She sticks her bottom lips out

E- that's really sweet bubba
J- really?
E- yeah

I push the box more in before pulling her into my side.

J- what do you want to do now
E- just hold me

She goes in front of me and wraps her arms around me. I go down and pick her up. I hold her up with my hands on her butt as I go and walk around the room

2 hours later

Me and Erika have been cuddling,making out and just doing everything before I have to leave. Which is right now

J- K bubba I have to go

She looks at me and she has tears

J- *chuckles* bubs if you cry I'm going to cry
E- I can't help it
J- it okay let's go

I get up and stand there waiting for her. She gets up and grabs my hand. We get downstairs

An- Jake are you leaving
J- yeah

I hug angel dani and Daniel before going outside with Erika. We stand on the drivers side with her hugging me while crying a bit

J- Erika I'll see you soon
E- like how soon
J- I don't know but soon
E- promise
J- no promises only because I don't know when I can leave. Maybe in the next 3 months
E- that long
J- *chuckles* yeah
E- make it sooner
J- I'll try
E- I love you
J- I love you too

I kiss her head and try to pull away put she still holds on

J- bubs you gotta let go

I peel her off of me and she looks me in the eyes. I wipe her tears away with my thumbs

J- soon

She nods and I connect my lips to hers. We end up just making out for at least 10 minutes which kinda pushed back plans but it's fine. I drag my hands over her butt one last time and squeeze.

J- Oh and my dad still wants to see you
E- *smiles* tell him to not worry
J- here

I take my hoodie off and put it on her

J- I love you erika
E- I love you too Jake

We kiss one last time before I get in my car. I hold her hand threw the window and kiss it. I let go as she pulls back. I start my car and back out of her driveway. I wave one last time and she returns it. I drive away going back to my house to get my dad. This is the end of this journey but a new one has just started.

Woah this book was one of many random drafts that I had. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. There will be a sequel to this and I have good news. AS YOU ARE READING THIS WHAT A BIDDIE SEQUEL WILL BE OUT!!!! ENJOY!!!!

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