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Jakes POV
I get into my car and drive to erikas. It's been one week since I got back and it's been going good. It's been the cutest thing in how erika acts now she's like cherishing every moment. I get 50 times more snaps, texts and just random things sent to me. I make it to erikas and see her waiting on the step. I get out and she comes running into my arms

J- I saw you this morning Bubba
E- for two seconds

I stand there for a couple minutes with Erika wrapped around me on my waist. She then gets down and kisses me

J- is anyone home?
E- David and my mom
J- dani
E- my dads
J- why dint you go see your dad
E- because my mom doesn't want me too
J- why does Dani get to go
E- that is something I don't know
J- well in that case I have some bad news and good. What one do you want to hear first?
E- the bad
J- my dad talk to your mom and-
E- I already know I can't go
J- I'm sorry
E- it's fine
J- I should have asked your mom before asking you
E- you didn't know it's okay
J- but wanna hear the good news
E- sure
J- I...actually don't have any...
E- thanks
J- sorry

I grab her waist and push her on the side of my car.

E- what were you doing before you came here
J- well before you begged and bribed me into coming-
E- did not
J- you begged me for two hours and told me you would give me two free tickets for sex anytime
E- okay maybe a little
J- *chuckles*

I press my lips onto hers and pull back slowly

J- but I was cleaning around the house to help my dad out. Haven't seen him in three days
E- he must be busy
J- well yeah he comes home when I leave from school and then leaves around five but I haven't been going home
E- and why is that
J- I've been with chance and Anthony
E- doing what
J- just fooling around

She brings her head in my chest and I move closer wrapping my arms around her

J- want to go inside instead of standing here
E- piggy back

I pull away and bend down. She gets in my back and I walk us inside. I shut the door behind me and head up into her room. I shut her door and bring us to the bed. I put her down and then I take my things off. I take my shoes and sweater off. I throw them to the side and sit against the headboard. She lays in between my legs and her eyes shut.

Next day

I met up with the boys at chances house. We all get up to his room and they pull weed out

J- really guys
C- come on let loose
J- we did this a couple days ago
C- it's fun
An- we only have a couple months left together so we better make the most of it

They end up smoking while I just sit in the bean bag

C- is Erika okay with you going
J- yeah we just had to have many talks
C- couch was talking about you to us when you were gone
An- not in a bad way he was just saying how proud he was of you and you finally get to do what you want to do
J- well all we have to do now is make sure everything goes to plan
An- she's staying here right?
J- yeah
C- you guys trust each other?
J- of course we do what kinda question is that
C- I don't know just making sure
J- where are you guys going have you picked yet
An- the college here
C- same

I get a face time from erika but I don't pick up.

An- I know this is off topic but you haven't told us the full story on what happed in March break
J- you want to know
An- yeah
J- nothing much happened but when the girls came back from the store Erika brought home pregnancy tests and I wasn't happy with that and then it just turned into a fight but then I realized somethings
An- like what
J- like I was the one that got her pregnant and it's going to be my kid at the end of the day anyways
C- honestly it would be a cute kid
J- awe are you calling me cute
C- no
J- and you're calling my girlfriend cute
C- shut up

I get a text and when I look at it it's from Erika

E- hey Bubba
E- Why didn't you pick up
J- sorry bubs I'm with the guys
J- is everything okay?
E- yeah just wanted to do something
J- i can leave
E- no
E- it's fine

When she says it's fine it really isn't so I get up

C- where you going
J- go see erika
C- you just got here you always see her
J- well yeah she's my girlfriend
An- I'll see you later

I say my goodbye and I head out. I get in my car and drive to erikas. Either something's up or she just really wants to hang out. I get in her driveway and head to the front door. I knock and Erika opens the door

E- I told you it was fine
J- yeah but when you say it's fine it really isnt

I look her up and down. Then Erika's hand covers my eyes

E- *smiles* no
J- I can't help it if you look hot

I take her hand away and pull her closer. I hear running and I look towards the door. Dani stands there

J- hi dani

She waves at me and I wave back. Erika looks back and Dani reaches up to her. Erika goes and picks her up

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