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Jakes POV
I wake up to my alarm going off and I reach over to shut it off. I see Erika rub her eyes and then sit up. She goes into my bathroom and I hear the shower turn on. I get up and go into the bathroom brushing my teeth. I head into my closet and pick a pair of black jeans. I grab a blue long sleeve and I slip some socks on. I put my white air forces on and pack my bag. Erika walks out dressed in jeans and a black shirt. She packs her bag and puts her vans.

J- do I even get a kiss

She smiles at me and she grabs my wrists as my hands go on her waist. She goes on her tippy toes and gives me a kiss. She pulls away and we grab our bags. We head to school in My car and then head inside after parking. We head to Erika's locker and I lean on the one beside her. I put my hand in her back pocket

J- you look good today
E- thanks

I look her up and down and then grab her waist. I put her on her locker and connect our lips. I feel her smile which makes me smile. After a couple minutes I feel my shirt being grabbed and pulled away from her. I see the girls coming so I know it's chance or Anthony

J- I love you

She smiles and turns to the girls as they reach her. I turn around

J- chance that was a good make out session and you ruined it
C- and you ruined my life
J- I made your life so much better

We get into the gym and I throw my bag on the ground. I pick a ball up from the rack.

C- why don't you join the team with us the season starts after football
J- I'm not good
C- throw a three

I stand behind the three and shoot And shoot, it goes in.

C- see. Throw another one

He passes me the ball and I shoot. It goes on and on of him passing me the ball And it going in. The bell rings and I grab my bag. I head to make locker as chanthony stopped at their lockers on our way out. I throw my bag and hoodie in their. I grab my notebook not getting the chance to grab my pen. I look over to meet Lucas

L- little guys jealous isn't he

He messes up my hair

J- shut up
L- your just mad that I got partnered up with your girl that will soon be mine.
J- she doesn't like you
L- I going over to her house to do the project. Imma look over to her and connect my lips hers. Then it's gonna get heated and Imma turn her around and put my dick into her
J- I want to hit you so bad
L- hit me come on Paul

I push him on the lockers.

L- do it

I was about to punch him but I punched the locker next to his head

J- you've been like this for 3 years, just don't talk about her or I'll knock the shit out of you

I let Him go and pick my book up I get around the corner and i bend down and I hold my wrist, That actually hurt. I recollect myself and head to class, I'm only like 10 minutes late to class. I walk in and the announcements are still going on. I head to the back and see Lucas sitting at the front. I sit down And Erika looks over to me

E- Lucas is coming over
J- I'm coming
E- no your not
J- yes I am you can't stop me
E- it's not a big deal

I look her in the eyes and I start to get mad.

J- yeah it's not a big till you hear what he says about you.
E- what does he say
J- that he's gonna put his dick in you
E- he's just kidding
J- have you met him before he's gonna do it
E- this project is making you really mad
J- I don't want you near him
E- okay Jake

She looks to the front as the teacher gets up after announcements. The class goes on and she teaches. There's half an hour left where we get to do anything. I get up and go to Taylor across the room. I grab a chair and put it in front of them.

K- hey Jake
J- hi Kate
K- what's up
J- just came to talk to Taylor

I look over at Taylor who already has her eyes on me

J- so we have to do that project
T- we should get started it takes a long time.
J- you can come to my house after school
T- don't you have football
J- oh right if you wait then you can come with me since your brother also has football and he can take your car
T- okay sure
J- just after school wait on the bleachers or you can wait in the library or something
T- I'll be watching you guys
J- you have my number right?
T- yeah
J- okay I'll see you later
T- bye Jake

I get up going back to my seat. I pull my phone out and look at my lock screen of erika sleeping in the cutest way ever. I put the biggest smile on my face and just stare at it. I put my hand on Erika's thigh like always but she doesn't put her hand on mine. I look over at her

J- hey

She looks over at me

J- I'm sorry

She puts a little smile on her face and put my hand on her thigh

J- Taylor is coming with me after practice to my house to work on the project

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