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Jakes POV
I get speechless

J- I-
E- our whole relationship seems like a book like a typical romance book. The two people always mess up but alway end up back together     We always do something which pulls us apart but then get back together
J- we can work this out. We can spend each second for the next two days together
E- I don't want to

We stand there and I see tears falling from her eyes

E- have fun in California

She heads towards my door but I grab her. She cries even more and then starts to hit my chest.

J- Erika stop

I pull her arms down and I start to cry as I hear her cry even more. Her arms get out of my grip and she starts to hit me again. I do deserve it so I let her continue but soon she slows down as she gets tired. She heads towards the stairs and i chase after her. From the top of the stairs I see her reach for the handle

J- Erika if you leave we are done

She slowly takes her hand away and I make my way down. As I stand behind her I see her wipe her tears away. I put my hand on her lower back as I reach the front of her. She grabs onto me and starts to cry. I pull her closer and wipe my tears away.

Even Later

I calmed down erika and we had another very long talk. We understand everything but mostly her.

J- you okay now
E- yeah

You can hear in her voice the tiredness, the sadness, and the defeat.

J- I'm going to grab a water do you want one

She shakes her head so I get up and head downstairs. I grab one and run back upstairs. I go to the side that she is laying on and open the water. I reach out in front of her and she looks up to me. I nod and she takes it. I go into my closet and grab a shirt and pj pants. I head out and go to her. I put the cap back on the water and put it on the side table.

J- do you want to take a shower?

I drop the things on her

E- with you?
J- of course not
E- please
J- really?
E- I just thought since we have two days but if you don't want to then we don't have too
J- only if you want me too
E- yeah
J- you go in do your things then I will come in, okay?

She nods and picks up the things. She gets out of bed and then walks into the bathroom shutting the door a bit. I clean up a bit and wait a couple minutes before getting in with her

30 minutes later

I lay on the bed in my sweatpants waiting for erika to come out. Soon she comes out and is looking site as hell

J- awe bubs you look cute

She smiles before laying beside me.

J- bubby
E- *smiles* what was that?
J- *chuckles* I was going to say Bubba but then I wanted to say baby
E- I hate baby
J- I know it kinda slipped

I run my hand threw my hair and check the time, 2:25am. Our talk went longer than I thought

J- do you want to go to sleep
E- what's the time
J- 2:30
E- well yeah tomorrow we have school

I get up and go shut the door and light. Then I get in bed and pull Erika closer

J- I love you
E- I love you too


We both stand by erikas locker with our lips connected till a teacher walks by. He tells us to stop and we do until he disappears and we reconnect them. I feel her smile in the kiss and I put my hands under her shirt in the back. She grabs them as she pulls away

J- come in
E- *smiles* no you ruined it
J- *smiles* I didn't ruin it, it made it better
E- not when your hands are sweaty

I wipe my hands on my shorts and I feel my face get red. Erika pulls me in a hug

E- *laughs* it's fine
J- I have sweaty hands
E- *smiles*

She pulls away from me

J- we go to my house tonight and then we go to yours tomorrow
E- is your dad home
J- is that even a question

The bell rings

E- I'm taking that as a yes
J- *smiles* what do have planned
E- you'll have to wait and see

I press my lips onto hers

J- I'll see you later
E- love you
J- love you too

I head to my locker and grab my book. I head to class and sit with the boys

An- how did it go
C- I saw them making out in the hallways
J- it went so bad
An- really?
J- she lost it she went insane
An- well it is short notice
J- but she understands now hopefully
C- I can't believe my best friend is leaving
J- every time I surprise Erika it's going to be a surprise for you guys too
C- I better get chocolate and flowers
J- don't worry you will your graduation gift
An- oh shit you're not gonna be here
J- I'm getting my diploma early(don't think it's a real thing but for the book it will)
C- lucky
J- I already have a plane ticket here for graduation
An- on top of the game
J- don't tell erika I already told her it's impossible for me to come because I just got there
An- you have to worry about chance
J- I swear chance
C- I won't I won't

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