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2 weeks later
Jakes pov
We won the championship by one point which is insane. I look up to the the ceiling at school and blank out.

Te- I know it's the last class but pay attention it's Important

I look down to him

Te- grab a partner or do it by yourself. Fill this out and hand it back

He gives us a survey and fill it out it takes the whole period. I head to my locker and grab my bag. On the way out Taylor appears beside me

J- hey
T- we got our mark for that project
J- is it good
T- 90%
J- shit that's good
T- I'll talk to you later
J- bye

Damn a 90. I stand near Erikas car to say goodbye before I leave. She comes out of the school and she walks to me. Once she reaches me I pull her into a hug she digs her head into my neck

J- I'll see you later
E- I love you
J- I love you too

We pull back and I give her a kiss. I make it back to my car and drive home. Once I get home I think I should probably tell my dad about my hand. I walk into the kitchen

G- hey bud
J- I think I broke my hand

He stands up and grabs my shirt bringing me close to him. He grabs my arms and takes my right when he sees that it's swollen.

G- make a fist
J- I can't
G- try

I barely get half way

G- jake you can't even see your pisiform
J- I know it hurts like a bitch too

He looks up to me

J- it hurts bad
G- we are going to the ER
J- you can't do anything here
G- jake have you seen it

I take my arm back and head upstairs

G- jake you have five minutes

I throw my bag down and grab my dad hat and throw that on.


We've been here for 4 hours and they finally took us into to a room.

An- you get in yet
J- we just got into a room
An- you need anything I can come by
J- food?
An- what you want
J- McDonald's
An- your dad want anything

J- dad you want any thing from McDonald's
G- I'm good

J- he's good
An I'll be there in like an hour
An- that good
J- yea
J- tell me so I can come get you
An- K

The doctors walks in

D- you must be Jake

I nod my head

D- we are going to go take X-rays could you follow me but first take your shirt off and put this night gown on

i do as told then I get up and follow him. We get in the room and he did his thing while I stand there

D- how old are you
J- 18
D- senior year
J- yeah
D- football ended right
J- yeah we win the championship
D- awesome

He positions my hand different ways.

D- do you have a girlfriend
J- yeah
D- that's nice

We soon head back to my room to wait for the results.

1 hour later

My dad went to go get tony while I chilled on the bed. They soon walk in

An- my guy

He daps me up and hands me my food

G- I'm going for a walk I'll be back

He leaves and Anthony sits near my bed

An- have they done anything
J- took X-rays

I start eating

An- does Erika know
J- nope
An- you going to tell her
J- later
An- she's gonna be pissed
J- maybe

I eat and my dad walks in then the doctor shows up

D- turns out from the X-rays

He shows me

D- you have a scapholunate ligament tear. Your SL connects two of the small carpal bones together, the scaphoid and lunate. These are located near the center of the wrist. The SL ligament ensures the bones move in unison and the wrist has a smooth rotation. Yours doesn't do this. The bad news Is You have to get surgery and it takes a long time to heal.
J- what are you going to do for it now
D- I'm going to get a cast on you and a sling
J- sounds good

They come back with all of the things to put the cast on me. They do everything but the wrap in top

D- what colour
J- red

Erikas favourite colour

D- you got it

He wraps it up and finishes. He puts the sling around me

D- if it's okay that I can have a moment with your dad
J- go ahead

They walk into the hall

An- damn surgery
J- I know I should have told him earlier
An- it's fine everything happens for a reason.

My dad soon walks in

G- grab your shirt and let's go

I get up and take my gown off. I get help butting my one arm in the hole. We leave and I say goodbye to Anthony. Me and my dad head home

G- head to bed Jake see how you feel tomorrow and stay home if you want
J- K
G- night
J- night

I make it into my room and I put sweats and no shirt taking off my sling and putting it in the bathroom. I hear phone go off so I lay on my bed and answer the face time.

J- hey bubs
E- hi Bubba
J- it's late what are you doing up

She looks so cute

E- I can't sleep
J- well...I have something to tell you
E- okay?

I show my hand in the camera

E- how Jake

She freaks out a little and I tell her what's wrong but not how I did it. We talk for A little longer

E- are you coming to school tomorrow
J- I don't know but I'll text you but right now you should go to sleep
E- love you
J- love you too

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