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Jakes POV
I roll onto my back after not sleeping because of the pain. Erikas alarm goes off and it scared the shit out of me. She turns it off and cuddles into me thinking I'm asleep because she draws circles on my chest.

E- Jake it's time to get up
J- I'm up
E- already?
J- well I never went to bed
E- why not
J- I'm in so much pain
E- the Tylenol didn't work?
J- *sighs* I don't think so
E- well you should stay here for a bit then head home
J- I can come
E- please can you stay home
J- but...fine

She gets up and disappears for a bit. I see her walk out of her bathroom and she walks over

E- sit up

She sits on the edge of the bed and I sit up. She gives me more Tylenol and I put them down. I see her reach for something and she comes back with a water bottle

J- how long has that been sitting there for
E- I don't know
J- you don't know
E- no I don't keep dates on them

She drinks some and then passes it to me

E- it's fine just drink a little

She gets up and goes into her closet while I drink the water. I lay back down and keep my arm on my chest. I look towards her closet waiting to see what she comes out in. She walks out in jeans and a shirt from what I can see since it's pretty dark. She comes over and pushes my hair back

E- get some sleep
J- I'll try
E- text me if you go home so I can stop by
J- I will
E- I love you
J- I love you too

Her hand lands on my stomach and our lips connect. I grab the side of her face with my good hand and press harder

E- *giggles* okay Jake
J- *smiles* oh right

I let go and she grabs her things and head out. I turn the tv on and watch it for a bit. I gather up my things and head to my house. Once I get home I turn The tv on and relax. I grab my phone and text erika

J- Bubba I'm back home

I throw my phone to the side after looking at the time, 1:37. I take my shirt off and shut my eyes trying to get some sleep.


My eyes slowly open and I look around. I get confused on what time it is so I grab my phone and see it's still the same day. I look at the messages on the screen

E- okay I'll see you later
E- I came by but you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you

I get into my phone and I text erika back

J- can you come over

After a couple minutes she replies

E- yeah
E- I'll be there in 10
J- can you get me food😊
E- I'll get you food
J- thank you

I put my phone to the side and shut my eyes. After a bit of laying there I hear my door open. I look up and see Erika. A smile grows on my face and face with her. She comes over and puts the bag in between my legs. She comes down and gives me a kiss

J- my wallets over there, there should be a couple bucks in there for you
E- I don't want your money

She sits on the side of the bed

J- you bought me food
E- yeah and you bought me a whole wardrobe
J- I did not don't lie
E- *smiles*

She grabs the back of my neck and connects our lips. She kisses me one more time before pulling back. She gets up and takes her sweater off while I look in the bag

J- dude you trying to get me fat
E- you're eating McDonald's it's not good for you even if you have a little bit

She sits behind me and I push back so my head lays on her shoulder. I eat my food while we watch the basketball game. After I'm done I throw the bag in the garbage. I give up and go to the bathroom and clean myself up. I wash my hands and brush my teeth. I go back out and I sit on her legs facing her.

E- what do you want
J- nothing
E- you always do this when you want something

I hug her with my face facing her neck. Her arms wrap around me while one plays with my hair. I connect my lips to her collar bone. After a bit I pull back and pull her shirt down

E- how many
J- there's nothing there
E- I'm not stupid
J- three maybe four

I hold my arm up to my chest

E- my turn
J- no no no

We play around and she pushes me off. I hold my arm up in the air and she sits on my stomach. She holds my other arm down and she plants her lips on my neck.

J- just one I have surgery in three days
E- three
J- yours always last a week
E- three
J- no one
E- please
J- one
E- three
J- one
E- two
J- one
E- two
J- fine

After a bit she pulls back and she wipes them away

J- you happy now
E- yeah

She sits on my legs tracing every muscle

J- you're gonna make me fall asleep
E- anything for you to shut up

I lift my head up and raise an eyebrow

E- I should go
J- stay
E- I can't my mom has to go to work and dani is home

She comes down and gives me a kiss

J- I'll walk you out

We get up and head downstairs. I walk her to her car and I give her a kiss before she leaves. I head back inside and get ready for bed

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