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Jakes POV
I go in my closet and grab the bag of junk food. I put it on the bed

E- is there Reese's in there
J- of course
E- how did you even-wait so you lied to me and said you were sick


J- Shh

I take my shirt off and I put my sling on while Erika sits on my bed. I sit in between her legs and I grab the bag. I pass her, her Reese's and she gets really excited

J- you're on your period aren't you
E- and how do you know
J- because you always tell me how bad this stuff is and you just got excited about all this


I clean up everything as Erika is asleep. I bring the bag downstairs and put it in the trash. I go back upstairs and look at the time, 1:38am. I sit on my side on the bed and lean over. This thing with my wrist has made me really depressed and I need help or with Erika back things will be different. I take my sling off and throw it in the corner of the room. It makes a loud noise and I look back to erika. She doesn't move she which is a good sign. I lay down but then sit back up in the edge like fifty times and then the clock just gets later and later. I feel the bed move and then behind me Erikas legs wrap around me and so do her arms. I put my head back on her shoulder

E- will you at least try laying down
J- I've been trying for the past two hours
E- are you not tired or are you in pain

She kisses my shoulder

J- I don't know both

Her hand moves to my chest and her finger tips run up and down

E- do you want to watch tv
J- no you have to go to bed
E- it's fine

I feel her reach over and the tv turns on. She puts it lower and a replay of the basketball game is on. Erika sits up on the head board and I sit in between her legs. She kisses the side of my forehead before running her finger tips along my upper body. I grab her calfs

E- Bubba why don't you try to close your eyes

I make myself comfortable and shut my eyes


I roll on my back after just waking up and quickly sit up when I see no Erika. I look around and don't hear the shower or see any lights. I see light coming threw the blinds so I grab my phone and see 1pm. I lay back down and text Erika back

E- hey Bubba I let you sleep I hope you're not mad
J- hi bubs thank you I really needed that

I throw my phone to the other side of the bed. I get going to the bathroom and I take a shower. I do other things in there and then head downstairs. I make myself some cereal and sit at the table shoving it in my mouth. Once I finish I lay in bed trying to fall asleep


I wake up and roll onto my side. I grab my phone and go look at peoples stories on Snapchat then Instagram. As I'm scrolling I get a FaceTime from Erika. I pick it up and she sits at her vanity putting makeup on

J- where are you going
E- out with the girls
J- Am I that boring?
E- *smiles* kinda
J- *smiles* wow

She starts telling me about her day at school which I found pretty cute

E- how was your day
J- it was nice oh and Thanks for letting me sleep in
E- I was going to wake you up but you barely get any sleep any more
J- *sighs* which I'm trying to fix

I dig my face into the sheets

E- wanna help me with something
J- sure

She picks her phone up and she gets into her closet.

E- I was thinking of wearing high waisted jeans with like a nice shirt or a dress. But like I feel like if I wear jeans I'll be under dressed and then with a dress I'll be over dressed.

She talks really fast

J- *chuckles* bubs calm down
E- I know but like...
J-  wear your jeans and everything will be fine
E- *sighs* a red shirt or black
J- black

She walks around grabbing things and she sets her phone down. She starts going on and on and on

J- why are you so nervous
E- because this is my first time going out with a lot of people after getting back with you
J- don't listen to anyone. Everyone loves you
E- not all
J- why is that
E- because I have you
J- *smiles* if anything happens I'll take care of it

Her head pops in frame

E- and how is that
J- I have my ways

She disappears

J- are you done yet
E- I'm putting my shoes on
J- I'm waiting

She picks her phone up and she flips the camera around. She shows me in the mirror

J- damn bubba
E- *smiles* yeah you like it
J- *smiles* yeah
E- what time is it
J- 6:30, what time are you going out for
E- 7

She walks threw her house as lights turn off and on.

E- I'll uh see you later?
J- yeah have fun
E- I will. I love you
J- I love you too

40 votes by 6:30am est I'll post what a baddie sequel

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