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Jakes POV

E- oh no so now you can't come over

We both put a little smile on our faces

J- just if anything happens please tell me

She nods her head

J- can you come to my practice
E- maybe

The bell rings and I head to my locker after me and Erika said our goodbyes.


I throw my pants and I have a hard time putting my jersey on as it is tight and I can't feel anything in my right hand. Which is really bad since the playoffs are in a couple weeks. I bite on my mouth guard and carry my helmet out. I realize my cleats need to be tied up so I go out to the field and look for erika. I see her at the top of the bleachers and I run up the seats

J- tie my shoe please

I sit one above her and she turns around and starts to tie my shoes

E- don't you have hands
J- yeah but I like when you do it

She ties it up and I put my legs down and connect my lips to hers. I pull back

J- I forgot that you came with me this morning in my car
E- damn
J- can you like reschedule with Lucas so at least I can get my project started. Then you can sleep over
E- I can just get my mom to come pick me up
J- no
E- it's gonna be weird with Taylor there
J- will you come after then
C- Jake!
E- we'll talk after just go

I run down the bleachers and onto the field. I look back and girls going to erika. I run backwards and make a heart with my hands. I see Erika smile and I run to the guys. I kneel with everyone while the coach talks

Co- chance tony Trevor Kevin and Francesco go in the far corner
Co- grant Harry Willy Carson and lance be side the other group

They all leave and go into there comers. We usually have one QB per group so then we can run drills and stuff. The couch calls more groups till I'm left and couple other guys

Co- Jake mark tanner Lucas and Brad

Like I knew from the beginning that we were gonna be in a group. We go into the middle since the corners are taken. I put my gloves on and strap my helmet in. I pass the ball to mark who is our QB. We just run a couple slants till we start to do some defence. I don't play defence but Lucas and tanner do. Tanner stands in front of me

M- hut

I push on tanner and drop my right arm. I some how get away from him and mark throws it and I bring it down into my arms. I bring it back and then we switch. Lucas stands in front of me.

J- dude just go easy
L- you scared
M- hut

I put my right hand to my side and slip passed him. I turn and the ball is thrown. I put my left hand up and it's about to land in my hand. I get hit hard to the ground.

M- what the hell lucas you knock the guy out

I get up and push Lucas on his back. He turns around and presses his body onto mine. I push him with my head

Co- guys!

He comes running over and pulls us apart. He holds onto my jersey and pulls me back

Co- Jake you can leave
J- I didn't do anything
Co- I know I just want you to rest your one of our best players. Come by tomorrow if you want with a couple guys
J- fine I'll see you later

I walk past everyone and take my helmet off.

J- I'll see you guys later

They all say goodbye and I head to the bleachers. I stand at the bottom.

J- rik

She comes down the bleachers and I exit the gates. She comes out and leans in the fence

J- You want to come with me or you gonna call your mom
E- why aren't you gonna practice
J- coach said I can leave because of me and Lucas
E- I saw that are you okay
J- yeah

I stand in front of her and rise my right hand as it shakes to the side of her face. I connect my lips with her lips and then I pull back a couple seconds later.

E- I'll get one of the girls to drive me home
J- I want you to come with me
E- next time bubba
J- fine
J- imma go take a shower I'll say goodbye before I leave

I give her a kiss and then head inside. I take my shower and pack my bag. I take a look and my hand. It's bruised at the top of my hand and hurts at my wrist. I grab my wrap from my bag and wrap my hand up. I throw my bag over my shoulder and head outside. I see Taylor walk out the gates and she comes up to me

T- aren't you practicing
J- I was but I got to leave
T- are you ready to go then
J- yeah one sec

I go into the field and say goodbye to erika. I head back out and Taylor walks beside me to my car. We get in and we drive to my house. We soon get there and head inside and up to my room.

J- here you can sit here

She sits at the desk and I grab a chair and sit beside her.

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