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Jakes POV
I wake up to everyone talking in the kitchen and I get up. I make my way over to them and once I get in there everyone looks at me but as I look around I don't see Erika. I make my way upstairs into our room. I push open the door and hear the shower going. I don't know if I should be mad at her or should we just see if she's pregnant or not. I head back downstairs and sit outside

2 hours later

I've been expecting Erika to come downstairs but she hasn't. So I get up and head upstairs. I quietly open and shut the door but she looks up to me as she lays down on the bed. I man up and make a move. I put my hands on her legs and trail up as I get on the bed. I kiss her check and with my lips still connect I talk to her

J- whatever happens we will get threw it

Her arms wrap around my neck and pulls me even closer.

E- you promise

I hear tearing up from her voice

J- I promise trust me

I kiss her neck

J- now how bout we go take a test and see if my baby girl is pregnant with a baby

I pull her up with me and I follow her into the bathroom. She opens a box and takes it out. I kiss her before waiting outside. After a couple minutes She comes out and she walks over to me. I pull her up onto my lap

J- *smiles* feel my heart

I bring her hand up to my chest

E- *smiles* you're more scared then I am
J- can we be serious for a sec

She nods

J- when we had sex the night of prom do you think that's when it happened
E- probably because we haven't done it since
J- so that would mean you're

I count in my head as Erika laughs at me

J- seven weeks
E- *smiles* nine. I don't know how you're getting into collage
J- *smiles* oh my god you are so mean

I lay back and she comes down with me. I roll us in our sides

E- do you think I'm pregnant
J- can I feel your boobs
E- *smiles* you're such an idiot but actually
J- I don't think you are How bout you
E- well if I got the tests it means I think I am
J- *smiles* so now you're being a smart ass with me, huh?
E- *smiles* maybe

We goof around for a couple minutes till we think we could go check. I stand behind Erika holding onto her as we stand in front of the mirror. She holds it upside down

J- what happens if you are, are going to keep it?
E- I-I...
J- I know this is fucked up to say but we could you know
E- *sighs* I know but I could never do that but we are only 18
J- let's just see what it is and then we could go from there.

She turns around and leans on the counter

E- ready
J- yeah

She flips it over and I don't get a good look at it because Erika slides down the counter crying. It could be good or bad. I hover over her pages as her arms wrap around my neck.

J- what
E- I'm not Jake I'm not
J- thank god

I kiss her check before hugging her even more. We get up after a bit and I hold her in my arms as I walk around the room

J- no sex till we're married
E- deal

I put her down

J- why don't we go swimming and enjoy the rest of the time
E- can we forget about this only for the break and then we can talk about it later

I nod and kiss her. We both get changed and head downstairs. We get into the pool and Erika wraps her legs and arms around me. My hands hold her up

J- later do you want to go get food
E- only if it's just me and you
J- it will be

We get out of the pool after a bit then go and lay on a chair. She lays on top of me with a towel wrapped around her.

J- did you hear back from any University's
E- no maybe in the next week or so I'm not sure

I look out to the trees as we lay there


I wake up outside with Erika still on me. I shake her softly to wake her up.

J- Erika it's like 4

She starts to move

J- did you sleep
E- yeah

She sits up

J- you want to go into town and see what's going on there
E- sure

We get up and pass everyone in the kitchen. Erika goes upstairs and I stay back

T- is she?
J- no
T- thank god
J- did she tell you guys
R- I didn't know till a couple days ago
T- me too

I head upstairs after finishing my conversation with them. I get into our room and Erika's changing. I slip some jeans and A hoodie on. I wait for Erika to be done and when she is we head downstairs. I tell everyone that we are heading out and we walk into town. We walk down the the street of stores and then we get food from one of the carts. We eat and then head back home. We get in our room and turn the tv on. I lay on Erika as she plays with me hair

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