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Jakes pov
I kiss Erika on the forehead and head out. I get in my car and head to school. I soon get there and head inside. Tomorrow is the game so the school is decorated. I walk threw the halls and someone comes to dap me up on my right side. I use my right hand and when he leave I quietly wince in pain. I go to my locker and put my stuff in. I'm kinda late so I have to go straight to class I grab my book and go to history. I sit at the back and put my head on the desk. The teacher gets into the lesson and then reminds us about the project. The bell rings and I get up going to my locker

Co- Jake meet me in My office
J- now?
Co- couple minutes

He walks off and I put my books away. I take a look at my wrist and it's not looking good. I shut my locker and go to coaches office. I walk in and shut the door behind me.

J- what's up

I slouch down in the chair

Co- what happened yesterday
J- nothing I just told him to take it easy and then he just hit me to the ground
Co- I thought it was something else because I heard that for the past couple years you and Lucas had had something against each other
J- we might if I being honest but I dont bring any of that to football. We are all good though
Co- everything else good
J- yeah
Co- your dad?
J- he's good just busy at work
Co- he gonna pop by soon
J- I'll tell him to
Co- okay well take this note so you won't get in trouble
J- thanks

He hands me a mate and I head to my second period class after getting my books. I give the teacher the not and sit down

After school

I go to the mall and pick up flowers, chapstick, bath bombs and salts since she wanted to get her some herself. I also grab a new fluffy blanket for her. I know...cheesy. I head out the mall and go to my car. I drive to erikas and when I get there, there are no cars in the drive way. I grab the things and unlock the door and head in. I take my shoes off and head upstairs. I get to her room and I go to push the door with my right but remember I can't when I see the wrap that I put on it at lunch. I push open the door with my left that has the bag and flowers in and the blanket under my arm. I see Erika sitting with her back against the head board watching tv. She sees me and smilies. I go to the side of the bed and put the things down

J- how are you
E- I'm okay

I reach over and kiss her cheek. I put the flowers on her vanity and I open the blanket and I put it around Me. I lightly sit on her lap and wrap the blanket around her. I put my head in her neck and kiss her once. I pull away from her neck and get off of her and sit beside her. She comes down and puts her head in my lap. She pulls the fuzzy blanket around her body. I pull the hair out of her face

J- did you throw up again?
E- 3 times
J- did you sleep
E- kinda...will you stay with me my mom went to go drop Dani off at my dads and then hen she's working a night shift
J- I will stay
E- thank you

She turns on her back and I trace her lips with my thumb while my hand cups her chin.

E- I didn't mean to wake you up last night
J- you're fine. Why don't you go take a shower or something you'll feel better
E- can you be in the bathroom
J- yeah let's go

She slowly sits up and I get up. I walk over to her and grab her hand. We walk into the bathroom and I start the water for her

J- I'm going to go change I'll be right back

I go into her closet and grab gray sweatpants and a red hoodie. I take my wrap off and put but it in a drawer. I go back to the bathroom and Erika is in the shower. I sit on the toilet seat next to The shower.

E- did anything happen at school
J- not really it's just decorated for tomorrow
E- oh shoot I forgot about that
J- you're not coming
E- why
J- because you're sick and it's fine I'll just FaceTime you like last time
E- fine
J- I'll come right after
E- and sleep over
J- and sleep over *smiles*
E- no one will be home
J- great we can have sex
E- *giggles* stop
J- do you know you know who I saw today
E- who
J- Harry
E- like Harry west
J- yeah his hair almost came off again he was walking and it started to lift

I hear a quite laugh come from Erika. The shower shuts off and I see her come out in a towel as I look up from my hand. She goes and stands in front of the mirror. I get up and stand behind her and put my hands on her waist. We both look into the mirror. I kiss her cheek

J- you're so cute

I say with my lips still connected to her cheek. I pull back and she grabs my hand. She brings me into the closet and I reach out and grab gray sweats and a red hoodie. She smiles at me and I leave so she can get changed. I lay on the bed and soon I see her walk into the bathroom. I sit up and wait for her to come out

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