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Jakes POV
It's been two weeks since I accepted the offer to go to Cali college but the issue is Erika doesn't know and I've been avoiding her a bit because I don't want her to get mad. I walk into my room and throw my bag in the corner and lay on my bed. After a bit Erika FaceTimes me and I pick up

E- hi bubba
J- hey
E- wanna come over

She looks sad

J- you okay?
E- yeah
J- you sure
E- do you?
J- yeah I'll be there in a bit
E- love you
J- love you

I hang up and take my time getting to Erika's. I soon get to Erika's and I knock. The door opens and angel stands there

An- hi Jake
J- how are you
An- good you
J- good
An- Erika's upstairs
J- thanks
D- Jake!

Dani comes running over and I pick her up. Angel shuts the door and walks away

J- haven't seen you in a while

D- Erika said it's because mommy has a new boyfriend
J- Erika's right
D- really?
J- yeah

I put her down

J- I'm going to go see erika I'll see you after

I run upstairs and get in her room.

J- Bubs I'm here

She comes out of her bathroom

J- you look so cute

I go and give her a hug

E- can we talk about something
J- *sighs* I already know what's coming

She sits on her bed with envelopes and I lean on her vanity.

E- I applied to five universities and only got into four
J- and I'm guessing you didn't get into UCLA

Tears come from her eyes

J- well since we are talking about this. I already accepted to go to Cali college
E- you what
J- Erika I'm sorry I had to make a decision fast and I panicked
E- when did you do this
J- like two weeks ago
E- and you didn't want to tell me
J- I didn't want to make you sad
E- you didn't even look around you just choose Cali
J- I know I know but it's what's best for me
E- how about us
J- well I thought you were going to get accepted into UCLA
E- now what
J- we can...I don't know I haven't figured it out yet
E- you're going to be across the whole country
J- I know but-
E- we've been together for five years Jake and you think everything is going to be fine
J- but it will
E- Jake you live like ten minutes from here and I can barely go one day without you and you think I'm going to go four years without you in another state
J- I know Erika
E- but you don't, you wouldn't have accepted it if you knew
J- Erika this is for me, my world doesn't revolve around you when I have to plan my future
E- wow Jake fuck off
J- I'm just saying I have a life too. I can't always be just be your bodyguard or your little teddy bear
E- that's what you think you are to me just some guy that protects me
J- seems like it
E- what happened to you telling me "oh I'm never gonna leave you and I'm gonna marry you"
J- I...
E- you say that to me all the time, over text, over the phone, in person before we go to bed. How does it feel to get your hopes up so much and then them being crushed by the guy who promise he would do those things.
J- I know what I said but I'm not lying I'm still going to marry you and I'm not leaving you
E- then where are you going in five months

We just stare at each other

J- bubs we still have three months to be with each other in person because once I leave I'm not breaking up with you and neither are you. E- I just...

I go over and gently hug her which makes us lay on our backs

J- we both know that we can last
E- how can we trust each other when we are across the country
J- I'm not letting my first girlfriend of five years go to waste believe me baby

I hear her crying

J- I don't like that Please stop or you make me cry

I say it in a cute way to try to make her laugh and I only get a small one from her

J- I love you
E- I love you too
J- we will figure everything out let's take it day by day

I lean on my side and wipe Erika's tears

E- thanks bub

I kiss her check and grab the envelopes.

J- do you know what one yet
E- *sighs* yeah
J- what one
E- here
J- that's good Bubba

I hug her

J- Wanna go out for food or something
E- where
J- I don't care you can pick

We end up going out to eat at this pizza place. I dropped erika off at her house after we were done eating. I head home and get in my room I finish some homework before texting Erika goodnight. I get in bed and shut my eyes getting some sleep for the next day of school.

Should there be a sequel to this or do you guys want to see something different. I have an idea for a sequel, tell me if which one you want to see.

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