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Jakes POV
It finally Thursday and I'm so excited. I get changed into jeans and a shirt before heading downstairs.

G- come home at like 12
J- I will
G- have a good day at school
J- thanks

I grab my bag and head to my car. I get in and drive to school. I soon get there and get out. I swing my bag over my shoulder and head in. I go to my locker and put my bag in before going to find Erika. I see Lucas talking to her which is pretty weird since he hasn't in a long time. He soon leaves as i get closer. I go behind her and grab her. She quickly turns around and looks at me

J- hi bubba
E- you weren't going to tell me you were going to California
J- who told you that
E- Lucas
J- why do you listen to him
E- because he's usually right

Yeah okay

J- I-I
E- is it true
J- I don't know if I'm going for sure

She just stares at me

J- listen I didn't want to tell you because then it's going to stress you out even more
E- how
J- you're going to be stressed that I'm leaving, you're stressed out about getting accepted into your school and I know that David is stressing you out

She puts her head back in the lockers and shuts her eyes.

J- *sighs*

I move forward grab her waist before kissing her neck.

J- bubs no matter what you're still going to be mine if that's what you're worried about?

She doesn't answer me

J- you still have a chance to get into ucla
E- so you accepted it
J- no I meet with them at one
E- *sighs*
J- I promise that we will work something out

I softly kiss her lips

J- look

She opens her eyes and looks to me

J- just go to class and everything will be fine

She nods

J- I have to leave at 12 and you're on lunch at 11:56 so I'll come see you in the cafe
E- okay

I kiss her one more time before we go our separate ways. The bell rings as I get to my locker.


I grab my bag and head into the cafe. I spot Erika and head over. I put my hands on her shoulders and go down to her ear

J- come

I start to walk away as she gets up. I slow down and reach my hand behind me. She grabs it and I bring us outside to the side of the school

J- will you at least smile

She doesn't so I tickle her

E- *smiles* okay okay
J- there it is
E- what's up
J- come by at like 7
E- I can't
J- why
E- there was a new rule put in our house
J- and what is the rule
E- I can't leave the house after six
J- you're really going to follow that?
E- I guess
J- come at 5
E- that's when we have dinner
J- *smiles* I'll feed you
E- *smiles* that's not the point. we all have to eat together as a family
J- well then I guess I'll see you in five years
E- I'm sorry

She pulls me closer and I put my forehead onto hers.

J- i hope you know you look very hot right now
E- *smiles* yeah?
J- yeah

I connect my lips to hers and everything goes slow. After what only seems like two seconds is actually ten minutes. I pull my phone out and see 12:15

J- okay I'm already late I have to go
E- I'll come by Saturday
J- yeah okay

I start walking away

J- love you
E- love you too

I run to my car and drive home.

End of meeting

I shake Paul's hand as we stand at the door

P- we have to know right away that's the only thing
J- no problem

My dad talks to him as I zone out thinking about Erika. Soon he leave and my dad takes me into a hug

G- Jake this is so awesome
J- yeah I know
G- we have to talk about this everyday to make sure you want to go
J- yeah yeah but I have to go see Erika for a bit
G- you have to?
J- yeah
G- okay, then I'll see you tomorrow I'll be at work by the time you get home

I run upstairs and change into gray sweatpants and a T-shirt. I grab my phone, wallet and keys and head to my car. I get in and drive to Erika's. I see three cars so one is of course David's. I check the time before heading in, 4:47, which is earlier than I thought. But I quickly get out and head inside. I run upstairs without anyone knowing. I go to open Erika's door but it's locked. I knock a couple times and the door opens. I get in and jump on her bed.

E- what the hell are you doing
J- I came to see my bubba

She shuts the door and comes over. I slide off the bed and stand in front of her

E- *sighs* how did it go
J- want me to be honest
E- of course
J- it was probably the greatest thing ever. He told us so many different things that I had no idea about. He was telling us about their football team and everything that they do

I see a smile grow on her face

J- he was also probably one of the nicest people I've ever met

I just go on and on about it all for a couple minutes

J- everything was just so perfect it was exactly what I thought it would be
E- I'm happy for you Jake

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