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Jakes POV
The days get harder and harder from Knowing that I have to leave but right now I'm cleaning my room up to see if I need anything for school. It's may 10 and the time is getting closer as we speak. I find a picture of me and my mom before she left. I sit on my bed and just observe it. After a while I get up and go throw it in the garbage. I go to my bed and put a Couple things away before laying down.

G- hey
J- what's up
G- find everything
J- yeah
G- just want to make sure so erika can help you if you need to buy something
J- yeah I got it all in my closet
G- that's good...how you feeling about all of this
J- kinda sad but excited at the same time
G- you did what's right
J- maybe
G- in the long run, you both will see it
J- I probably will but Erika might not
G- I know you might not like what I'm about to say but if she doesn't let you go mentally then she might not be the one
J- wow maybe you are right because I could pack my bags and head there right now but if she's in my head telling me I can't go then...
G- you guys just need to talk
J- every time we talk one of us always ends up crying and it isn't me
G- she's probably sensitive and when you talk to her don't bring up the bad things about you leaving, bring up the times that you can surprise her, or a little bear you can bring back for her

Since when is my dad kinda good at this

J- thanks dad
G- anytime but I'm headed to work I'll be back in the middle of the night
J- love you
G- love you too bud

He disappears from the doorway and after a couple minutes I hear the front door open. I grab my phone and FaceTime Erika, after a couple seconds she picks up

J- hey bub
E- hi bubba what's up
J- want to come over I'm ordering pizza
E- is that your way of luring me there
J- yeah
E- I'll be there in 10 minutes
J- *chuckles* okay Bubba

We hang up and I order pizza. I wait for erika and the pizza to come. After a bit the pizza arrives before Erika. I bring the pizza up into my room and I go wait downstairs for. Soon I see her car pull up so I get up and wait outside. She gets out of her car and puts her backpack on. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug.

E- I haven't seen you in a bit
J- It sucks not having anything together at school

I pull back and we head inside. We get up to my room

2 hours later

Erika gets on my lap in the middle of the movie. I put my hands on her sides

J- *smiles* what
E- *smiles* nothing

She plays with the bottom of my shirt. I kinda don't want to do anything that makes me take off my shirt just because I just started going back to the gym to get everything back. When I hurt myself I couldn't go to the gym so I just lost everything.

E- do you want to come with me to visit UOC
J- when
E- this weekend
J- sure

She pecks my lips and puts her head in my neck and comes closer. We both wrap our arms around each other

J- since we are talking about school-
E- I want you to go I was just being selfish and I was mad that I couldn't go with you. I wanted you to feel bad and stay back. I'm sorry
J- I get it but we both have to do what's best for us. Plus we are never going to break up trust me on that

She squeezes me

J- the best part of it all is that I can surprise you or maybe you can surprise me. I'll get you stuffed animals or a sweater. We just have to make everything work
E- when do you leave
J- me and my dad were thinking the beginning of august
E- why so early
J- football training starts sometime is august and we are going to drive so we can bring my stuff to my apartment easily once we get one
E- you already have everything already planned out
J- things are moving really fast

I hear my phone go off but it's in my dresser

J- up

She doesn't move

J- Erika

She still doesn't get off so I slide off the bed hold her in my arms as I go to get it. I see that it's my dad texting me.

G- booked our flight for June 1st

I stand over my bed

J- off

She gets off

E- come on
J- chill

I text my dad

J- that's just to look for a place right
G- yeah we need to shop around
J- for how long
G- I booked a flight there but haven't booked a returning flight
G- maybe like 3 days
J- talk to me later so we can get everything figured out

I drop my phone to the bed and look to erika

E- hi
J- *smiles* hi

I go and hug her and we fall down.

Sorry if the dates don't add up in the end

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