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Jakes POV
I turn the tv on and Erika lays beside me. I go on my side while Erika lays in her back.

J- I have a game on Friday but that's our anniversary is there any way that I can make it up to you
E- go home with you
J- thats all you want
E- yeah

She focuses on the tv and doesn't look at me.

J- Erika
E- yeah
J- are you listening

She looks over to me

E- yeah why
J- what did I say
E- you have a game on Friday and you asked how you can make it up to me. All I want to do is come home with you
J- I'll take you to dinner on Saturday

She gives me a kiss and turns back to the tv.

J- can we do something this is boring
E- then what do you want to do
J- *smiles* no one is home
E- save it for Friday
J- fine

I grab my phone and just swipe threw Instagram. I start to get tired and I put my phone down. I put my arm around her waist and shut my eyes


M- hut!

I run across the field and the ball gets thrown to me. I reach my left hand out and I jump and bring the ball to my chest. I fall to the ground and support myself with my right hand which isn't good. I stand up and throw the ball to one of the guys.

An- nice dude
J- thanks
Co- guys that's end of the practice !
An- we need to get you in the gym it's been a while
J- I know just something's up
An- what
J- I'll tell you later

I run off and into the locker room. I get changed and throw my bag over my shoulder. I head to my locker to grab my school bag. I go to erikas locker and put everything down. I open my backpack and pull flowers and chocolate out. I set it down on her shelf and a note

Meet me at my car before
School starts, I'll be waiting
Ps ily

I lock her locker and grab my things and make my way to my car. I throw my things in the trunk and head home. Once I step in my room my phone rings

J- what's up
An- semi game tomorrow
J- I know you ready
An- yeah...now tell me what's going on
J- don't tell anyone especially Erika
An- I got you
J-I got in a fight with Lucas and instead of punching him I punched the locker and now my right wrist is fucked up

I finish talking to Anthony and I chill out take a shower and then head to bed. I wake up the next morning excited for today. I throw on some jeans and my football hoodie. I grab erikas Gift and I head out after grabbing a couple things. I drive to school and park where I always do. I lean on my hood and wait for erika. Soon I look up and see her walking towards me. I meet her halfway

J,E-happy anniversary

We both say at the same time. She goes on her tippy toes and gives me a kiss.

J- you look very beautiful

She gives me another kiss

J- I want to give you this now I can't wait any longer
E- I'm scared
J- don't be

I pull the box out of my pocket and open it

E- Jake
J- do you like it
E- I do

I pull the ring out and give it to her. A tear falls

J- awe babe

I wipe her tears away with my thumbs and make her look up at me

J- I love you
E- I love you too

My hands travel to her waist and she puts her hands on my shoulders. something that me and Erika do is that on our anniversary she doesn't get me a gift only I get her one. I'm the one that asked her to be my girlfriend so I feel like I need to get her something.

J- we have like 5 minutes before we go inside
E- yeah?

We both smile at each other and I turn us around and push Erika on my car. I press my lips against hers. After a couple minutes I kiss Erika one more time and pull back. I grab both of her hands

J- you're coming home with me after the game right
E- yeah

The bell ring and I hold her hand as we walk in.


I kiss Erika

J- I'll see you after the game
E- good luck
J- thanks
E- love you
J- love you too

I kiss her another time and pick my bag up. I turn around and make a heart. I see her smile just before I walk inside. I get in the locker room and go sit on the bench

After game

I really messed up my hand I'm in so much pain it's unreal but at least we won. I throw my bag over my shoulder and head out. As I walk out someone walks beside me

T- hey jake
J-hey Taylor what's up
T- just wanted to let you know you had a good game
J- thanks I have to go but I'll see you later

I walk to Erika who leans on my car.

E- good job babe
J- thanks bubba

I put my arm around her waist and give her a kiss. I throw my bag in the back and we get in. I drive to my house and as we are about to go upstairs my dad stops us. I lightly push erikas lower back for her to go upstairs

G- how was the game
J- good we won
G- when's the next game
J- not sure but I'll tell you
G- I'm trying to see if I can come
J- sounds good

I look upstairs

G- just go

I smile at him and head up. I shut my door when I walk in and put my backpack down.

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