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Jakes POV
We pull out  books out And place everything on my desk. I hear footsteps coming upstairs

G- Jake!
J- yeah

He walks in and leans in the doorway

G- where's erika
J- well she should be home by now. I drove to school because we were expecting to come back together but I had a project and Erika didn't want me to get distracted if she was here but like  I think she's coming later
G- how bout football isn't there practice
J- I got into a little fight because Lucas hit me to hard so coach just let me go
G- your not kicked off the team are you
J- no
G- well I have the day off so I was gonna go to the store. You need anything?
J- no I'm okay
G- bye bud
J- bye dad

I hear him go back the stairs. Then me and Taylor start on our project and we have little conversations in between. We take a break and we both pull our phones out. The first thing I do is text erika

J- you get home
E- yeah
J- I'm sorry bout leaving you
E- Jake it's your homework
J- Lucas there
E- no I told him not to come
J- I'll come pick you up at 8
E- Jake I just need some time alone

That kinda put my in a bad mood so I don't reply. We get back to our project and then we call it quits at 7:30. She called her brother to come pick her up and she just left. Oh yeah and my dad came back like 2 hours ago. My phone vibrates and I take it out and it's erika texting me

E- jake don't ignore me
E- you want you can come pick me up
J- no it's fine I'll just see you tomorrow
E- no I want you to come get me
J- Erika you clearly don't
E- please Jake

I slip my shoes on and grab my keys. I get outside and head to my car. I head to Erika's and soon get there. I walk inside and go into the kitchen where I hear people. I see Dani and angel

J- hey guys
D- Jake!
J- Dani
An- how are you
J- I'm good you
An- good
J- is Erika upstairs
An- yeah I think I haven't seen her since she got home. She won't let anyone in
J- oh...well imma head up
D- bye Jake
J- bye dani

I run up the stairs and go to Erika's room. I use my right hand to open the door and regret that. I shut the door quietly and look around for erika. I look in the bathroom and she isn't in there. I go into her closet and see her putting my hoodie on.

J- Bubba?

She turns around and looks at me. She looks a little pale and I lower my voice

J- are you okay
E- no

I walk over to her and put her in my arms

J- what's up
E- I don't feel good

I kiss her forehead

J- why didn't you tell me before
E- cause I had homework and you were working on your project
J- you come before anybody else. When your mom said the you haven't been out of your room since school I kinda figured you weren't feeling good because you do this all the time.

I grab her hand and we walk to her bed. She lays down on her side and pulls the blankets over her shoulders.

J- I'll be right back

I go downstairs and grab a water and I tell angel. I go back up and shut the door. I put the water on the little table and I pull the covers down from her face. Her eyes are closed and she grabs my hand. I go over to the other side but shut the light off and lay beside her. She comes into my chest and I pull my phone out

J- hey dad I'm at Erika's I won't be back home
G- okay that's fine

I hear angel and Dani outside the door

An- no Erika isn't feeling good maybe tomorrow you can say goodnight
D- okay

(Dani is 5)

I put my phone behind erika and I kiss her forehead. I hear Erika breath heavily and I shut my eyes and go to sleep


I wake up to Erika sitting on the bed. I reach over and turn the light on

J- you okay?
E- *sighs* yeah
J- did you throw up

I see her nod her head. I sit up and sit beside her. She looks down to the floor

J- you want to watch tv or something

She nods her head and I grab the remotes and I put them on the bed I sit with my back on the headboard and I reach over and shut the light. I turn the tv on

J- rik lay here

I pat in between my legs. You can see around the room from the light coming from the tv. She comes over and put her head on my chest and she pulls the cover on her. I give her the remote and she goes on Netflix. I pull the hair from her face to the back. She puts on a movie and I feel her body relax.


The movie finishes and Erika sits up

E- Jake
J- yeah Bubs
E- I'm hungry
J- what would you like
E- toast
J- do you want to come down or bring it here
E- I'll come down

We get up and quietly go downstairs. Erika sits on the couch and I put two pieces of bread in the toaster. It soon comes out and I put a little butter in and bring it to her. I sit beside her and go in my phone. Soon she finishes and we go upstairs going back to her room

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