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Jakes POV
Of course this happened but the cardinals want me there now to train which I'm really excited about but now all I have to is break the news to Erika. I don't know when to tell her like after school, tomorrow, tonight I have no idea which is scary. All I know is that I have to do it within the next three days.

An- dude you have to tell her soon
C- so she has time to process it all
J- I know I'm just scared
An- she's your girlfriend you shouldn't be scared
J- who knows what she can do
C- she's not gonna beat you up
J- she almost did at the cottage
An- well you were being a dick
J- but I fixed it

The bell rings and I quickly get up. I flip the guys off before running out the room. I get to my locker and grab my bag and keys. I head out to my car and then I go to the store. I grab flowers and a little bear that says I love you. I pay and then head to my car. I'm only doing this to make her freak out less. I drive home and bring the things up to my room. I chill out for a bit till I FaceTime Erika. She picks up after a couple rings

J- hey bubs
E- hi bubba
J- what are you doing
E- I just finished some homework
J- yeah
E- *smiles* yeah
J- *smiles* wanna stop by for a bit?
E- do you want to do something
J- just chill
E- that's it

She is so hard to please sometimes

J- *smiles* yes now just come
E- I'll be there later though
J- not now?
E- I have things to do
J- make it fast
E- I'll try
J- love you
E- love you too

I hang up and hear my dad clear his throat in the doorway. I look towards him

G- are you going to tell her
J- yes
G- like tonight
J- if I can get the words out, then yes
G- if you don't I will
J- no that's weird
G- then do it
J- chill I will
G- I'm headed to work now
J- I'll see you later
G- bye bud

I look to the ceiling and just thing of the worst possible things that could happen.


E- why are you laying like that

I shoot my head up to the door and the. Look to the way I'm laying

J- I don't know

I get up and we meet halfway

J- only took you four hours
E- It only took me three but the last hour I was laying in bed contemplating if I wanted to coming or not
J- that's so mean
E- I'm here aren't i

I kiss her cheek

E- who are those for

She points to the roses and bear

J- you
E- *chuckles* why
J- because...

She waits for an answer with a small smile on her face

J- *sighs* I have to tell you something

Her smile slowly drops

E- about what
J- school
E- Jake we have already talked about this many times
J- this is different
E- how so

She backs away from me But I lose the guts to tell her. I grab her and pull us to the bed. I get on top of her going for the kiss but she dodged me

E- how is it different

I lower my head but then look her in the eyes

J- I have to go to California in three days
E- you what!

Her eyes go big and her eyebrows raise

J- I need to leave in three days

She pushes me off after it process in her head and she stands up

E- and you decided to tell me now
J- I found out a couple days ago
E- and you couldn't have told me a couple days ago

Her voice gets louder

J- I didn't want to tell you and I finally had the guts to today
E- three days before
J- I know I know
E- no you don't or you would have told me a couple days ago
J- I...
E- you have ruined so many things this year
J- excuse me
E- you fighting Lucas and hurting your hand ruined a bunch of things, the stupid football game on our five year anniversary
J- that wasn't my fault
E- the next day you wouldn't have sex with me because you didn't want to but all the other times were okay.
J- I didn't know you didn't want the have sex those other times
E- well maybe you should ask
J- then why did you go along with it
E- to make you happy and since we are on this sex thing how bout the time we had sex on prom and then on break I thought I was pregnant but you got pissed even though it was a team effort
J- I was scared
E- and I wasn't
J- but you knew
E- I didn't
J- but you did. Prom was in January and break is in March so that means you missed one period. Oh and do you want me to tell you the things you ruined
J- when you thought I was cheating on you or something and we broke up for two months the months that I needed you most

She looks to the ground

E- you won't be here for graduation so that's another thing you'll ruin
J- I-

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