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Jakes POV
We leave the property

J- I don't get why your running away if you started it
E- but now I want it to end
J- Your running away from your problems like you always do
E- I never run away from my problems
J- then how bout the problem that you never told me about but I know of it
E- I tell you everything Jake
J- when I took you shopping I didn't just do it because I felt like it, I knew you weren't confident with yourself your body. When you were sick and I told you to take your shirt off you didn't want to. When scrolling threw pictures you would pass the ones you were in. You were staring at Taylor and her friends just admiring them. I took you shopping to make you more confident and love yourself.
E- that's not a problem
J- yes it is you just don't want to face reality
E- if I say I have a problem I have a problem. What does this even have to do with the fight
J- because if I cared for you would you think I would go fucking other girls
E- I don't know what you think
J- can we just stop before we hurt each other more
E- then stop
J- I'm done
E- K well am too
J- what do you want to do...end it
E- I...
J- or we could try things out and go on a Break
E- I don't want to end it
J- then we go on a Break
E- I guess
J- great

She walks past me

E- don't go fucking other girls while I'm gone

She doesn't even trust me which is not good for our relationship. I love this girl to death but sometimes she gets in my nerves. I end up back home after being sad that I won't get to see her everyday even though it was my idea. But she needs to figure everything out. Now Erika has me stressed out on top of me being stressed for the surgery. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for a bit till my door pushes open

G- how are you feeling
J- can we talk about something
G- yeah of course

It catches him off guard and he leans in the doorway

J- me and Erika got into a pretty bad fight and I told her that we should take a break but how do I know its the right time to talk to her
G- buddy I'm not good with this stuff but give her a couple weeks can you tell me anything else
J- well she started the fight and we both said something that we shouldn't have mostly me and I felt like she need some time to find herself
G- yeah just give her a couple weeks. Erika loves you too much to leave you
J- thanks dad
G- no problem. Tomorrow you can't eat anything because it's surgery the next day

Surgery I forgot

J- oh okay

He leaves and I forgot about the surgery. I won't have Erika. I didn't think this would be hard for me. I lay there watching tv forgetting about everything and just focusing on the game.


I get to school at 2nd period because why not. I drag myself to my locker. I put my bag in and grab my bag. I look to the door of my locker and I take the picture of me and Erika down. I put it in my bag and I head to second period.

An- you okay
J- *sighs* yeah
C- we will come tomorrow since...
J- thanks

The starts to talk and I ignore him. The period ends and I head to third with the guys. We get there and just fool around till the teacher comes. Once the teacher comes he starts a lesson and talks the whole period. The bell rings and it lunch it I can't eat anything. I make my way to Erika's locker and seeing her puts a smile on my face. I go to grab her but remember that we aren't together so I pull back and continue my walk.

An- I saw that
J- I know but what am I gonna do
An- focus on something else
J- this is harder than I thought
C- dude just enjoy being single
J- yeah okay

I say sarcastically and we get into the cafe. I sit with all the football players

O- look who decided to show up for once
J- changing it up
K- you smashing Taylor
J- no and don't ask again
F-guys there's the new girl
J- new girl?

I look towards the door

J- woah

No I can't do that

J- is erika here
An- what
J- is she here
An- no dont worry about her
H- her names maddie
T- she's friends with Taylor that's why she's here she came from a private school
D- heard she a hoe
J- she's friends with Taylor

Everyone laughs

B- she thick

I look down while everyone stares

N- what if I smash
M- you get her no way
P- I can get her
A- not a chance
Z- jakey can get her
W- oh yeah you can you're single
J- I'm not single
C- he's single

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